• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Later in the Day

An hour ago. Princess Celestia has decreed that Twilight Sparkle will no longer be Spike's legal guardian. Princess Luna forbade Twilight and her friends from entering the Crystal Empire. It is now 10:30 in the morning. The Royal Guards land in front of the Crystal Castle. The center of the Crystal Empire. Spike (Discord) gets off and thanks the Royal Guards as they leave.

"The Brave and Glorious Spike has returned!" A random crystal pony cheers in excitement. Every crystal pony around gathers to meet their hero.

Princess Cadance and Shining Armor approach Spike (Discord), as he's getting all the attention.

"Welcome home, Brave and Glorious Spike," Said Cadance. She hugs Spike with her wing.

"Welcome home, bro," Said Shining Armor, joining in the hug with Cadance and Spike.

"Thank you," Spike (Discord) graciously expressed. "It's good to be surrounded by a loving family."

"We love you too, Brave and Glorious Spike!" About twenty-five crystal ponies cheer in happiness, wanting to show their affection to their hero.

"Wow. Spike has it good here in the Crystal Empire. Peers that love their hero, a statue dedicated to him, I wouldn't be surprised if Spike has a throne here as well. I bet if he would have come here. Any of the Crystal Ponies would have told Twilight and her friends to back off. Maybe even starting a riot. I'll have to send a clone to meet with Twilight and her friends. To see how they are doing and what will they'll be planning to do next." Discord thought.

"So, uh.., what are we going to do today?" Asked Spike (Discord) eagerly.

"Princess Cadance and I are considering having a family picnic. Flurry Heart will be there along with Sunburst and Starlight Glimmer," Said Shining, answering Spike's question.

"Starlight is here?" Said Spike (Discord) in confusion.

"I'm guessing Twilight has forgotten to tell you that she sent Starlight here to spend a week with Sunburst. To increase their friendship since it's not often they see each other," Said Princess Cadance.

"So that's why I haven't seen her around recently," Said Spike (Discord). "No wonder why Starlight wasn't around when Spike released his emotions. She was here this whole time. Here I thought she was involved with Twilight for bringing Dishamrony to Spike. Also, I do recall that Starlight has not forgotten of him and spend some time with him, from time-to-time. I wonder if Celestia would have made her Spike's legal guardian if Shining Armor and Princess Cadance weren't a good option for Spike." Discord thought to himself. "No matter. She is innocent here, and my test still has to go on. I need verified results from the clone later today to commence my next motives."

"Starlight arrived two days ago," said Shining Armor.

"Is she aware of my situation?" Spike (Discord) nervously asks, rubbing the back of his head.

"Yes. I told Starlight Glimmer of what has transpired right after Luna told me in my dreams earlier today."

"How is she feeling?"

"Disappointed, angry, and upset at Twilight and her friends."

Spike (Discord) sighs a little. "Alright, thank you for letting her know."

Princess Cadance, Shining Armor, and Spike (Discord) head off to the Crystal Fields of the Crystal Empire. As they walk, they see Starlight and Sunburst keeping Flurry Heart happy. Sunburst and Starlight see Spike (Discord) approaching. The two went up to their friend and hug him dearly.

"I'm sorry that you've endured a lot of heartaches, Spike. I wish I've seen what Twilight was actually doing during those times," Said Starlight, apologetically.

"Thank you, Starlight. I consider you more of a friend for the times you've helped me back in the Castle of Friendship. You were the only pony who would spend time with me whenever you can."

"So, I hear you'll be living here, Spike," Said Sunburst.

"Yea," Spike (Discord) nods.

"I'll definitely make the time to hang with you more Spike."

"Thank you, Sunburst," Said Spike (Discord) happily. Spike (Discord) walks up and holds Flurry Heart. "Hey, Flurry. Things are going to change but, it's going to be for the better. You'll be seeing more of me than Twilight."

Flurry Heart giggles. Spike (Discord) couldn't help but smile at the Alicorn baby. "So, this is what it feels to hold a baby. Feels nice, actually." Discord thought. He looks and gives Flurry Heart back to Princess Cadance.

