• Published 16th Feb 2021
  • 2,774 Views, 177 Comments

The Trial Continues - Zerocool7785

This takes place A week after Sunset's Trial and the day after the Battle of the Bands. Sunset now as a new trials to deal with.

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Season Finale Part 1

Author's Note:

This takes place right after Anon-a-miss. It is also Christmas Eve at this time.

Sunset sat on the back porch of Applejack’s porch watching Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie having a snowball fight. Her mind went over the last week and how she had been hurt by her “friends”.

Rarity came outside and saw Sunset sitting alone on the back porch. “Sunset Darling we are about to open presents. Don’t you want to come in?”

“No I don’t Rarity. I’d rather have dental surgery without novocain. It would be less painful than last week, mainly Wednesday to Friday.” Sunset replied, getting up to leave.

“Sunset, why are you leaving?” Asked Rarity.

“It’s the company.” Sunset replied.

“Sunset just give me a chance to explain.” Rarity began as she started down the steps after her.

“Oh just like you gave me?” Sunset replied.

Rarity didn’t say anything back. She knew Sunset was right. Rarity had not given her a chance, none of her friends had. Wednesday after the photos were put online that everyone turned on her and it took off for Thursday and Friday.

Sunset just sauntered away and started to leave the property not wanting to be around her so called friends. As she passed the front of the house her mom who had been invited to the party noticed she was leaving. Luna quickly told Apple Cinnamon to hold on a sec and went racing out onto the front sidewalk. Rarity and the rest of the Rainbooms joined Luna.

“Sunset please stop darling, we are trying to make amends with you. What is it going to take?” Rarity asked.

“Sugar cube listen…” Applejack said, stepping forward. She quickly stepped back seeing Sunset make a fist.

“Now Sunset, come inside it’s freezing out here.” Luna said,

“Yeah sunny we got a nice warm fire inside and we are gonna exchange presents. And play a few games and…” Pinkie Pie began.

“Pinkie do me a favor SHUT THE HELL UP!!” Sunset yelled her anger boiling over. Pinkie stepped back and the other Rainbooms were in shock. Sunset hadn’t been like this since before the fall formal. Even Luna was in shock.

Sunset walked over to Pinkie and asked in a serious tone. “Pinkie, have you ever read the bible?” Pinkie, not sure where this was going, just nodded her head scared of the girl in front of her.

“Good there is this passage I memorized Ezekiel 25:17. "The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness. For he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon you." Sunset said, backing Pinkie Pie up and raising a fist.

Rainbow Dash jumped in front of Pinkie Pie real quick and stood face to face with Sunset. “You need to drop it now missy or Dash 3:16 is gonna say “I just whooped your ass.”

We fucked up majorly. I get it. Your aunt’s associates hacked the website trying to find out who it was around the same time Friday night that our sisters admitted it to us. We are bitches granted but threatening Pinkie Pie goes back to the old Sunset. You don’t want that. None of us wants that.” Rainbow Dash told her.

“HAHAHA Rainbow Dash the last few days have shown me I was never your friend. I was Twilight’s charity case. One look and you assume that I went back to my old ways. Just leave me alone.” With that, Sunset turned and walked away.

Rainbow Dash started to go after her. But Luna grabbed her shoulder.

“Rainbow let her go. I’ll talk to her. She’s really upset.” Luna said.

Sunset wandered off to the park. For three days her life had gone back to a living hell. It was the aftermath of the Fall Formal all over again. Sunset shed a few tears. It had all been a lie, a sham. Her mind went back to what Gilda had said in the warehouse. Damned if she hadn’t been right.

“You see when the chips are down these civilized people will eat each other.” That thought ran through Sunset’s head. Damn it Gilda had been right twice with that remark.

Sunset wasn’t sure how long she sat there on the bench in the snow. She gasped when a hand touched her shoulder. She turned around to see her Aunt Celestia standing there smiling. Celestia walked around and brushed snow off the bench and sat down next to Sunset

“Is this seat taken?” She asked, sitting down.

“Hi Aunt Celestia.” Sunset said.

“That’s about the most you said to me in a long time.” Celestia said.

