Adagio Dazzle is everything Trixie ever wanted to be. Confident. Commanding. Drop-dead gorgeous. Magical.
From the moment Trixie felt the tug of Siren's power and saw Adagio she felt deep in her heart that something was missing in her life.
And the only way to get it is to win the Battle of the Bands.
Note: This is Adagio/Trixie shortfic that sort of just came to me uninvited and demanded I write it down.
Contains alternate events during Rainbow Rocks time.
Contains no clop, but does reference girls having angry, passionate, love-hate sex.
A clop of AdagioxTrixie would be interesting to see though xD Usually you see her with Sunset...(and that goes for Trixie and Adagio)
I don't think I've ever seen a story in which Trixie actually wins her over, and in a manner perfectly befitting Trixie, at that! That might have something to do with Adagio only having been using her to start and the general interpretation that it was a one-sided, purely physical attraction if anything at all, but still.
I remember that "This is bound to cause some shipping" picture from way back when, but this ship has surprisingly little going for it.
Anyway, Trixie becoming a siren and helping them conquer (or at least enthrall) the world together might not be a 'good' ending, but I'll take it!
In Rainbow Rocks it's obvious that the Dazzlings are using mind control magic, as indeed the Sirens did in the original Greek myths on which the Dazzlings are based. It's also obvious that Trixie is one of their primary targets -- probably because she has power, but also emotional weaknesses that make her easy to manipulate if one has the right abilities and inclinations.
Though my Humanoid Trixie is straight and only demisexual (and has a huge crush on her mentor Humanoid Piercing Gaze, to boot), I think that the affect of the Dazzling's mind control on her was erotic as well. FIrst of all, because that's how the Sirens operate, and secondly, because it's not just a raw sexual desire but a combined yearning for love and fame. In Trixie's case, probably heavy on the "fame."
Your description of what it feels like to fall under the Siren Song is excellent.
I love the idea of Trixie having an uncle Firehazard. From An Extended Performance (with regards of course to Pony rather than Humanoid Trixie) ...
These are 20-year-old Pony Trixie's thoughts. 17-year-old Humanoid Trixie is probably no more, and likely considerably less, responsible than that -- not only is Pony Trixie older but she's been on the road alone for years, and is still alive despite this. Humanoid Trixie is a high school girl, and much more innocent in the unpleasant aspects of life than is the itinerant showmare.
FORMATTING: You need to separate your paragraphs either by indent or line break. FIMFiction does not handle indents as well as it does line breaks, as you've probably noticed by now. I seriously urge you to more clearly separate your paragraphs: you're creating an unnecessary obstacle to reading the story by not doing so. Your paragraph structure is fine; it's purely a presentation issue.
6955815 Thanks!
Your approval means a lot, especially since I got inspired to write it by the "Sucker for a Cute Face"
Hah! Called it right on the "sex versus fame" lure issue regarding Trixie.
As the song puts it
... Seduced by phantom treasure / Riches, fame and pleasure ...
The part where Adagia gets really physical is especially hot and nasty (in both senses of that term) when one remembers that Adagio is actually an immortal evil predator, not a sexually-precocious late-teens girl. Compared to her, Trixie -- either yours or mine -- is but an innocent child with an unfortunate prediliction for boasting. (My Trixie is probably more violent but less sexual than your Trixie, but it's hard to tell because Adagio is of course playing on her emotions with her Siren powers).
I'm glad you remembered Fuschia Blush and Lavender Lace, and their reaction to Trixie's plan is pretty much as I imagined it. Dropping a rival band over six feet onto a concrete floor is a crazy thing to do simply to win a musical contest, crazy at Misfits vs. Holograms levels (and the Misfits were of course the ones to do that sort of thing in the Jem series). In my world they really like Trixie, but the Trixie they befriended was a colorful, fantastic and talented braggart, not a vicious thug.
