Revealing The Truth

by Zerocool7785

First published

Hitch tell Sunny about his feeling for her. Only to make an amazing discovery about one of their other friends and about himself.

Hitch has long had feelings for Sunny. After seeing her and Izzy kiss, he gets some advice from Pipp. When he reveals his feelings to Sunny, he finds out a few things he never knew about. This is only going to be a few chapters. Inspired by: With, and Without You by Hakuno.

Hitch's dilemma

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Hitch Trailblazer looked out over Maretime Bay, and the ocean looked beautiful. Here was where he grew up and where he lived and worked as the sheriff, with his friends. It was beautiful yes.

But what was most beautiful was not the ocean breeze that ruffled his green mane. It was not the smell of the salt air or the rainbow that came from the Crystal Brighthouse.

It was the orange-colored mare with a purple mane and tail and a few strands of rainbow-colored hair in the front. There she was selling her smoothies as she always did at her stand.

Sure, he had Sparky who could be a handful. Sure, he had switched Hitch’s and Sunny’s cutie marks. It only gave him and Sunny a more profound admiration and understanding for one another.

He had to tell Sunny how he felt about her. Little did he know what was about to happen would change his life forever. Hitch started to walk over to Sunny and tell her when he saw something that he couldn’t believe.

Izzy had bounced up (as only Izzy could) and started to talk to Sunny it seemed normal so far until the very end. Izzy got her smoothie and then she and Sunny shared a quick kiss.

Hitch stopped dead in his tracks he realized that Sunny was in a relationship: With Izzy!!

Hitch didn’t know what to think Hitch quickly trotted back to the Sheriff’s Office where Sparky was waking up from his nap. Sparky had two speeds stop and dead sprint. It kept Hitch on his toes.

Sparky had woken up from his nap and Hitch picked him up and cradled him in one arm. He couldn’t believe he never told Sunny how he felt, or the fact that she nor Izzy ever said anything. It bothered him.

His thoughts remained on Sunny, and he tried to tell himself if Sunny is happy with Izzy so be it. Then you should be happy that Sunny is happy. Even though he knew he would never be.

Hitch decided it was best to go about his life and move on. He started to do paperwork when Zipp flew in say hi.

“Hi ya, Hitch working on paperwork I see.” Zipp said.

“Yeah. ” He said putting some papers in a file. Then he got up and grabbed Sparky before he got into something, but he wasn’t his usual panicked self he did it like he was in a trance. This worried Zipp a little bit. Hitch was almost in a trance it seemed.

“Okay Hitch what’s wrong?” Zipp asked.

“Why would anything be wrong?” Hitch said laughing nervously scratching the back of his neck.

“I’m a private investigator and I know you, now what’s up?” Zipp repeated.

“I’m depressed.” Hitch told her.

“I kind of guessed that.” Zipp replied in her usual sarcastic tone.

After a few moments of awkward silence. Hitch didn’t want to bring up his heartbreak about Izzy and Sunny. He didn’t want to bad mouth them as he considered them friends. So, he just sat there and shuffled a few papers and took his hoof, and tickled Sparky’s tummy a little making the baby dragon laugh.

“O.K. Fine I’ll ask what about.” Zipp said sighing.

“Did you know about Sunny and Izzy?” Hitch asked in return.

“No. What about them?” Zipp asked.

“I saw Izzy go and get a smoothie this morning.” Hitch began.

“That’s what has you upset?” Zipp asked said sitting on her haunches.

“After Sunny made Izzy her smoothie. They shared a quick kiss.” Hitch lamented again trying not to cry.

“That would explain something I saw at the crystal bright house one morning.” Zipp said remembering.

“What was that?” Hitch inquired.


Zipp arose early and stretched out her wings and legs as she always did (being athletic as she was). Pipp was still sound asleep with her mask on and Izzy’s bed was empty.

A quick survey of the area by Zipp and she saw Sonny and Izzy were in bed together forelimbs wrapped around each other. She thought it was odd but then thought maybe one of them had a nightmare and was being comforted.

End flashback…

“Honest Hitch I didn’t think much of it at the time. But you should talk to Sonny and at least tell her. Get it off your chest plus I think she deserves to know.” Zipp told him.

