This story is a sequel to The Ultimate Alicorn
For thirty years, Twilight Sparkle has ruled Equestria single-hoofedly. For thirty years, she has managed the sun, the moon, the weather and the production of food all over Equestria. For thirty years, she has barely aged, with the combined might and extended lifespans of the deposed former triarchy, and the power of the Alicorn Amulet in her possession.
While the self-appointed Queen of Equestria continues to hold the population in a vicegrip of fear, and the land and seas begin to deteriorate, a secret uprising will form. Unbeknownst to Her Absolute Majesty, new foals are growing and developing their natural magic in secret. After a vision of the future by their mentor, and aided by an elderly recluse, a small band of young fillies and colts will scour the land of Equestria and beyond in search of the one remaining method to restore the world's magic.
Equestria has had enough. The reign of the ultimate alicorn must end.
Winner (long-runners category) of the Twyrant's Kingdom Competition.
Pre-read by JustAnotherTimeLord, The Albinocorn, NightWolf289, PaulAsaran, Comet Burst, MissingLink, Dash The Stampede, and FamousLastWords. Edited by NightWolf289, JustAnotherTimeLord, and Dash The Stampede.
Now featured on: Feature Box (08/01/14)
Equestria Daily!
Rated teen for violence and dark themes.
This story is 100% approved by Twilight's Library!