• Member Since 1st Sep, 2013

Eyeswirl the Weirded


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This is a canon side-story to Sucker for a Cute Face.

When Fluttershy learns that her girlfriend is making poison in the basement, she hurries to intervene!

She never expected to discover that Adagio is a witch.

Written with both the permission and generous assistance of Eyeswirl the Weirded! Takes place some three months after the events of Sucker for a Cute Face. No knowledge of the story is necessary to enjoy this one.

Artwork commissioned from AmazingPuffhair. Check them out on DA!

Chapters (1)

Adagio Dazzle wants to be heard.

Sunset Shimmer is in the unique position to listen.

My entry into Oroboro's Changing Seasons contest

Special thanks to Undome Tinwe for editing!

Chapters (1)

For the last month, Rainbow and Adagio have been clashing in the school corridors, battling with insults, wit and innuendo. Each time, Rainbow has lost the exchange, and ended up outsmarted and embarrassed in front of everyone. But today, she’s determined that won’t happen. She has a plan, and she’ll win at last!

She's excited to tell her friends about it, knowing it'll be the most awesome thing she's done since the Friendship Games, but mentioning that doesn’t go down as well as she expects. Why is everyone else so reluctant to talk about those events? They might be friends with the Shadowbolts now, but why would mentioning beating them in the Games make her friends so uncomfortable?

This story takes place sometime after Friendship Games, and contains spoilers for it. It probably works better sometime before Legend Of Everfree, but since that wouldn’t really affect the plot either way, it doesn’t matter, and there aren’t any spoilers here for that film. I've tagged the Shadowbolts because they and Sci-Twi come up a lot in conversation, but they don't appear.

There's the very occasional bit of slightly stronger language than you might find in the show, as the title might suggest, but I'd hardly call it NSFW. The title, on that note, fits the story better with the British English meaning of the word.

Chapters (2)

Adagio Dazzle is everything Trixie ever wanted to be. Confident. Commanding. Drop-dead gorgeous. Magical.
From the moment Trixie felt the tug of Siren's power and saw Adagio she felt deep in her heart that something was missing in her life.
And the only way to get it is to win the Battle of the Bands.

Note: This is Adagio/Trixie shortfic that sort of just came to me uninvited and demanded I write it down.
Contains alternate events during Rainbow Rocks time.
Contains no clop, but does reference girls having angry, passionate, love-hate sex.

Chapters (2)

Every day for the past few days, a mournful song has been coming out of the alleyway beside the rescue shelter Fluttershy works at. She finally braves the scary alleyway, concerned for the possibly injured creature, but is surprised by who she has found.

Maybe, if she can show Sonata Dusk just a little bit of kindness, she can turn the poor girl's life around.

Edited by Level Dasher.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Messenger

Sunset Shimmer has found herself spending a great deal of time with the Dazzlings as of late, as they adjust to their new life-after-magic. Though, considering what the four of them used to be, does she really know Adagio as well as she thinks?

A big thanks to Bookish Delight for collaborative help with vetting my ideas, supplying a few, authorial advice, editing, and general encouragement throughout the process here.

And thanks, as usual, to Csquared08 for additional pre-reading and some brief technical input.

Teen for occasional language, alcohol references and light intimacy.

Chapters (5)

Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, and Moondancer are the top students in Celestia's School For Gifted Unicorns. One is a dedicated bookworm with a love of learning, other is an outcast full of ambition, while the last one just wants to enjoy life... a lot.

Connected with unlikely friendship, together, they fight crime live their lives, one day at a time.

(Sometimes they fight crime, too)

While it is set in Stallionverse, knowledge of previous stories is not required (you'll miss a joke or two at worst).

Teen rating and sex tag for slightly edgier humor, innuendos and Moondancer.

Guest chapters provided by the ever talented Eyeswirl the Weirded. You can't hug him through internet (you can try), so give him love by checking his stuff- quality guaranteed.
My own chapters are edited by the ever kind and generous Docontra, whose patience knows no bounds.

Chapters (52)

Everypony is her own worst critic, but few take it to the extreme that Derpy does. Still, where friendship and magic abound, a helping hoof is never far away, if only she'll reach out and take it.

Featured on Equestria Daily!

Thanks to PresentPerfect and NTSTS for feedback.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Stallions of Harmony - Longest Night

Life wasn't easy for Thunderlane. Since losing his parents, his life was reduced to work, caring for his little brother, work, dealing with Rainbow Dash, work, his questionable relationship with Blossomforth, work and even more Rainbow Dash. Not even Nightmare Moon's Everlasting Night changed that.

Just when it seemed like it won't end, his life was hit by a certain Lightning...

Other tag stands for Blossomforth (who has no tag), Cloud Kicker and Raindrops (who both have, but there's a limit).

Chapters (17)

This story is a sequel to Stallions of Harmony - Longest Night

After discovering power of friendship and saving Equestria from everlasting night, Prince Blueblood, the bearer of Element of Magic, became a new stallion. But before he can truly become Ponyville's newest resident, he has to do something he rarely did before:


It can't be that hard... right?

Chapters (2)