This story is a sequel to The Trial Continues
Sunset has been through so much with The Fall Formal, The Battle of the Bands, and Anon-A-Miss. Now this story will take Sunset through more adventures. She will find love, as well as make new friendships.
The final installment of the trials trilogy. I foresee great things from you, keep it up!
I'm looking forward to seeing your take on The Friendship Games, Camp Everfree, the memory stone adventure and the other adventures Sunset will experience.
Thanks Skyblazer9 glad to see you back. Arlynn the Dragon it's gonna take a few chapters to really get this story going so hang in there.
You're very welcome. :)
Sounds like quite a lot to try and complete in a short amount of time imo.
Punishment or not, no one deserves to be outside in freezing temperatures.
A good step down the long road of process.
At least she's making some process.
Only a matter of time before things will be the way they were prior to the anonamiss incident.
Good work so far, but you're missing some commas.
Oh dear I can already foresee very bad things happening if Gilda ever does return to Canterlot City.
Great chapter by the way. :)
Could you tell me where so I can plug them in.
I mean she is technically an adult in equestria.
Don't jinx it if I were you.
Good to see those two are getting along now.
That's good to know. It always help. Myself included since i have for many years now.
Never thought I'd hear that from rarity.
She's right, that's what I'm doing and I've been waiting patiently since the last girl I had eyes on for back in 2015. It'll be worth it once you find your special someone 😉
Oh boy, here we go again.
I didn't know the princess made it to the assembly
Joking aside, you might want to change that to Principal.
Uh oh...... This means trouble.
I see that and changed it thanks for the heads up.
For a second I was gonna ask why but it makes sense when you think back to what happened.
The deserve it for how much trouble they've caused.
That's good to know and glad she shared with the rest of CHS.
Well those two are gonna be in trouble later.
And is likely gonna be in trouble like diamond and silver.
It's not your fault celestia. These things happen whether we like it or not but sometimes I'll end good or bad, depending on what the situation is.
I'm afraid not Celestia.
Figured she'd escape.
Hope whoever that is we'll find out sooner than later.
Poor sweet Apple Bloom...and oh no! Gilda, leave Trixie alone!
They deserve it after what happened even if trixie tried to help but what she did was just crazy imo.
She went too far this time and tbh I don't blame Sunset at all for what just happened with her talk with trixie.
Yeah, I think she needs serious help now, like therapy to be precise since that part just now scared the crap out of me!
That was too close.
Well Gilda is back, and she of course had to say the line the joker would say.
Ooh, G5 intro, like it
Yep, it'll prove that they want to help her eve after what she and her friends did on mystable.
Oh my!
I got a bad feeling about this.
Wonder why she's at the docks of all places? Must have have to do with Gilda.
Chrystal is right, this wasn't your fault.
Well, they're caught now. But it's obvious it won't be easy.
Mlp G5 references eh, nice.
And here is a reference to the G5, and the chapter is not bad
I wouldn't really say everything.
And that she'll find out soon enough.
Wait trixie showed up, I did not expect that but doubt she'll reveal what happened with Gilda.
Well that's interesting.
Happy birthday sunset.
Looks like we got a mystery on our hands.
Nice chapter, good to see Sunset and Celestia interacting
I have the oddest feeling that was Luna, just to give them something to do or experience together.
Otherwise, those darn kids...
Well, somebody's well off. Contracted lawn maintenance ain't cheap (and housecleaning on top of that too)
At least their friendship is slowly being fixed.
Whoever did that I hope they get caught for what they did, especially since it was to principal celestia aka the principal of CHS.
Not surprised she'd be scared, I mean car washes aren't a thing in equestria. Neither are cars as well.
Yep, it's a reminder that'll help with future experience.
That's interesting.
Seems like the planned worked out.
Huh, at least that answers my question who it is and not surprised that it's sugar belle tbh.
You will eventually sunset, I know you will. 😇
Huh, a good hint of what the next chapter has in store, I like it!!!
Something tells me they likely will.
Huh, never heard that before til now.
It's sad alright.
Saw it coming a mile away. 😏
https://m.While I would say it would defeat the purpose of Luna initially moving out on her own, you can't leave Tia all by her lonesome. The woman needs some long term company (and her family).
That's the first thought that comes to your mind, really sunset.
Wow, that's awesome.
You mean headed to their cars? Because it says keys.
A nice hint of a possible future relationship coming for them.
I happen to be as well.
Yes I ment cars thanks for catching that.
Great update.
Thank You.
I don't blame for how she feels, I'd feel the same if I were in here shoes right about now.
Yes you are sunset.
There's nothing to be ashamed about for you having a crush on twilight sunset. It's perfectly normal.
Yeah, meeting the rest of the girls is way better than studying.
Should of guessed trixie would send her one.
Yes twilight, it's safe.
Figured that was what happened.
