• Published 16th Feb 2021
  • 2,774 Views, 177 Comments

The Trial Continues - Zerocool7785

This takes place A week after Sunset's Trial and the day after the Battle of the Bands. Sunset now as a new trials to deal with.

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Trixie's Revelation

Author's Note:

I know this chapter may seem a little all over the place but sets up for a big reveal.

For Sunset morning came way too early. Luna walked into the bedroom and tried to wake Sunset. She got a pillow flung at the door. Luna was not going to put up with it. She went and pulled the covers down and took the pillows off the bed.

“Mom, I don’t want to go to school. Let me stay here please.” Sunset whined.

“K-N-O-W.” Luna replied.

“That spells know.” Sunset replied still groggy.

“That is my answer NO. Now get your ass out of bed!!” Luna yelled leaving the room.

Walking down the hall, Chrysalis stopped Luna in the living room. “You were a little mean to her don’t you think?” Chrysalis asked.

“No, every morning it is a battle to get her out of bed. I am about to try the frozen marble trick Chrysalis.” Luna said walking into the kitchen to get coffee, she needed her caffeine.

Chrysalis also poured herself a cup of coffee. “Luna have you tried not fueling the drama and give her something to look forward too. Maybe the fact that the whole school doesn’t hate her now.” She said.

“I could try that Chrys thanks for the idea.” Luna thought as Sunset came in the kitchen.

“I’m sorry about this morning honey but I need to get you up, we have a farther drive today to get to school. After school we are gonna get our clothes and head home.” Luna informed her.

“But mom Gilda is still out there somewhere!” Sunset exclaimed.

“Sunset I have it on good authority that she won’t be bothering you for a long time.” Chrysalis said.

“Did they catch her?” Sunset asked as she made herself some cereal.

“No they didn’t but I have it on good authority she has been dealt with.” Chrysalis said taking a sip of coffee.

“Whose authority? That weird cigarette smoking man you have been meeting with? Plus what do you mean dealt with, was she killed or something?” Sunset questioned Chrysalis.

“Sunset I can’t go into detail, just trust me it’s safe.” Chrysalis told her.

“Mom Friday Night I won’t be coming home with you. Rarity wants me to model dresses and insists that she has got the perfect dress for me to wear to homecoming.” Sunset told her.

“Are you still going with Trixie?” Luna asked.

“Awww Sunset has a girlfriend.” Chrysalis teased.

“Ewww no. I didn’t have a date like my friends and Trixie said I can’t sit at home. I was hoping to come here and play video games”. Sunset said.

“Sweetie you really should go to the dance and do some normal teenage things.” Chrysalis said.

“Last time I went to a dance it didn’t go real well.” Sunset said remembering the fall formal.

“Really?” Luna asked.

Sunset looked up at Luna to say are you crazy? Sunset sat looking at Luna and wanted to scream no it didn’t.

“I think it went great. You got a mom, two aunts and five friends as close as sisters and another one you are getting along with too.” Luna said.

“I guess it did huh?” Sunset asked out loud. Not realizing she said that outloud. She looked up and saw both Luna and Chrysalis staring at her smiling and nodding at her.

“But we can reminisce later, Sunset you got school, I got work and I am sure Chrysalis does too.” Luna said putting her empty coffee cup in the dishwasher.

“Yeah let’s go I want to talk to Rarity at school. Doing the outfit modeling on Friday might be kinda tough. With the dance that night.” Sunset said.

“Well you can express your concern to Rarity at school. “ Luna said.

The drive to school was longer than it was from Luna’s apartment. Sunset was starting to fall asleep when they arrived at school. Luna gave her a little nudge. Sunset shook her head a little as she woke up.

“Wake up honey.” Luna said sweetly and gently. Sunset just smiled at Luna being sweet to her.

Sunset saw Applejack at the statue, so she went to hang with her friends as Luna went to her office.

“You’re always here early.” Sunset remarked walking up to Applejack.

“If ya live and work on a farm, ya’ll get up early.” Applejack told her.

“That was true the day I stayed with you, for the harvest.” Sunset said remembering the harvest.

“That thar was a special occasion.” Applejack remarked.

Shortly after that Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash arrived. Pinkie Pie showed up next. Finally the one Sunset was waiting for arrived: Rarity. Sunset walked over to her and gave her a hug.

“Rarity doing the dresses on Friday after school…”Sunset started.

“I know I realized that Friday won’t work with the dance so what do you say to coming over Thursday instead?” Rarity asked Sunset as they walked over to the other girls.

“Oooo what;s going on Thursday? Is it the fact that it is the day before Friday? Because Friday makes me so happy.” Pinkie said, almost jumping up and down.

“No Pinkie I’m helping Rarity.” Sunset said,

“With your tour? Wait, how can Rarity help you with the tour?” Pinkie asked.

“I’m going to model some dresses for her.” Sunset said.

“Yes and then I want to choose a good one for the dance this Friday. Also one that Sunset would look divine in.” Rarity said.

“Ok how about we fast forward to Thursday then?” Asked Pinkie Pie.

“Wait guys first we need to talk in the music room I have to tell you about this weekend.” Sunset said. With that the girls all headed to the music room. Sunset had them all sit down.

She went over the whole thing with DCF and how the thought Luna was abusing her. All the girls were shocked. Pinkie’s hair even deflated. The girls just looked at each other and finally Applejack spoke up.

“Is this about the incident I’m not supposed to speak about?” Applejack said realizing she just slipped up.

“What incident was that?” Asked Rainbow Dash.

Taking a deep breath Sunset put her hands together and closing her eyes she decided to tell the girls about the fight. Sunset came clean to her friends about the argument and the night Luna slapped her. Including the events at Applejack’s farm.