Spike (Discord), Shining Armor, and Princess Cadance sit down. Starlight and Sunburst were giving out tea and cupcakes. To Discord, it feels like having a tea party at Fluttershy's house. Speaking of Fluttershy, Discord telepathically calls one of his clones to head over to Ponyville. To see how Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends are doing. As they continue to enjoy each other's company, the Discord clone is on his way to Ponyville.

An hour later, the clone arrives in Ponyville. The clone decided to wait a while until Twilight and her friends returned from their trip. The clone wanders around Ponyville, searching for Twilight and her friends.

"Hmm, I guess the Castle of Friendship would do. If they aren't there, I'll check the Castle of the Two Sister," Said Discord (clone). He flies over and sees six ponies walking together, looking all depressed as they slowly walked. Discord (clone) arise from the ground, surprising them a bit. "Hello, everypony. How are you doing?"

"Discord..," Said Twilight, unamused by his antics. "What are you doing here?"

"Well, I thought today would be a good day to spend time with my friends. Say, why the long face?"

"We're not in the mood for your jokes, Discord," Said Applejack. Sounding upset at the moment.

"What happened with you ponies?" Asked Discord (clone), wanting to know their thoughts, feelings, and reactions while not raising suspicions.

"We lost Spike today," Answer Twilight sadly. She lowers her head in guilt, sadness, and shame.

"Did Spike perish or something?"

"No, Discord," Said Fluttershy. "Spike no longer resides with Twilight. Twilight lost her legal rights of caring for Spike."

"Ouch. How did this happen? I thought you were taking good care of Spike."

"No," Twilight shakes her head. "It was the other way around. Spike testified to the Princesses of all he endured. I am a terrible friend to another species."

"So, you were racist?"

"No! No..," Twilight sighs sadly. She takes a deep breath. "I guess you can say I took him for granted and treated him like a slave."

"Wow, Twilight. I'm kinda surprised you didn't get arrested for that."

"It's not just me, Discord. My friends played a part in it as well."

"Even Fluttershy?" Asked Discord. Fluttershy looks away in shame.

"Yes, even Fluttershy." Said Twilight, answering Discord's question.

"Wow. So, tell me. What happened?" Said Discord (clone), hovering in the air while eating popcorn.

"Can we discuss that inside the Castle of Friendship? I want no pony finding out what my friends and I have done to Spike."

"Alright," Discord (clone) snaps his paw. He teleports everypony to the throne room of the Castle of Friendship. Discord is hovering on top of the Equestria map while the girls are sitting on their thrones. "Please tell me what happened."

Twilight starts talking immediately. "I made Spike do a lot for me and took him for granted. I made him do all the chores in the castle without helping him whatsoever. I made him go on errands on his own. I made him take care of me. I used him for my personal gain. Using him for my research on different types of magic. I would leave him behind to be with my friends nearly every day of my life in Ponyville," Twilight slaps herself hard for being cruel to Spike and a horrible friend. She's mad for becoming the pony she was towards Spike.

"I used Spikey-Wikey for my personal gain too. I used his emotions as leverage to get him into doing my chores around the boutique. Spike has a crush on me, and I would use his feelings to get him to do what I want. I used him as a tool. Just like a slaver owner would." Said Rarity, full of regret.

"I prank too hard on Spike. I've forgotten about him. I didn't even bother to invite him to any of my parties whenever I throw one. I even forgot a few of his birthdays. Whenever I plan something for my friends, I excluded Spike. There were a few times when I made Spike rived in pain from a few pranks, Rainbow and I pulled." Said Pinkie as her mane deflates. She becomes teary in the process.

"I continually harrassed Spike. Always mocking him for not being like the other dragons. Calling him a Lame dragon and finding ways to humiliate him. Might as well call me the element of disloyalty." Said Rainbow, looking down. "I'm a monster for doing that to him..,"

"I have used Spike as an example of what I do. I used him at times to help around at the farm and showing no appreciation. I have used him as a tool, hogtying him with my lasso and laughing at his misery from time-to-time. One time, I tried to get rid of Spike cause of his dragon's code instead of talking to him."

