By Her Side

by Lady Froey

Chapter 12 - Another Morning


Adagio’s phone was blaring once again across her room, signifying that it was indeed another morning.

“Urrrghhh… That fucking alarm.”

Her hand hovered over to the bedside table while the phone was rattling along the wood surface. Picking it up, she winced from the brightness of the screen as she brought it up to her face and switched off the alarm.

Putting her phone aside, Adagio rubbed her eyes while making a small yawn.

She slowly got out of bed, ready to hit the shower, but the rumbling of her stomach stopped her along the way.

“Oh, fine. Just this morning though.”

Stepping out of her bedroom, she went into the kitchen and followed her first instinct to click on the coffee pot. She then picked a piece of bread out of the loaf sitting on top the fridge and popped it into the toaster.

While waiting for everything to prepare, she checked her phone notifications. As usual, nothing of interest was happening. She then placed the phone on the counter once her toast was done.

She spread some butter across the toasted bread, and quickly took a few bites with the occasional sip of her coffee.

That should hold her over until she got out of the shower.

Ready to head to the bathroom, Adagio stopped herself and went over to her bag that hung along a kitchen chair. She pulled out a container full of pills.

There was a half-filled glass of water sitting on the table overnight, which she brought beside her as she began to take down her pills one by one.

It was well over a year since her near death experience. Since then her life had changed, but at the same time it also felt largely the same. Taking pills to keep herself healthy was nothing more than a daily thing now next to her usual activities.

Finishing her pills, she took another few sips from her coffee cup and went into the bathroom.

One change in her morning ritual was that there was no scale in her bathroom anymore. Constantly looking at her weight every morning wasn’t going to make her lose it, and even if she were overweight she became more confident in her ‘fluff’ nowadays.

Taking off her pajamas, Adagio turned on the shower, getting the temperature just right and stepped in.

She took a minute just to stand in the shower, letting the warm air fill the bathroom. She closed her eyes.

It was a moment of peace for her, until…

“Morning sunshine.”

Sunset took Adagio by surprise, wrapping her arms around her stomach and pulling her in. She quickly nipped Adagio along her neck.

“I thought you wanted to sleep in this morning?” Adagio smiled, resting her head against Sunset’s shoulder.

“I did, but the smell of coffee kind of woke me up.”

“and…?” Adagio said.

Sunset bit her lip.

“And… I couldn’t keep myself from joining you this morning.” she smirked.

Of course, the biggest change in Adagio’s life was her girlfriend moving in. Sunset was there with her all throughout this time. Whether it was being there with her in the hospital, leaving and readjusting to her new life, dealing with the trauma of her past. Everything. Sunset was always there for her.


“Yeah?” Sunset said, pulling herself back.

“I love you.” Adagio smiled, turning around and planting her lips onto Sunset as they began to exchange kisses.

The morning could wait. Right now she just wanted to be with Sunset.


By her side.
