• Member Since 2nd Jan, 2018
  • offline last seen June 23rd


I hope you enjoy my blend of stories with a dash of innovation to spice things up.

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Comments ( 21 )
  • Viewing 2 - 21 of 21

You're not wrong. Just wish there were more of 'em.

Good Vore stories are to be treasured.

Glad you liked my story about Celestia's ass eating Twilight. :P

Yeah sure.

Just to clarify one thing:
Could I PM you on this account as well?

I want to apologize for not responding, been having trouble stabilizing myself into a steady routine. But to answer your question, yes, yes I am, but I'd like for you to read the request portion of this blog post as it details my policy on requests.

Do you take requests for stories for this account?

Thank you for the favorite on Flurry in Time! I'm glad you're enjoying it:twilightsmile:

I know, not everyone like certain stories , I am fine with that. The whole point of this is just to get people to read it and if they like it, that great.
Those are all my card on the table and my feelings.
Thank you for the comments.

You have an interesting premise for a story and I harp on that shit faster than I do for mac and cheese. You're welcome.

Thank you for the fav

At least you put your cards on the table.

No ten stories in and BAM!

You're knee deep in fetish.

Don't mention it.

You're story on Brave Frontier interested me.

Thanks for the watch! What made you decide to follow me?

Thank you for adding Anon-a-Miss Remastered to your favourites. I hope you enjoy it.

Ah I see, again, thank you so much. I hope I don't disappoint :ajsmug:

I more or less favorited and followed because I wanted to keep up with the story so I can read it some time later. When I do read it, I'll give you some feedback.

  • Viewing 2 - 21 of 21
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