Trixie gets suspicious of her own actions because Trixie is smart, and she can see (especially because the Illusions are pointing it out to her) that she's acting Out Of Character. Unfortunately, she succumbs anyway. Either fortunately, or more unfortunately, she learns the Sirens' magic and bascially becomes the Humanoid equivalent of one anyway. Complete with her own minions. Heh-heh-heh.
Very well done -- you've written erotic horror! And created what amounts to an interesting alternate universe.
You might consider the AU tag, but of course that might give away something of the ending. Which is quite beautifully shocking, the way you've written it.
Especially to a Trixie fan like me.
I'm typically guilty of using Trixie's infatuation for comic effect where Adagio is concerned, so it's nice to see something to balance that out a bit.
6955890 as I said somewhere, sirens are essentially MLP equivalent of a vampire. They are immortal sexy predators that hide in the crowd, feed on humans and mess with your mind.
So, yes, there definitely are elements of horror. Otherwise you just not using the potential of the situation, and essentially get Twilight (not the pony Twilight, the book Twilight)
But that's good -- you actually get that the Dazzlings are monsters. Cute, sexy monsters -- but in their case, that's part of their POWER.
Also, you did the opposite of the "hero/ine redeems the Dazzlings" story. You had Adagio succeed in corrupting Trixie -- and succeed far more thoroughly than Adagio probably imagined possible.
6956006 dude, seriously, spoilers, please.
This tag exists for a reason, use it.
Sorry, fixed it!
The weird thing about Twilight is that Bella's situation actually is horrific -- she's just too much of a ditz to realize it.
6956011 hmm... is it?
I only read the first book, but I don't really remember much horrible stuff happening. I mean, yes, she gets attacked by the monsters, but at least Cullens try to protect her, so she's essentially better off than regular clueless mortals.
I brought up Twilight precisely because it essentially has castrated non-monstrous vampires, AFAIK. Edward is no more similar to classical predatory archetype than Count from the Sesame Street.
A good first chapter. Seeing Trixie fall underneath Adagio's spell, both metaphorically and literally is fairly neat, and yet you remind us that for all her ego, she's still a teenage girl with her interactions with her mother at the end. Could use some of Trixie's tagalongs though (Fuchsia Blush and Lavender Lace)!
And colour me surprised because Trixie's friends were included.
Now I wonder if this is a true bad guys win fic, or if they've just delayed the inevitable as Sunset Shimmer layeth the smackdown on them. Is Trixie merely a pawn that the Dazzlings have found has a greater use than the normal teenage girl, or is she somebody who transcended her limitations and is now on even footing with them?
I'm not sure what to call this? Erotic horror?
As long as it's not "horrific error" I'm good.
Lol 20 frets on that flying V
Nice piece. A good way to blend horror and romance. How appropriate that Trixie in both universes should gain more magical power and become more evil through a red gem on her neck.
The 'horrible stuff' that happens is Bella and Edward's relationship, not the bad guy attacks.
Try reading the Sporking of Twilight for an in-depth explanation. Or just consider exactly how the two people involved actually treat each other when you strip away the book's attempts to make excuses for them.
Yeah, their romance is god-awful, but it's not something that "happened" to Bella, it's something she merrily skipped towards. I think the implication even is that she can step off the vampire train any time she wants, at least until she gets pregnant and vampirised herself.
I read the sporkings (well, I am in the process of reading them now), and I must admit you're right.
This shit is downright terrifying - the Eclispe is just.... I've no words. This is fucked up.
Glad you're enjoying or at least finding it hard to put down my recommendation. You can take comfort in knowing you've written a probably healthier relationship here... despite knowingly, successfully making it a horror piece.
Sorry typo correction. "Probably healthier" not "Probably healthy".
Yeah, I figured as much.
Also, thanks to you (and the sporkings) I doodled a few Twilight-esque continuations of the fic. Probably won't publish them for quite a while, though.
At first I thought it was going to change the canon of the move but you surprised me with the twist of Trixie being brainwashed. I liked it.