“I don’t know. I don’t want to lose her as a friend or disrupt her and Izzy’s relationship.” Hitch said.

“You need to tell her. You owe it to her and yourself. I know this is hard Hitch,” Zipp said.

“You do?” Hitch inquired.

“Being rejected is one thing, but finding out that somebody else got to where you wanted to be is even worse.” Zipp replied.

“So, you think I should tell her at the stand or what?” Asked Hitch.

“No, wait until after she’s done but do go tell her you need to talk to her privately after work.” Zipp said.

Hitch looked completely miserable, so Zipp gave him one last piece of advice.

“Talking is the key. If you liked her then be honest and tell her. Finding out is always better than wondering what might have been.” Zipp replied.

“I guess you're right.” Hitch replied.

“I know I am. Just go and talk to her. I Gotta fly.” Zipp said taking off on whatever case she was on.

“Zipp is right. Time to tell Sunny the truth.” Hitch said after Zipp had left.

Hitch summoned all of his courage he was going to tell Sonny they needed to talk tonight. Maybe he could walk her home. Whatever happened he was going to talk to her.

Hitch approached the smoothie cart with Sparky on his back. Also, with a new appreciation of how hard it was to run this place and make smoothies. He watched as Sunny served another customer.

“Hi ya, Sunny.” He said walking up.

“Hi, Hitch how are you today?” Sunny responded putting her forelegs on the counter/

“Sunny, I need to talk to you whenever you close your smoothie stand.” Hitch told her.

“I didn’t litter honest.” Sunny replied knowing how Hitch was about that.

“No, it’s something more important than that.” Hotch said.

“Am I in trouble?” Sunny asked.

“No, it’s something else. “Hitch said.

“I think I know what it is.” Sunny said with a big smile.

“You do?” Hitch replied.

“You need relationship advice. We all see it you need help with Pipp.’ Sunny said.

“Pipp?” Hitch said.

“Yeah, you know how she’s crushing on you.” Sunny said smiling.

“She is?” Hitch said.

“Stallions are so dense sometimes.” Sunny responded.

“Sunny I’m not crushing on Pipp. Although I will admit she is one cute mare.” Hitch replied.

“Oh.” Sunny said her smile dying.

“I’m crushing on you.” Hitch said.

Pipp to the rescue

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“On me??!!” Sunny exclaimed.

“Yes, Sunny, I like you, I have for quite a while but was just never sure how to tell you.” Hitch replied.

“Give me one second.” Sunny said as she quickly closed down her smoothie stand. Then she came out of the door and locked it.

“O.K. Hitch I think we should walk and talk for a little bit.” Sunny said.

“O.K. do you want me to walk you home to BrightHouse?” Hitch said nervously.

“Why don’t we talk about this in your office.” Sunny suggested.

Hitch and Sunny walked over towards his office. Hitch didn’t like where this was going. He felt a condemned pony with one last treat before the noose. No Sunny liked him the things with Izzy were explainable right?

Stepping into the Sheriff’s office Sunny and Hitch stood face to face.

“Hitch I should tell you something. I’m shocked that you like me. I’m nothing special to look at. Most ponies prefer the Alicorn, not me. Finally, I had a huge crush on you for years why didn’t you say anything?” Sunny asked.

“I was never sure how to approach you.” Hitch admitted.

“The Sheriff who tried to stop me at the Canterlogic every year and has been with me ever since we played as foals and then as colt and filly playmates. The same stallion who comes to the Crystal Brighthouse or the smoothie stand every day and, you didn’t know how to approach me??!!” Sonny asked incredulously.

“Not on this matter no.” Hitch admitted equally.

“I thought you came up to the Brighthouse to see Pipp. You were coming to see me. “Sonny said.

“Well not just you, I mean I did come to see Pipp as well but also Zipp, Izzy, and now Misty too.

“Listen Hitch let me be honest with you. Izzy and I are dating.” Sonny said.

Hitch felt like his whole world had been ripped away. The floor felt like it was ripped out from beneath him. Hitch just hung his head. Sunny saw what her revelation did to Hitch.