"I.., I slowly started to ignore him and his friendship..," Fluttershy quietly admits. "To put it in simpler terms. I have more of a friendship with you than Spike, Discord. I've become uninterested in him. He was irrelevant to me. My time was with you and the girls when not saving Equestria or solving a friendship case," Fluttershy starts whimpering and crying.

"Well, you deliberately brought Disharmony to Spike. You basically broke him into submission. Taking away years of his life into serving you," Discord (clone) turns to Twilight. He sighs heavily. "What do you plan on doing to redeem yourselves?"

"Nothing. I'm not allowed to come near Spike at the Crystal Empire. I don't think I'll ever get a second chance to be with Spike," Said Twilight in defeat.

"Princess Celestia and Luna will come to terms with giving you a second chance once the waters calm down," Said Discord reassuringly.

"Why are you helping us, Discord? We basically took your job of creating Disharmony," Asked Applejack out of curiosity.

"Well, since you ponies took my job of creating Disharmony, I'm taking your job on restoring friendships," Replied Discord, countering Applejack's statement of taking his job. Discord (clone) can see the devastation written on his friends' faces. "Well, I hope you don't treat your siblings like this. That'll be even worse." Said Discord.

A few moments later, Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash perk up. Hearing how Discord just said about the siblings' part made them leave the castle in a hurry. Rarity and Applejack do not wish upon having their sisters taken away or hurting them. Rainbow Dash soars looking for Scootaloo since she has been looking out for her as an older sister would.

"Twilight, Pinkie, Fluttershy. You have to pick yourselves up and look for a brighter future. Write out how you're going to redeem yourselves as a better friend. Not just for one species but all. That way, you won't make the same mistake twice. Who knows, maybe if Celestia and Luna see that you've changed, they may allow you to earn a redemption quest to be friends with Spike again."

Twilight, Pinkie, and Fluttershy remain in silence but thought over what Discord said. Discord leaves the Castle of Friendship as his time is up. He's gotten all the info he needed. Hopefully, Twilight will find the spark to ignite her and her friends. Becoming better than they use to be. Maybe, just maybe, there'll be hope for them after all. Discord (clone) leaves Ponyville. He'll see his original in Spike's (Discord)'s quarters at the Crystal Empire.

https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x370h1e The chosen arc for Spike in Fairy Tail.

It is now 10:30 at night in Magnolia. Lucy Heartfilia finished taking her bath. She comes out of her bathroom to see Natsu, Happy, and Spike in her bedroom. Spike and Lucy shrieks.

"Aaaaah! Get out!" Lucy throws a pan at Natsu's face.

"Ow! That hurts, Lucy," Natsu painfully said. Rubbing his face as it's red.

"Wait a minute. You said this was your place, Natsu!" Said Spike, covering his eyes as Lucy still wrapped in a towel.

"It is not. Why are you here anyway?"

"Sorry, Lucy. I thought of showing Spike this awesome place we hang around a lot," Said Natsu, chuckling a bit nervously.

Lucy sighs. "Please, leave."

"Alright, we're going. Let's go Happy and Spike."

"Aye," Said Happy.

"Except for you, Spike."

"Whaaaaaaaaat?" Said Happy and Natsu in shock.

"He can stay because he wasn't aware. As for you two, beat it," Said Lucy, waving her hand at the two to leave.

Natsu and Happy grumble as they leave Lucy's apartment by hopping out the window. Lucy complains about them leaving by not using the door.

"I swear, those two use my apartment as a hotel," Said Lucy. She turns to Spike. "Give me a few moments then we can talk."

"Okay, then."

Lucy goes to a different room and puts on her pajamas. After a few moments, she comes back. She sees Spike sitting on a chair waiting.

"Sorry for the intrusion," Spike said apologetically.

"Ah, it's fine. This happens so often. I should have expected it. So, how are you holding up?"