Very impressed at the presence of the latin plural, but I think that usage would lean towards the casual speech plural of 'plectrums.'
Or is it all a deeper layer of Trixie's ego/pretentiousness/formality?
No, I just love proper Latin plurals. They're nifty.
And since its third person limited, I get to use them even if character wouldn't
Great story! Not sure how I feel about the change in Trixie towards the end. It was definitely unexpected, and it worked in the story, it just also took it in quite a different direction. Which isn't a bad thing, just, hmmmm. Perhaps it's just the idea of Adagio being impressed with Trixie I find so strange. Or perhaps the sirens/vampires comparison hadn't really occurred to me before, and so took a while to get my head around.
Fantastic job though. Nobody, fic or actual show, has ever made me like Trixie before, but this managed it. I'm not sure I've ever seen such an openly predatory or in-control Adagio before, that worked really well. As others have said, the portrayal of how it must feel to be enthralled was really well written. Awesome.
Pretty good so far. Excellent look into someone falling under the Dazzling's spell. Especially Trixie.
Damn, one hell of an ending. Awesomely written. Looks like Adagio has a new 'playmate', and some new minions in Fuchsia and Lavender. Quite delicious. :D
Reading this again, a thought occurred to me: If Trixie is under their spell here, why isn't anyone else acting like this?
Were there other increasingly obsessed victims of their spell that we didn't see (they wouldn't have been as much fun to watch as Trixie anyway), or was Trixie's unique personality combined with the sirens' influence what led to this result?
It's a bit of both - first Trixie over-reacted to the siren's spell, and then Adagio just couldn't resist playing with her food.
And maybe there just was something in Trixie herself that was pre-disposed towards the siren's magic, I haven't decided. There are some hints towards that in the text.
I guess that makes sense. Trixie was (as far as we know) the only one to actually approach the sirens (being very Trixie about it in the process) after the cafeteria bit, and if she was the only one acting that way, it's no surprise that the sirens would make the most of her. They couldn't have picked a better thrall/addition to the group!
This fic has been reviewed by myself in the Blunt Reviews Group! Check my opinion by clicking here.
Hello, my good author. I am not even going to beat around the bush on this one. Your story made it into the Reviewers Cafe with the highest score possible
Click here if you want to see what I had to say
I absolutely loved it btw
Wow. Thanks!
I may give a longer more thought out review since we try to keep them short in the Cafe
Unfortunately, I overhyped this story and my fellow reviewers took a look. It didn't make it. Click on the old link to see the edited review
Important thing was that you liked the story.
And I was kinda very shaky with English direct speech and punctuation rules when I started writing, so that's kinda fair.
Just to say, I reread this yesterday, and it remains a really good story. And I'm pleased to say that when Trixie showed up in season 6, I was glad to see her. That's never happened to me before, and this story is the main reason why, so thanks
I'm very happy that you liked my story!
Hey, I went over this story with some careful editing, and hopefully, I have fixed most of the punctuation and article issues.
Since you liked the story - perhaps you're willing to give it another go in the Reviewer's Cafe?
I'll give it a look. I'm happy that you decided to resubmit.
I don't know about anyone else but I am interested in seeing where this would go. Too bad it was just a two chapter thing, unless there is a chance you are going to write a sequel.. . . at all.
A story in the same continuity is in the works. Will be a fairly long time before it's published, though.
Damn. Colour me impressed. The writing flows incredibly well, the characters are totally understandable and the imagery is on point. If I had to make a complaint, it would be that the formatting of line breaks between paragraphs is inconsistent but that's trivial. Great work.
Wow. This was awesome. I don't generally like "bad endings" in stories, but this was so compellingly written and so charged with sensuality that I can't fault you for it at all.
After most of the story follows the plot of Rainbow Rocks so closely, I was definitely caught by surprise to see the mentions of Trixie's claws and the blood pooling at her neck, but it certainly worked. A very believable way things could have panned out and a very enjoyable read. Thank you for it!