“Hitch I had a crush on you when we use to play as friends at each other’s house. I put up with Sprout because I got to hang out with you. You never showed any interest in me. What was I supposed to do? Then when I realized I liked colts AND fillies. It was confusing after we restored magic in Equestria it was like you went back to normal life.

Sure we all hung out and had some adventures but you never said anything. You never spent any nights at the Brighthouse.” Sunny told him

“Well, I didn’t like having to follow you all over Equestria and what was I supposed to say? Sunny Starscout you are under arrest and are going to prison for bringing unicorns to Maretime Bay. Oh by the way I like you.” Hitch said.

“Was that so hard?” Sunny asked.

“Yes, it was. When I look at you directly.” Hitch admitted turning away from Sunny. Then after that, he spoke up again.

“Sunny, have you closed your smoothie stand for the day?” Hitch asked.

“Yeah, why?” Sunny asked.

‘While don’t you head up to the Brighthouse. There is a unicorn up there with a grayish mulberry coat and a two-toned blue mane and she is waiting for you.” Hitch his voice wavering just a little.

“Hitch…” Sonny began.

“Sunny do me one favor please.” Hitch said,

“Sure what?” Sunny asked.

“If we meet on the street and you are out with Izzy on a date just look the other way. Please.” Hitch said.

“Why?” Sunny asked.

“Just do it.” Hitch said.

“Okay, but I don’t understand.” Sunny said.

“Thank you.” Hitch said.

“Hitch…” Sunny started.

“Izzy is waiting for you; she will be thrilled you’re home early.” Hitch said his voice breaking slightly.

“Hitch…” Sunny started again.

“Sunny just go!” Hitch said strongly.

Sunny backed out of the Sheriff’s Office and then galloped home as fast as her hooves could take her it ate her up inside. She had just hurt the one Stallion she had known since foal hood. She had tears in her eyes as she approached the Crystal BrightHouse. Hitch was hurting and it was her fault!!

Sunny ran up the stairs past a stunned Izzy and Zipp and onto her bed and cried hugging her rainbow pillow and sobbed. A few moments later Sunny felt two forelimbs wrap around her and felt another body next to her.

“Sunny why are you crying?” Izzy asked her mare friend.

“B-Because I hurt H-Hitch badly.” Sunny stammered while crying.

Zipp heard that and ran out of the house and flew over to Mane Melody and burst in the door. Pipp had just finished a customer.

“Zipp, what’s the hurry? Oh, another good review iconic!” Pipp sang.

“Pipp, I need your help we have to get to Hitch right away!!” Zipp exclaimed.

“Why what’s wrong?” Pipp asked.

“Listen can Jazz and Rocky run things here for a while?” Zipp asked.

“Yeah, sure.” Pipp replied. Then she looked over at Jazz. “Jazz, I have an emergency you’re in charge!!” Pipp told her assistant.

“O.K. Pipsqueaks this is…” Pipp began when Zipp knocked the phone out of her hoof.

“Now this is not the time for live stream or even asking the Pipsqueaks for help. We got to go NOW!!” Zipp demanded.

“What is going on in with Hitch, that as you got all fired up?” Pipp asked.

“Fly with me and I’ll tell you.” Zipp replied.

As they flew to the Sheriff’s station Zipp was giving Pipp a rundown on Hitch finally confessing his feeling for Sunny only to be too late. Pipp could only imagine how Hitch was holding up. To say she was concerned was an understatement.

Soon the royal sisters dropped down in front of the Sheriff’s Office. It was dark and deserted. Zipp and Pipp looked around frantically. Hitch was nowhere to be found. Zipp and Pipp looked at each other with fear in their eyes.

Zipp pulled her phone out and tried to call Hitch he didn’t respond both of the sisters knew there was one more place to check. Hitch’s house. Zipp and Pipp took to the air again heading or Hitch’s house.

Soon after flying over Maretime Bay for a little bit longer, they arrived at Hitch’s house, Pipp was struggling to keep up with her more athletic sister. Zipp knocked on the door with no answer. Pipp just hit the handle to find the door unlocked.

Both Sisters walked in and found Hitch sitting in the darkness with his back towards the door. He was cradling Sparky in his one arm his shoulders slumped. Never had the girls seen the proud, happy-go-lucky Sheriff this saddened.

