• Member Since 7th Feb, 2014
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When everyone and everything seems dark, don't be. My Patrons let me keep writing, at: https://www.patreon.com/RealStarscribe


Flurry Heart's Crystaling didn't quite go as planned. After vanishing in a powerful magical surge, she became the most high-profile missing pony case in Equestrian history. Twilight leads the search to find her, before it's too late.

Unbeknownst to her, Flurry has already been found, by an unfortunate human who happened to be hiking near the place she appeared. Flurry Heart's magic is irresistibly powerful, and soon changes all around her to suit her whims. Soon Flurry's rescuer is fighting to reverse the magic, before the authorities notice and separate him from the only possible source of help.

Cover by Zutcha, editing by the Eevees in the hood Two Bit and Sparktail.

Updates most Tuesdays.

Note: This story was written as a commission for the generous patron of the arts Crescent Pulsar. If you'd like one of your own, feel free to PM me.

Chapters (63)
Comments ( 2454 )


Yes. Yes this definitely looks good.

Oh this' going to be good.

Poor Cadence though, it'll be a long and tortuous road before she's united with her daughter again.

Verry interresting what you are planning there, can´t wait for more. :twilightsheepish:

Nothing bad could happen to a sweet little foal. Somepony would keep an eye on her, Twilight was sure of that.

That second statement is definitely accurate. The first...

Well, this is Flurry Heart we're talking about. When bad things happen around her, she's usually the cause, not the target.

Nice to see this one finally go up.

Oh wow.
Another fic from a good author.

A Pony on Earth story, it seems.

Soon Flurry's rescuer is fighting to reverse the magic, before the authorities notice and separate him from the only possible source of help.

*Looks at cover art.*

Welp, if you're a human dude in a Starscribe story, there's a 50% chance that you're going to become a little horse, and a female one at that. It's the law. :rainbowlaugh:

I am a 100% certain that will be the case.

Of which I'm not really complaining, Stardustscribe is usually pretty good with the whole gender drama thing.

And I'm a sucker for drama.

Guys...we got gnomed in the cover art.

Oh this looks like a fun story. This is going to be so good. Wonder how the poor human will be reacting to taking care of an Alicorn baby. :D

I've been waiting excitedly for this one to debut on FiMfic ever since I saw the premise. Can't wait for more~


Stardust is usually pretty good with the whole gender drama thing.

You could say that...


Wherever she ended up, I’m sure Flurry Heart is around friendly hooves who will keep an eye on her until we find her.”

Nothing bad could happen to a sweet little foal. Somepony would keep an eye on her, Twilight was sure of that.

While completely irrelevant to this story, somehow I'm now reminded of this pic that I ran across once while browsing around... https://derpicdn.net/img/view/2018/2/2/1646538.png :rainbowlaugh::facehoof:

dang Starscribe and his excellent writing and story telling, he hooked me to this one :twilightangry2::pinkiesad2::rainbowdetermined2:

And the law is just and good.
Gotta love the law.

Geeze, poor Candance and Shining. If this story spans much time at all they're going to be missing their daughter for quite a while.

Nothing bad could happen to a sweet little foal. Somepony would keep an eye on her, Twilight was sure of that.

Okay, I really wanna see where this leads, now. Hopefully they kept their warranty when they got her. :pinkiecrazy:

Oh my god that cheeky dickwaffle

Not many beings can cause so much trouble in two dimensions at once.:scootangel:

Discord wants to know your location

Woah... Cadence about to go lesson zero trying to find her daughter :twilightsheepish:

Looking forward to actually meeting our main characters though :rainbowlaugh:

I wonder if the... Protagonist will come to the conclusion that Flurry Heart turned herself into a Pony, rather than her being an Alien.
I mean, given she presumably turns him into a female alicorn, it wouldn't be as much of a stretch.

Oh boy, here we go again.

Though I'm surprised that with a name like Kyle he wasn't chugging Monster.

Ah, a down-on-his-luck scion of a down-on-their-luck family, no prospects, no plan, no people in his corner.

May as well just tattoo "Protagonist" on the poor guy's forehead. :derpytongue2: He's definitely in for some interesting times.

Can we make this kid know parkour or something? I mean if he is going to be protecting this Alicorn Princess he’s gotta have some sort of trick up his sleeve.

Protagonist seems a tad overly...stock. Some more stuff to identify them, hobbies that could come into play, anything like that would make this more interesting. As is could be a neat story. Just missing good hooks for the human.

Why can I releate so well to the sibling relationship?

I don't know if stock is the word for it, but I catch your drift. Just have to wait it out though, I'm sure his character will be expanded on.

Comment posted by sporklasagna deleted Nov 20th, 2019

That looks pretty interesting, looking forward to see how this is going to develop !

I almost like how boring he is. Some people are blank slates, empty of hobbies or talents. They're the kind of people who would just go into nature and sit down to eat a sandwich for a few hours just to have something to do. We always have the special or talented protagonist in stories, but what happens when someone exceedingly normal gets visited by something abnormal.

Nothing bad could happen to a sweet little foal. Somepony would keep an eye on her, Twilight was sure of that.

Because she more worried about the one who found her.

Instead of 'Protagonist', I say 'Unfortunated Victim' would be more accurate. Nonetheless, this is getting interesting. And I am certain Discord is recording this from somewhere.

Usually that means someone depressed or with some kind of problem. But this guy likes to hike as a hobby at least.

wow, thanks for saying I have a problem and am/may be depressed.

I say that because I'm like that and I'm chronically depressed. Trying to fill out the time, not being able to find enough motivation to do what you like/want to do.

If anything this guy's actually better in that he gets out of home and does something, even if that something is just walking around the woods behind his home.

So this guy isn’t much of a student, but he still throws around genetic acronyms I’d never heard of... well, Calvin (as in “& Hobbes”) is similar. All a matter of one’s interests, I suppose.

People are a lot more into this than I am... Guys, it's just started. Let it get some meat on the bones.

Reason #5728 to not have a kid: Communication with someone who can't express their desires coherently is hard.

Perhaps this is where we get to the cover image? Flurry misses her mother, and decides to make one of her own?

Oh, she'll miss her mother in time. Right now she most likely misses a teat to suckle, and by her magic she's going to get it.

If she’s this big, I don’t want to meet her mom. I bet she could gore me with a horn like that.

True. And not outside the realm of possibility if she somehow ends up in this world.

In any case... yeah, alicorn tantrums don't end well for anything in the vicinity. And there's the question of whether Animal Control can determine the address based on the number (which, given that it's a landline, is highly likely.) This is going to get complicated on a number of levels.

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