“Sunny please tell me you don’t still cut?” Pinkie asked getting up and grabbing Sunset’s hands.

“No but I really want too, my life freaking’ sucks.” Sunset replied, dropping her head.

Pinkie put her hand on Sunset’s chin and lifted her head. “Sunny please I don’t want to see you down in the dumps like this.” Pinkie said looking into Sunset’s eyes and smiled really big. Sunset couldn’t help but smile back a little bit. Pinkie was so happy she wrapped Sunset in a big hug.

“Sunny that’s what I want to see, is you smiling.” Pinkie said her hair inflating again.

“Rarity I’m gonna come home with you on Thursday and model those dresses. Fluttershy I’ll be there Saturday to help out at the shelter.” Sunset said.

“Darlings we better get out books and stuff, classes will be starting soon.” Rarity said. With that all the girls except Rainbow Dash went to their lockers. Then they split until lunch with Applejack and Sunset heading to science.

For Sunset the day went by pretty fast until the last period of the day which was a study hall. Trixie sat down across the table at the library and smiled and nudged Sunset slightly.

“Hi Trixie.” Sunset replied.

“Can we talk in private Sunset?” Sunset nodded and the girls headed to the back of the library. Sunset turned around against the bookcase and Trixie leaned against the other bookcase.

“Sunset I have to ask, are you ok with this?” Trixie motioned between her and Sunset.

“I’m not following.” Sunset replied.

“I mean about you and I and the dance.” Trixie asked.

“I’m fine with it ,we're going to the dance as friends. You didn’t want me sitting home that night, and if I want to show people that I have changed then maybe I should show up at a dance and not destroy the front of the school, or hypnotize the whole student body.” Sunset said.

“Well don’t turn into a she-demon and we will be fine.” Trixie told her, immediately regretting what she said as soon as she said it. Sunset looked hurt and just dropped her head and started to walk away. Trixie went after her.

“Sunset.” Trixie said. Sunset grabbed her bag and headed out of the library despite Ms. Harshwhinny’s objections. Sunset ran down the hall and into Luna’s office before she let any tears fall. She sat in the chair and let her tears fall but she wasn't gonna cry.

“Sunset, honey what’s wrong?” Luna asked, seeing Sunset about to cry.

“Mommy.” Was the only word Sunset got out before she started to break.
Shooting up from her chair Luna ran over to console Sunset.

“Fucking Trixie.” Sunset sobbed out as Luna wrapped her arms around Sunset holding her head close to her chest. Sunset finally cried now that her mom was holding her. It dawned on her the students were never gonna forgive her.

More than anything it dawned on her that Gilda was right about what she said in the warehouse that night. ”Those student’s want you gone, so they can get back to the way things were. But I know the truth there is no going back. You’ve changed things forever.”

Just then there was a knock on Luna’s door. She let go of Sunset who quickly wiped her eyes and Luna went over to open the door. Her blood pressure almost skyrocketed seeing Trixie standing there looking sad.

“Come in Trixie I was about to call for you.” Luna said standing aside letting her walk in.

“Have a seat.” Luna said still be cordial to Trixie. Trixie sat down next to Sunset putting her backpack down next to her chair.

“Now maybe you can tell me why my daughter came in here in tears and said ‘Effiin Trixie’ I want to hear this.” Luna said.

Trixie told her everything that happened in the library.

“Trixie, Sunset is trying to put that behind her. She has turned her life around, I thought you and her were friends I guess not.” Luna said.

“Friends? I was hoping for more. I guess you’re not into girls' Sunset? My stupidity was hoping for that.” Trixie replied. Luna and Sunset sat in shock for a second. Trixie had just admitted she was a lesbian. Then Sunset decided to ask something.

“Trixie, did you just come out to me?” She asked.

Trixie sat looking at the floor, but slowly looked up at Sunset with tears on her cheeks and looking extremely upset and just slowly nodded. Sunset looked at Trixie and realized she just broke her heart. Sunset felt like she had been punched in the stomach.

“Trixie I just broke your heart and it feels like someone punched me in the stomach.”

“Sunset…” Trixie began.

“NO, just stop. No matter what I do, I end up hurting people. See this is why I should have died in that crater. Why couldn’t Twilight have left me there?” Sunset lamented.

“SUNSET SHIMMER!! Will you stop that shit about wanting to die. You know how bad that hurts me??!!” Luna yelled at Sunset. Even Trixie jumped and shot up from her chair.

Luna was standing up leaning forward with her hands placed firmly on her desk, a look of rage focused on Sunset. Sunset looked back at her with the same look and decided to go at it with Luna.

“Big surprise there. All I do is hurt people, you Trixie, my other “friends”. I am better off dead, why couldn’t my parents have killed me, why couldn’t I have died in the streets of Canterlot? Why couldn’t I…” Sunset almost collapsed.

Luna ran around the desk and caught her and Trixie felt very uneasy. “Vice-Principal Luna I’m gonna go now.” Trixie said kind of embarrassed. Luna just nodded at her.

Trixie left feeling depressed and embarrassed. She came out to a girl she wanted to be in a relationship with and it upset her. Trixie left the school and walked home fast. The last thing she had wanted to do was upset Sunset. Sunset was wrong; she
didn’t hurt Trixie, Trixie hurt her.

Trixie walked over to the school garden passing no one except a green haired girl that she really paid no attention to. Once there Trixie sat down on the ground and wrapped her arms around her legs. She bowed her head against her legs, and let herself grieve.

“The great and powerful Trixie. What a joke.” Trixie thought.