“Hitch?’ Zipp said cautiously.

“Hi, ladies I didn’t hear you come in.” Hitch said.

“Hitch are you ok?” Asked Pipp who pretty much already knew the answer.

“If it wasn’t for Sparky, I don’t know how long it would be before I got out of bed. Sparky is all I got left. “He said dejectedly.

“You got us, Hitch.” Pipp said.

“I know but I don’t even know if I want to stay in Maretime Bay anymore of course my grandmother is here I guess I can come back for a visit.” Hitch said.

“Hitch turn around and face me and let it out.” Pipp said.

Hitch turned around and faced both Pegasi and they could see he had cried a little bit but was holding it in. Pipp walked over to him and placed a hoof on his shoulder.

“Hitch if you can put Sparky down for a sec, I’ll hug you if it makes you feel better. Hitch put Sparky down in his fireproof playpen for a second. While Zipp backed out with a nod of her head and a knowing look to Pipp. While Zipp quietly exited the scene.

“Thank You Pipp.” He choked out.

Pipp just guided his head to her chest and wrapped her forelegs around him.

“Let it go, Hitch you’ll feel better.” Pipp told him.

“A stallion isn’t supposed to cry.” Hitch said.

“I won’t tell anyone I promise,” Pipp said.

Hitch let loose crying and sobbing not holding back. Pipp just silently held him letting him get all of his grief out. Then something hit Pipp and she decided to say it.

“Hitch…”She began raising his head to look at her “... they're only dating it may not work out even if it does, I’m here for you and so are Zipp and Misty as well. Sunny and Izzy might be dating but it doesn’t mean you’re alone Hitch.” Pipp told him.

“I feel alone.’ He sobbed.

“You are not, tell you what why don’t you and Sparky come to Mane Melody and hang out for a while? It is better than sitting here feeling sorry for yourself. Plus, I could use the company.” She half sang.

‘I know why you are doing this. It’s because you’re crushing on me.” Hitch said.

“What? No, I’m not…oh who am I kidding yes ok I am. I like you but I know you don’t have feelings for me.” Pipp said sounding defeated.

“Pipp no one has ever had feelings for me before except Sunny.” Hitch replied.

“Well, I do.”

“We can’t date, what will your Pipsqueaks think? Plus, you're a Royal Princess. I’m not royalty or even nobility. I’m not even a Pegasus. Can you date an Earth Pony?” Hitch asked.

“Can I date an Earth Pony? Uh hello…you see who my mom is dating? A unicorn.” Pipp reminded him of Queen Haven and Alphabittle’s romance.

“Why should you not be being a royal Pegasus even matter?” Pipp asked.

“Aren’t you supposed to produce an heir to the throne? I’m a pure Earth pony as far back as I can figure out. You are a Pegasus what if we hook up and you get pregnant but give birth to an earth pony or two? Zephyr Heights will not let an earth pony rule them.

Finally, what about the half-breed Pegasus? Will Zephyr Heights bow to that?” Hitch finished.

“First if my Pipsqueaks don’t like you then it would be tragic, but my loyal followers will stay with us. Finally, it’s more Zipp’s job to produce an heir with another Pegasus than its mine.” Pipp finished.

“I don’t know Pipp.” Hitch said.

“Well, I do what does your heart tell you?” Pipp asked.

“That I don’t want to be alone. Hitch replied.

“Then follow your heart.” Pipp said as she started to leave.

Hitch quickly grabbed her hoof. “Pipp, what do you say we leave Sparky with Zipp? Then go to a lil hill I know where you can see the whole town at night it’s a lovely sight.” He told her.

“I’d like that a lot it would be iconic!!” Pipp replied.

The truth

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Hitch and Pipp had dropped Sparky off with Zipp. Zipp gladly took Sparky then motioned upstairs. Pipp was somewhat confused about what Zipp was alluding to.

“Hitch, can you wait outside while I talk to Pipp privately?” Zipp asked.

“Sure thing.” Hitch said stepping outside.

“What Hitch and I have a date!!” Pipp said impatiently.

“Shh c’mon up here and fly don’t walk.” Zipp whispered.