"I'm good. Better for the first time in years if I'm being honest." Said Spike, calmly.

"Would you like some tea?" Lucy politely offers.

"Sure. Do you have green tea?" Spike smiles.

"I do. Coming up," Lucy goes to her kitchen to start brewing tea.

Spike looks around her apartment from the chair he's sitting on. "You have a nice place here. How much you have to pay rent?"

"Thanks, Spike. I pay 70,000 Jewels a month."

"Wow, that's a lot."

"It's a steal. Being a member of the Fairy Tail Guild, there are job offers that wage a lot of money. So, back in this Equestria world, you come from, did you use magic?"

"I can teleport letters using my dragon's breath. Back in Equestria, I would often send letters to Princess Celestia. It's all I know how to do," Spike sighs. "I wish I can learn more about magic and adapt it to my likeness. Everyone in Fairy Tail is unique with their magic and, I don't have much to offer," Spike slumps a bit. Putting his claw on his cheek looking down.

Lucy walks up to Spike handing him his cup of green tea. Spike takes it and drinks it a bit. Lucy grabs a chair and sits across from him.

"So, what kind of magic would you be interested in learning?"

"Hmm," Spike ponders for a bit. "The story of how Gray uses maker magic is cool. Like, I would like to learn maker magic and use it for my flames along with learning powerful spells."

"Definitely talk to Gray about it. He can teach you some things about maker magic."

"I will," Spike drinks more of his green tea.

"Anything else coming into your mind?"

"Being able to use my flames. That part, I'll ask Natsu. The same goes for Macao. Learning how to use my flames to lift things."

"Sounds good, Spike," Lucy cheerfully said. Hoping Spike would smile a bit.

"I wonder whose team I'll be joining. Do you have any recommendations, Lucy?" Ask Spike, taking another sip of his green tea.

"Well, I'm sure Erza, Natsu, Happy, and Gray wouldn't mind adding another member to our team. There is Shadow Gear as well. I would personally love you on our team."

"You and they would want me on their team?" Spike perk up a bit.

"I honestly don't see why not. Plus, you'll be on a ton of adventures with us. Surrounded by friends and creating memories on the way. Also, you'll gain experience in the magic world. That is what you wished for, no?"

"You have a valid point. I did wish for this. I will make it worth wild." Spike said as he's cheering up a bit more.

"I'll vouch for you. Knowing the others by heart, they would love your company. Especially Erza and Natsu."

"Thanks, Lucy."

"You're welcome, Spike."

"Can I ask you something?" Asked Spike, nervously.

"Sure, what is it?"

"Mind if I spend the night here? I don't know where else to sleep for the time being," Spike kinda knows what to expect in his heart. A no. Still, he had to ask and see what happens.

"Yea, you can stay over. You can stay until you find a place of your own."

Spike smiles more. He gets off his chair and hugs Lucy for being kind to him. Lucy returns the hug.

"Thank you, Lucy."

"Of course, what are friends for?"

The next day. Lucy and Spike walk to the Fairy Tail Guildhall. On the way there, a lot of people are observing Spike. They thought all dragons are deceased. They are surprised to know that one remains. Parents and kids alike couldn't help but take pictures of Spike so they can tell their friends about what they see. Spike couldn't help but stare at the structure of the Fairy Tail Guild. It's massive and beautiful. Upon arrival, Lucy and Spike see Erza, Gray, Natsu, and Happy by the front door.

"Hey, guys," Said Lucy, greeting her friends.

"Morning, everyone," Spike waves his claw.

"Hey, Lucy. Hey, Spike," Gray answers.

"Sup," Natsu replies.

"Hey, you two," Happy replies.

"Hey, Lucy. Morning, Spike. I have news for you."

"What is it?" Spike asks, wondering what Erza has to say.

"After giving it some thought, I've decided to have you become a member of our team."

"Really!" Spikes shouts happily. He couldn't help but smile widely.

"Yes." Erza nods then turn to her friends. "Gray, Natsu, Happy. Any objections?"

"I'm cool with it, Erza," Gray calmly said.

