• Member Since 16th Jan, 2015


I like to compose music and I'm trying my hand at fanfics.

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This story is a sequel to Sisterhood

The sirens' apartment is nothing special, but it is home. Ever since their failure at the Battle of the Bands it has been a safe haven for the powerless trio. No one knew where to find them. No one was even looking.

And then Sunset Shimmer moved in across the hall.

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Chapters (20)

This story is a sequel to Dazzle Robs a Bank

A little more than a week after the heist, Sunset Shimmer falls ill and stays home sick. This would make for an extraordinarily dull, sluggish day, so it's a good thing her favorite siren could swing by to help her get better! And, that's the only thing she's here to do.


Coverart by bznwow

Part of an ongoing series.
>Dazzle's Poor Career Choice
>Fluff and Kidnapping
>Dazzle Robs a Bank
>You Are Here
>Dungeons and Dazzles

Chapters (6)

After losing her powers at the Battle of the Bands, Adagio had separated herself from the Sirens and had spent the last several years adjusting to living as a regular individual in the human world. Attending the local community college for the new semester, she runs into Sunset Shimmer.

Written by: Lady Froey
Edited by: Madeline L-Equine, eLLen and gardrek
Cover art by: SILVERTRASH

Chapters (12)

Nobody has seen the Sirens since the Battle of the Bands, and nearly everyone is fine with that. Months later, Sunset Shimmer feels her entire life is going better then it ever was since the Fall Formal. She has her best friends, the school no longer hates her, and it's summer vacation.

One night on her way back home from band practice, she finds the three powerless Sirens who are now homeless. Deciding to be a nice person, she takes them in, but the question becomes how long will they stay? And what will happen to them in the future?

Commissioned by: Dashhole

Edited by The Myth and DBZorDie and InsanityCorps

Chapters (8)

Ever since you were young, you've always preferred the rainy days over the sunny ones. The key word is days at any other time, it's just annoying, especially in the evening. It gets too cold, too damp, and too obnoxious. To combat the cold, you grab your favorite blanket, a bowl of soup, and your favorite film, you were gonna ride out this night like you did every night.

That's until a bright orange blur catches your eye. It takes shelter under the bus stop across from your house. Everything in your being is telling you it's just another homeless person. But, this one wasn't like any hobo you've seen. Her clothes were somewhat clean and she didn't seem very unkempt. You can't help but investigate.

Edits and Proofreading By: The Fan Without a Face

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Once Monsters

Gazing out across the ocean has a way of affecting a person. The vastness of the sea might bring peace to a troubled spirit. Its depths can open doors to soul-searching introspection. Its eternity, for some, may evoke the ache of longing for loved-ones lost—and for others, the memory of home.

But then... what is home? Perhaps there's more than just one simple answer.

SunDagio intensifies.

If you haven't read any of the prior stories, you'll want to for the sake of some context for how these two got to where they are now. (An Open Door is the first.) And I'm opting for a slow release of the chapters this time around, unlike the daily cycle for Monsters. The full story is outlined, but the chapters will be prose'd-out and written one at a time.

Editing and idea-bouncing by Bookish Delight.
Additional pre-reading by Theigi.
(If you're into some deep history for the sirens Equestira-side, check out her thing. Seriously. Do it.)

Chapters (7)

After the battle of the bands adagio reliazes that she likes sunset shimmer not as a friend as a girl friend and trying to hide these emotions from her is hard!adagio realizes that if she wants to be with sunset she has to disconnect from her evil ways

Chapters (7)

It's the first day of Spring Break, so the Rainbooms and the Dazzlings decide where better to spend it then at the beach? While there, Sunset is asked by Adagio if she'd be willing to see something alone with her.

Why does this request both excite and terrify Sunset at the same time?

Many thanks to a bunch of wonderful people who aided me in this endeavor. Thanks to Harmony Charmer for all of her support in the creation of this fic, BRyeMC for the edits, Calm Wind for the cover art, and all those who read the fic and told me that they enjoyed it.

Chapters (1)

After being abandoned by her friends during christmas, Sunset Shimmer wanders the cold streets of town, alone, and with nowhere to go. After walking for hours, she eventually gives into the elements around her, only to be saved at the last second by the last ones she ever thought would help her.

Meanwhile, the truth about Anon-A-Miss has come out, and her five friends are desperately trying to find her so they can apologize for what they have done.

Chapters (19)