• Member Since 17th Feb, 2012


I should probably put something here, shouldn't I?

Read 116 stories
  • Read 116 stories
    Created by xTSGx
    - August, 2016
Found 111 stories in 79ms

Total Words: 2,336,739
Estimated Reading: 6 days



  • Featured 24814 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 250 stories Stories that have been reviewed

Featured on Equestria Daily
Featured on FiMFiction.
Review by Ghost Mike
Review by undead_wanderer
Chinese Translation by Disharmony Tree
Audio Book Version by StraightToThePointStudio.

It's been thirty years since Princess Twilight's coronation. Equestria, now with an abundance of heroes, has pretty much become as peaceful as its ever been—and with Luster Dawn coming to full grips with the magic of friendship, Twilight can finally relax.

At least, she would if it weren't for Cozy Glow escaping from her prison every other day.

Chapters (1)

In the wake of another hedonistic sleepover, the Cutie Mark Crusaders wile away the last of their weekend lounging about the clubhouse, reading comics, listening to music and stuffing their faces with junk food. However, their after party revelries come to a screeching halt when an unscheduled rainstorm rolls into Ponyville that turns creatures into twisted nightmares. There is much they don't know about the situation but one thing is clear: never touch the rain. Now stranded without adults by a storm seemingly without end, the three must try to survive in a leaky shelter on nothing but the leftovers of their sleepover aftermath. As the waters continue to rise, the status of Ponyville or even the Apple family, just yards away, remains unknown.

A comfy horror story based on childhood memories of rain, floods, parties and classic kids' games spawned from overactive imaginations.

Chapters (1)

Princess Cadance and her daughter Flurry Heart wake up... somewhere.

Takes place 16 years in the future

Chapters (6)

On Flurry Heart's twelfth birthday, Cadance tells her daughter she will never die.

Haunted by the loneliness of her young immortality, Flurry Heart finds unexpected solace in the only other pony who could possibly understand her — the filly preserved for eternity within the Gardens of Canterlot.

Flurry could not have forseen that an apparition of that filly would appear before her, and only her.

Something brought them together. Flurry intends to uncover what.

Written for the 4th Annual Cozy Glow Short Story Contest where it took second place!

Prompts used: Flurry Heart and Cozy Glow develop a strong friendship that turns into something more and Possessions.

Cover art illustrated by me.

Gracious reccomendation/review by:

Chapters (1)

A world with no alicorns is a world with no hope. But after years of searching, Sunburst might finally have found a little patch of sunlight.

Written for the QnS genre swap contest, second place winner.

TW: Some mild gore.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Canon Perpetuus, Canon Perpetuus, Canon Perpetuus

Twilight Sparkle, shocked with missing thinking
Sees a thing which did, just now, efface
Itself from all memory and meaning
But just how long has she been in this place?

Twilight Sparkle, shocked with missing thinking
Sees a thing which did, just now, efface
Itself from all memory and meaning
But just how long has she been in this place?

Twilight Sparkle, shocked with missing thinking
Sees a thing which did, just now, efface
Itself from all memory and meaning
But just how long has she been in this place?

Pseudo-experimental literary faffery; a vaguely Gödel, Escher, Bach influenced E-rated horror story in the round.

Created for the Thousand Words II contest in the "Horror" category.

Chapters (1)

Twilight was never comfortable with the decision made on that day. After a decade of cleaning up the messes her predecessors had left behind, she couldn't in good conscience leave another behind for whoever followed in her hoofsteps.

Written for the Thousand Words Contest II in the Horror category because sometimes you just gotta.

Featured 6/27/23-6/29/23
Well, okay then

And apparently A dramatic reading by StraightToThePointStudios
Think that's actually a first for me.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle is a happy pony. With the help of her friends she defeated Tirek. She has a shiny new castle, the kingdom is safe, and she knows the reason behind her ascension. What more could a young princess want?

She is happy, she tells herself as she digs through the ruins of her home. She is so happy she can barely smell the ashes any more.

But in those ashes she finds something unexpected: a small porcelain vase, and with it a decade's worth of unspoken questions. A mystery hiding beneath her hooves, waiting to be put to rest.

Winner of the November Writeoff event.

Chapters (1)

When Ponyville's pegasi suddenly bolt from the skies, Fluttershy endeavors to uncover the reason why.

This story was written for the Barcast's Halloween in April story contest.

Chapters (2)

Mayor Mare has a bathroom on the other side of Town hall she likes to visit for the privacy. However, one day she finds a door that previously didn't exist in the hall leading to. It is locked, and so she makes efforts to find out where it leads and how to open it.
Unfortunately for her, it goes places that aren't anywhere near Ponyville, and are dangerous to her home. As mayor, she has a duty to make sure that it remains closed, and the visitors from the other side can't get through.

Chapters (1)