• Member Since 10th May, 2014
  • offline last seen Sunday


Sunset Shimmer is my crush!!

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Found 4 stories in 105ms

Total Words: 217,741
Estimated Reading: 14 hours

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Hitch has long had feelings for Sunny. After seeing her and Izzy kiss, he gets some advice from Pipp. When he reveals his feelings to Sunny, he finds out a few things he never knew about. This is only going to be a few chapters. Inspired by: With, and Without You by Hakuno.

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This story is a sequel to The Trial Continues

Sunset has been through so much with The Fall Formal, The Battle of the Bands, and Anon-A-Miss. Now this story will take Sunset through more adventures. She will find love, as well as make new friendships.

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This story is a sequel to Sunset's Trial

A week after Sunset's Trial ends and the day after the Battle of the Bands (Rainbow Rocks) Sunset now has new trials to face. Now she has friends she can count on both here and in Equestria. Or does she? Also new threats are on the horizon and old ones will come back to haunt her.

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Sunset is trying to come to terms with what she has done. She ends up dealing with guilt, depression, and trying to understand friendship. Can Vice Principal Luna, and the Mane 5 help Sunset with her feelings, bullying and life in general.

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