I think I might know why she screamed but I'm not gonna jinx it.
Plus this chapter was really good. You sure outdid yourself for sure.
Thanks I worked hard on it.
Sometimes we have to excerpt it whether we like it or not, I felt the same when I got my scar. Which I'd explain but it's quite a long story and best to be explained in a private message.
Yep, it'll be up to you sunset with helping twilight get over this.
There's not a problem with liking girls twilight. I'm sure your friends and family will understand.
Yep, you'll get used to it in no time. 😉
Something tells me she's hiding something sunset doesn't know.
That is why I love your reviews. You break my chapters down. Two things why do you think that Chrysalis is hiding something. Also I was surprised that you didn't mention anything about the spa worker calling DCF and that mystery being solved.
I wasn't sure to what to say about thet one.
And there's nothing to be ashamed about for be bi.
Yep, it's a sign alright. A sign they do have love for each other. 😊
Well at least they won't have to worry now about wondering if they'll accept their love for each other. I hope...
See sunset, celestia and Luna thunk it's great and that you shouldn't have to worry about it. 😇
They'll probably be surprised at first but will probably either accept it immediately or will need time to get used to it.
You'll both sure will be surprised once you learn that you both have feelings for each other which isn't a problem at all.
https://m.I hope the girls will be prepared for what is coming their way since they're dealing with several of their worse enemies up to date! 😰
Great update! Really enjoying this story series.
Thanks for your support.
[In trance] Must. Have. Fish. Must. Save. School.
Fish = Dazzlings (as in must stop Dazzlings)
School = C.H.S.
I don't doubt your parents would call you that twilight, they still love you no matter what. 😊
Don't listen to her twilight, she's just trying to make you feel more ashamed of yourself of what's become of you and that bring bi is nothing to be ashamed about!
I'm with spike on this one as just hiding this all from your family and friends, it's just gonna make things worse with time. 😥
You'll be surprised what's she's been up to since she escaped shining armor. 😰
I wonder why cinch wanted them to spy on her? Something tells me she has something planned, but what could it be?
🤔 Guess only time will tell for that one.
I can see a mistake there.
Agreed, I mean something bad might happen when you least expect it.
Good for you twilight.
Good, she doesn't deserve to be a principal for the way she treated her students, especially twilight!
Oh boy. 😬
Hey, it was good and entertaining, the further the more interesting.I wonder what Sirens and Synch will do to annoy Rainbums,
I don't know how Fish equals Dazzlings. But I'm not gonna worry about it.
I still kinda agree with what their sisters told them about the idea to begin with.
Huh, wasn't expecting her to be there.
Your gonna have to eventually twilight, if you want sunset to know you love her you got to grab the hull by the horns to do so!
Your overthinking it again twilight.
Just thinking about the cold is reminding me where I'll be this weekend and how cold it'll be there. 😬
Looks like they're problem has been solved thx to sunset.
Hopefully you both will find out soon enough. 🤞
Hello from France!! I love your story especially the character of Luna and that of chrysalis too!!!! She is badass!!! I have a little idea for the sequel listen well!!
Luna and Apple Cinnamon grow closer and go further in bed, which will be a big step for Luna given her final reaction to the idea of having s*x. She realizes very quickly that she is pregnant, at first distressed following her past (her boyfriend who leaves her then the terrible miscarriage) she announces it with apple cinnamon, panicked Goes away without giving any news, Luna is inconsolable. Sunset, unable to bear it, will bring apple cinnamon back by the skin of her buttocks like a chrysalis (by dint of hanging out with her. Sunset has been Slightly swayed how to talk to some gender people
Apple cinnamon: it's not my problem.
Sunset: I make it your problem!
Apple cinnamon: in fact you're right 😰😰 no need to get upset have little discussed 😰?
Nothing to do with the old demon but more a stubborn and brutal sunset if necessary 😉 and Luna will be very touched only for her personal happiness sunset has really put aside her disapproval of Their pair!!! I think my idea is brilliant! This is why I expressly created my account in order to share it with you, in addition to expressing to you how much I loved your story, my favorite moment remains the The fugue of sunset and the extreme anguish of Luna!! I loved !!! At the time when I tell you all this it is: 11:10 p.m. (it is in the evening 50 minutes before midnight for the equivalent English time you know the AM and PM And we are for another 50 minutes on Monday, January 31, 2022, hoping to hear from you very soon!
Sincerely, a Frenchwoman delighted with your story!! Thank you the author for all these emotions felt !!!
I can't believe I'm finally about to jump into this. Well, here I go.
Gonna have a lot to say I bet. Better stop me.
Why does she care? She should just smack her sister.
That's right let the anger out. It's something I WISH I could do.
You said it brat.
Are you hinting at my story, which sucks?
My story, not the general idea that you're hinting at mine.
Not hinting at your story. I promise you.