“I have to apologize to you about that. You see back in Equestria when I was the Princess’s prized student. Her name was Princess Celestia and…”Sunset started explaining.

“...And I remind you of her.” Celestia said.

“Yes.” Sunset admitted meekly.

“Sunset I am not that pony princess who dropped the ball on a wonderful girl. I want to connect with you but you keep holding me at arms length. I should have stepped in and stopped this MyStable bullshit when it started. But Luna and I didn’t grow up with stuff like that. The bullying back then was verbally in school and harassing phone calls. Not cyber crime.

The Crusaders as they call themselves are facing serious charges. Cyberbullying, Cyberstalking, Identity Theft. Violating the Computer Fraud and Abuse act of 1986. Although I doubt that last one will stick. They don’t want to plead not guilty.” Celestia.

“Why not?” Asked Sunset.

“First of all, their admission. Second, their laptops will all be seized. Third, the DA’s office has a chief prosecutor named Jack McCoy and he’s tough. He’s been practicing law longer than you have been alive Sunset.” Celestia told her.

“What’s going to happen to them?” Sunset asked.

“Well they have detention for the rest of the year. Whatever their parents decide to do. Plus we have a little surprise for them.” Celestia told Sunset.

“What?” asked Sunset

“You’ll see soon enough.” Celestia said. After that neither of them spoke for what seemed like a long time.

“Sunset I have something I wish to ask you. I want us to be able to connect more. I also want you to feel you can come to me like you can your mom and your Aunt Chrysalis. How would you feel about me taking you for a weekend? We leave school on a Friday and I return you home late Sunday afternoon. What do you say?” Celestia asked.

“It Depends.” Sunset said.

“Depends on what?” Celestia asked.

“If I stay here.” Sunset deadpanned.

“Here, where would you go?” Celestia asked.

“Equestria.” Sunset said again without any emotion.

“You can’t leave. What about your mother, what about your Aunt Chrysalis?” Celestia asked in shock.

“They’ll get over it.” Sunset asked without any emotion.

Celestia shot up as if she was sitting on a spring and looked with disgust and contempt at Sunset.

“My sister took you in and stopped me from expelling you. She was there for you everyday. To dry all your tears, took you home early several times. I know about the thunderstorms too. She could have left you homeless and expelled while you waited 2 ½ years for the portal to open. IF YOU LEAVE YOU WILL DESTROY LUNA!!!” Celestia yelled at the end.

“She’ll get over it.” Sunset said.

“SUNSET!!” Celestia yelled.

“I have to go. I need to know. Tell mom not to worry. I might come back one day.” Sunset said as she stood up and walked off. Celestia wasn’t sure if she should go after Sunset, ultimately she decided to get Luna and took off towards Applejack’s Christmas party.

Meanwhile at the party everyone but the crusaders were having a good time. Apple Bloom was washing dishes. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were serving people drinks and bringing dishes back to the kitchen.

Sweetie Belle came back to the kitchen where Apple Bloom was trying her best to keep up with the dishes. Scootaloo had brought back more glasses at this moment.

“I guess we really fucked up this time.” Scootaloo said.

“Yeah at least the party is finally starting to wind down.” Sweetie Belle said.

“Well that doesn’t mean ya’ll can slow down you girls have a lot of work ahead of ya tonight. Nobody leaves until this place is spic and span.” Applejack said. After that she left the kitchen.

“Well girls what do ya think?” Apple Blooms said stepping away from the sink for a few to consort with her friends.

“I feel terrible. I didn’t want Sunset to have a nervous breakdown and cause all these problems.” Sweetie Belle said sadly.

“We are facing serious charges and they are talking about juvenile hall.” Said Scootaloo half heartedly.

“Now Sunset screamed at our sisters and their friends and ran away. We got wha’ we wanted.” Apple Bloom said.

“Then why do I feel like complete crap?” Asked Sweetie Belle.

“Because that’s what we are.” Scootaloo said leaning on the kitchen counter.

“Guys now the heat from Sunset is gonna transfer to us. What do we do now?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Maybe we should spare everyone the pain of having sisters/daughters like us.” Sweetie Belle said.