The two royal pegasus flew up to the bedroom that they shared with Sunny and Izzy. Arriving up there they saw Sunny passed out on her bed with her marefriend’s forelimbs wrapped around her sleeping too.

“So what I’m cool with them dating and if they want to share a bed.” Pipp said.

“Come downstairs and let me tell you what you missed.” Zipp said.

The royal sisters returned to the ground floor and Zipp sat on her haunches.

“Listen Sunny cried herself to sleep after she and Hitch confessed their feelings for each other. Izzy ran up there to comfort her. Izzy fell asleep because she was holding Sunny while she cried herself to sleep.” Zipp said.

“So what are you saying, detective?” Pipp asked more impatiently.

“I think Hitch and Sunny still have feelings for each other.” Zipp said.

“But if we tell Izzy this it might blow up in our face bigger than a clip trot video.” Pipp said.

“No you are missing the big picture, if a breakup happens it could greatly affect the crystals and Equestria’s magic. Izzy and Sunny would have to agree to break up mutually. This is bad Pipp dating in the team always leads to trouble.” Izzy said.

“What do you suggest we do?” Pipp asked.

“I have an Idea.” Sunny said walking down the stairs with Izzy in tow.

* * *

A few minutes later in the top of the Brighthouse…

“So Zipp you were worried about breakups?” Sunny asked.

“No, I was worried about how this would affect those Crystals.” She said waving a hoof at them.

‘If ponies aren’t nice to each other is when the magic glitches?” Misty asked.

“Exactly!!” Sunny Excalimed.

“That s why I’m worried about dating within the team. A breakup could make it so the crystals don’t work.” Zipp said.

“Zipp I’m sure breakups happen all over Equestria maybe not every day but often enough. Sometimes those ponies stay friends. Sometimes…well you get the idea.” Hitch said his head dropping.

Sunny could feel her heartache for Hitch seeing him like this. She began to realize she still had feelings for him.

“Yeah, Zippster it sounds like you don’t ever want ponies to date!!” Izzy added.

“No, the truth is I can tell Sunny and Hitch still have feelings for each other even to this day. Also, I love being a detective but I know I will be expected to return home and will need to rule Zephyr Heights and produce an heir to the throne. Things I don’t want to do.” Zipp explained.

“So because you can’t be happy, we all shouldn’t be able to either?” Sunny asked.

“NO! I just think I should have the choice that Sunny and Hitch both have.” Zipp lamented.

Hitch noticed that Sparky was looking off to the side. Turning his head to the side and saw Izzy and Pipp whispering. Hitch cocked his ears that way and couldn’t quite make out what they were saying.

Then Izzy walked over to Sunny and took her hoof and Pipp did the same with Hitch. Izzy led Sunny over a few steps to be even with the center of the rainbow and Pipp did the same with Hitch.

Izzy placed Sunny’s hoof up in the air. Pipp took Hitch’s hoof and placed it on top of Sunny’s.

“Are you guys sure?” Asked Sunny.

“You two are the ones that belong together more than Hitch and I.” Pipp said.

“Or more than Sunny and I.” Izzy added.

“But how do you know?” Hitch asked.

“By how upset you two both got when you found out your feelings for each other. Sunny is upset over her confusion-you're upset over losing Sunny.” Zipp replied.

“Hitch. Pipp, Zipp, and I are going to watch Sparky. You take your mare out here and go have a good time.” Izzy said.

“Sonny you want to get some smoothies and go for a little walk.” Hitch asked blushing.

“You know I would like that a lot, Hitch.” Sunny replied blushing slightly.

As they walked out the door Sunny nuzzled Hitch a little bit. Then a thought came to Sunny.

“You know Sheriff Hitch next time something important comes up; just say something don’t hold it inside. Okay?” Sunny teased him.

That night Hitch and Sunny enjoyed smoothies and Sittin on the beach looking at the stars and watching a storm out at sea.

“I hope that’s not coming this way.” Sunny commented.

“I doubt it but it’s cool to watch.” Hitch said.

“Hitch there is something I want to do.” Sunny said laying her hoof on his.

“What is that?” Hitch asked.

“This.” Sunny said kissing Hitch.

Hitch and Sunny sat there occasionally kissing for quite a while.

Meanwhile, out at sea, the storm rolled on.