"I'm all fired up!" Natsu shouts with pride.

"Aye!" Happy agrees with the verdict.

"Lucy?" Said Erza calmly.

"Actually, you beat me to the punch, Erza. I was going to suggest if it'd be alright to have Spike on our team."

"Then, it's official. Spike the Fairy will become our newest teammate."

Everyone cheers in unison. Spike becomes estactic. Arriving yesterday, getting to know his new friends, partying like there is no tomorrow, and now, being part of a team in Fairy Tail. This is the best wish he ever made that came true.

"Lucy, I forgot. I was supposed to give you this last night," Happy hands Lucy a flier. The flier reads of the Magnolia Harvest Festival. The flier also mentions a Miss Fairy Tail contest with the winner receiving 500,000 jewels.

"Whoa, that's a lot of money," Lucy exclaims.

"Uh-huh," Happy nods. "It's taking place later in the afternoon."

"I better get ready!" Lucy hurries back to her apartment, leaving a trail of smoke behind.

"Thank you for allowing me into your team, guys."

"No sweat. Also, I think you'll enjoy the Fantasia Parade later tonight. It may be a little too late for you to participate, but you'll be able to enjoy the scenery. If Makarov says you can participate, then you'll more likely be smiling and waving on a float. If not, the following year you'll participate for sure," Said Gray. All of a sudden, he's stripped down to his underwear.

"Gray," Spike laughs, "You're clothes,"

"Darn it! Not again!" Gray panics. His clothes are scattered.

Spike, Erza, Natsu, Happy, and Gray walk inside the Guildhall. Spike sees some faces he didn't see yesterday in the Guildhall. One of those faces walks up to Spike.

"So, you're the one that goes by Fairy Dragon," Said Gajeel, the Iron Dragon Slayer.

"Well, my name is Spike the Fairy. Nice to meet you."

"The name is Gajeel, the Iron Dragon Slayer. By the way, do you know a dragon named Metalicana?"

"No. Sorry, I'm not from this world. I do not know about this world's dragons."

"Well, welcome to the guild, I guess," Said Gajeel. He leaves Spike alone to chow on some iron.

Juvia approaches the group to greet Gray. When she sees Spike, she couldn't help but be amazed by the sight of him. Not that she's in love with him but, this is her first time seeing a young dragon. She looks down at Spike.

"Hello. You must be this Fairy Dragon I heard about since I came back. My name is Juvia Lockser."

"Hi, Juvia. I'm Spike the Fairy. Nice to meet you," Spike offers his claw for Juvia to shake.

"Nice to meet you too," Juvia smiles and shakes Spike's claw. Then her attention is directly at Gray. "Hi, Gray, my love!"

"Huh, she loves you," Spike jokingly said.

"Don't be like Happy now, Spike!" Gray retorts a bit.

"That's my joke. Glad you use it," Happy said, flying past Spike.

"Hey, Gray. Mind if I talk with you for a few moments?"

"Sure," Gray replies. He sighs in relief as Juvia watches Gray walk to Spike to have a private discussion. "What's on your mind?"

"Is it possible for you to teach me some concepts on maker magic?" Ask Spike. Hoping Gray would give him some pointers and tips.

"Well, there is a lot to it for maker magic. Maker magic allows you to be creative with the style you want. When you train hard, you'll be able to create a style of your own. After that, you can make it as powerful as your desire. That is what my Master, Ur taught me."

"Interesting, I will remember that. I'll put it to heart once I figure out how to use maker magic with my style. Thank you, Gray," Spike graciously expressed.

"No problem. Happy to help when I can," Gray said.

Spike sits at a table to talk with everyone in the guildhall. They are telling him about the Fantasia Parade. How awesome it's going to be. How beautiful the parade will be as well. Unbeknown to Spike and most of the Fairy Tail Guild. Laxus is watching from afar. Jotting his motives as the Thunder Legion is getting ready to mobilize and seize control of Fairy Tail.

Author's Note:

I hope you all enjoy the fourth chapter of the story. Let me know what you think.

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