“That seems like a great option. Let’s clean up first so we don’t get in trouble for that too.” Scootaloo said.

* * *

Sunset found herself walking towards Canterlot High School when she ran into someone she had been trying to avoid since before the Fall Formal. Well time to see what he was going to do.

“Hi Sunset.” Flash Sentry greeted Sunset.

“Hi Flash, you really want to talk to me?” Sunset asked.

“I heard Applejack’s sister and her friends were Anon-a-miss. I was hoping you didn’t go back to your old ways. I kinda thought you didn’t.” Flash said.

“Thanks Flash but no one was there when I needed them.” Sunset replied.

“I wasn’t sure how to approach you.” Flash replied,

“Flash, I just wanted to say one thing please. I’m so sorry for just dating you for popularity. I am such a bitch I want to apologize for that.” Sunset apologized.

“Was there ever anything there?” Flash pressed.

“Yes there was. I was just such a bitch I couldn’t show it. I’m not just saying that. I really feel that way. But there are much better women out there than me, Flash. No one wants to date me. I should just become an old cat lady. Maybe the cats would at least like me.” Sunset lamented turning away not wanting Flash to see her break.

Flash saw Sunset hang her head and swore he heard sniffling. He went over and put his hands on Sunset’s shoulders.

She immediately spun around with tears in her eyes. Flash didn’t know what else to do but wrap his arms around Sunset and hold her. Sunset let go. Anon-a-miss had pushed her to the brink and right now her ex-boyfriend was the one consoling her.

After a few minutes Sunset’s crying finally died down. She looked at Flash and he stared back at her. There was still some attraction there but neither one would admit it to the other.

“Flash, thank you for that. I have to go. I need to know.” She said walking away from him.

“You need to know what Sunset?” Flash asked,

“I need to know if this was real, any of it.” She replied,

“If you mean you and I. It was at least on my part.” Flash replied. Sunset walked back to him and remarked “Oh I thought you were a smitten kitten over Twilight.”

“Yeah but that is a pipe dream, she’s a princess in her world. I need someone who's gonna stay here.” Flash remarked. Then he gently took Sunset’s chin in his thumb and pointer finger

“Sunset I believe there is someone out there for you too. You just have to be patient.” Flash said.

“No one seems to be interested. Most people at this school still hate me and turn on me at the drop of a hat.” Sunset said, looking away.

“Then look for someone outside of school, or maybe someone in another school-like Crystal Prep. I know it’s hard to see but that person is out there and I think they are very close. See ya around Shimmer.” Flash said, patting her shoulder, as he walked off.

“Well it’s now or never time to find out the truth.” Sunset said. She looked around to see if anyone was watching. Then she walked through the portal.


“I can’t believe how bad we screwed up.” Sweetie Belle said sitting on the front porch,

“What happens now is what worries me.” Apple Bloom replied.

They glanced over where Principal Celestia was talking with Lieutenant Shining Armor.

“Are you sure about this?” Shining Armor asked.

“The parents said to go for it. I am in favor of it too.” Celestia said.

With that Shining Armor and the two officers walked over to the three crusaders. “Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo?” He asked. All three girls nodded and stood up.

“Turn around. Put your hands behind your back. You three are under arrest for Cyber Stalking, Cyber Bullying, and Identity Theft.” Shining Armor went and read them their rights as they were being handcuffed. When he finished and made sure the girls understood what was happening,

As the crusaders were being led away they saw Chrysalis standing by the squad car.

“Why Chrys?” Sweetie Belle pleaded as they were being taken away. Chrysalis put a hand up to one officer to hold a second.

“Sweetie Belle, you three are the ones who decided to commit cyber crimes. I had nothing to do with that. Second, when you mess with my niece I take it personally. Last time someone hurt her we decided not to press charges. This time we are.” Chrysalis told them. With that she walked over to Celestia. As the girls were put in the back of the car.

“I know you and I don’t always see eye to eye but I’m glad we agreed on this.” Chrysalis said.

“Yes, now let’s join my…I mean our sister and look for our niece.” Celestia replied.

To be continued...