• Member Since 17th Feb, 2012


I should probably put something here, shouldn't I?

Read Later, but They're Probably Dead 191 stories
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Total Words: 6,192,453
Estimated Reading: 2 weeks



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Banished to another reality by a vengeful Starlight Glimmer. Twilight ends up in a near copy paste version of the Equestria that she knows and loves…with one small difference, she doesn’t exist. Twilight played a huge role back in her Equestria. So what would happen to an Equestria that ended up losing its saviour years ago?

Attempting to figure out what makes this reality different from the one she was born in and what happened to the original Twilight Sparkle. Twilight tries to reunite with those that she was closest to and find a way to replicate Starlight’s spell to return back home. However things won’t be as easy as she had originally thought.

Though after spending time in this version of Equestria, making friendships and finding love. Will she really want to go back?

Note: More tags will be added later throughout the story when required. If a tag should be there though isn’t, please comment or DM and I will rectify this mistake.

Proofreader: Rainbow Sunbeam (chapter 5 only)

Chapters (12)

Almost six years have passed since Celestia's defeat at the hooves of Nightmare Moon. In these six years, Queen Nightmare Moon established Equestria's dominance over its neighbors under her iron hoof.

Just one week before the 6th Nox Eterna Festival, there are still underground insurgent groups opposing her. Among them, there is a terrorist known as "Ghost" who has grown increasingly active in the month leading to the festival.

Dusk Shine, pupil of Her Majesty Nightmare Moon, is assigned to aid the Lunar Inquisition in finding the "Ghost" where they last struck: Ponyville.

Edited by EverfreePony(chapters 1-3), Shadowghostalex (chapters 1-3),Cshard (chapter 4), Javarod(chapter 6) and TheAncientPolitzanian(chapter 6).

Cover art by the wonderful Mix-Up! Check out his Deviantart and YouTube channel for more of his art.

Chapters (6)

A series of stringed cases are popping up all over Ponyville. Lily is the only pony that knows of the origin. As a detective, she was assigned to look into the cases. It's easy to decipher between the real cases and the frauds, but explaining the difference is no easy task. Lily finds it difficult to manage these jobs while her friend Swift Wing is trying to involve himself in her life as much as he can. If he learns of the truth it will send them spiraling down a path of no return. In order to protect him, she needs to keep him in the dark.

A big thank you to my pre-reader: Kren_Oris

Chapters (8)

The tradition of sky mining stretches back to the pre-unification days of history. In ages past the ultra-light metal was used to clad mighty pegasai warriors. These days it's used more for weather machines, blenders, and other such modern applications. Still, even with safety innovations, the harsh conditions of the mesosphere are dangers best left to professionals.

For generations the mesosphere has attracted every shade of pony: the ones just looking for a rush, the ones looking to make their fortune, and those seeking to burn out up where the stars tear themselves apart.

One group, stationed in a dusty office in Ponyville, harvests the local skies while trying to balance their lives and team cohesion.

Chapters (4)

When an childhood friend of Twilight's is killed, she and her friends find themselves in a race against time to find the murderer and the secrets they hold. With each step leading further into a forgotten history, Twilight must uncover a secret long buried and prevent an ancient prophecy from coming to pass and erasing a thousand years of harmony.

Chapters (2)

Weeks after the return of Nightmare moon, Luna is haunted with the memories and the horror, that had once consumed her heart. Will Luna be able to defeat the darkness that still haunts her at night. Will the Elements of Harmony be able to defeat the darkness that is consuming the castle.

Chapters (2)

"The moon." Laura said quietly.
"What about it?" Dice asked.
"It has not moved." Both ponies looked up.
"Do you hear that?" Dice looked around. "Is somepony... moaning?" Laura stood motionless, staring at a figure underneath a flickering streetlight. Dice followed her gaze.
"Hello?" Laura called. The figure turned, it was a young colt, he twitched and began moving towards them. The closer he stepped the louder his groaning became.
"Take it easy there, buddy." Dice said. The colt opened his mouth, his teeth were red. His eyes were blank. He did not stop moving.
"Dice." Laura said briskly. "Run."
When the world is basked in eternal night, a new plague spreads among the ponies of Equestria, turning them into living dead. The last survivors must fight through the hordes to reach Canterlot to put and end to the insanity.

Chapters (9)

A batpony searches for a universal truth while strolling down '50s downtown Manehattan.

Chapters (1)

These days the world is unfair and its just getting harder to just Live so I looked into the Conversion Bureau and liked what they offered me. Today is the day I change, and tomorrow I am stuck changing.

Chapters (1)

Sometimes it takes a swift, metaphorical kick to the head to realize that what is painfully obvious.

Twilight has always been a tame, bookish pony who preferred the calmness of an afternoon inside with the story of her choice to the chaos of any kind of party or night out. Unfortunately for the violet pony, her new title and appendages have ruined any chance of keeping her life the way it was. Further complicating things, as Twilight struggles to accept her new life and responsibilities, she comes across a chance encounter with a rip in reality. This sends her tumbling into an strange adventure and realization that, maybe, things change for a reason.

Chapters (2)