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Princess Twilight and Rarity are dating.

The other Rarity in Twilight's life isn't quite sure how she feels about any of this.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 108 )


I'm not sure I have the words for this. Nice one, Mono.

Magnificent. This was unexpected, but in hindsight, we should have seen this comming from you.

After all, what's better than one Rarity? Two Raritys, Darling!

Author Interviewer

the cover art XD

Your Rarity is an absolute delight to read. You've really captured her wit and charm very well here, and everything just feels so natural for her. Bravo, and I look forward to any Rarity you write in any universe.

9493560 9493557

please don't mock my cover art, i literally put in an entire two minutes of effort into it ok, i worked hard on it its the highest production value cover art i have ;-;

This is the best thing I've ever read 😂

I said it was nice. :<

it has rarity how can it not be nice
i just didn't expect such powerful memes

Beautiful. Highlight of my week right here. I waiting for this to get published with baited breath, and now that is here I'm anything but dissapointed.
Tl:dr it was marvelous darling

Well written, Raritwi is one of my top favorite pairings thanks to you. I am too big a Fluttershy fan to have it as any higher than the I'm afraid. But these stories are great, keep on writing Raritwi gold. :raritywink::twilightblush:

This was fantastic, thanks for writing! :pinkiehappy:

Yay! :D I was stressed and sad QwQ now I am less sad ^^’
ALSO! You ever get around the The RariPie fic reading of your story my friend sparrow did, and the RariTwi I did? :3

“Yeah, but Twilight still said yes to her even though she knows you, and I’m just saying that if she’s so great and she went for the other you, then maybe you’re second best.”
“I’ve decided Rainbow Dash and I are no longer of speaking terms until further notice,” Rarity curtly informed Pinkie as she squinted at the clouds that were failing to make the park look as gray and miserable as she certainly didn’t feel.

in spite of the second degree burns I sustained on the inside of my nose, as I was drinking hot coffee when this particular part came up, reading this was easily the most enjoyable 15 minutes I've spent all day

I am a bit disappointed there was no ugnapeigh ortemmeigh ladiogeigh between the two Rarities but I can live with that

funk #13 · Mar 7th, 2019 · · ·

There are few things on this planet better than Rarity's drama. Awesome story Mono.

Author Interviewer

It is a good cover art that I want to read the story now :)

Brilliant, clever and absolutely hilarious, fantastic work.
Also the cover art is just perfect.

I love that Rarity knew Rarity well enough to know that Rarity wouldn't be satisfied in romance without drama.

Loved it all, especially Rarity's jealousy intruding on the narrative.

You madwoman, you went ahead and did it :raritydespair:

This was my first taste of Twirity, and I was not dissapointed. Have a like and a fave :twilightsmile:

Oh. Oh. I didn't realize this would be an interdimensional romance.

“Where you say things you don’t really mean, and I have to pretend that you mean it and pretend that I’m agreeing with you and nod really seriously.”
Rarity stamped her hoof on the ground. “But I do mean it!”
Pinkie nodded very seriously. “And I agree with you!”

Pinkie Pie: Literally the best.

There’s some maturity you can only gain through being near death multiple times...

Things only a seasoned adventurer would say. And the best part is that thanks to her pony associates, human Rarity actually has gained that maturity.

Oh my. Well played indeed. This was a fantastic trip from start to finish. Thank you for it.

I'm suddenly getting flashbacks to the Lutece Twins...

Well damn, you actually did it.

This was amazing all the way through, but the best part was the cut from Rarity talking to Rainbow to Rarity talking to Pinkie.

In general, it's great to see you make these spontaneous fluff pieces again. Epics are good, but it's these stories that make them special.

I think Rarity is better than Rarity. There's no Rarity that could measure up to Rarity. Rarity is great and all, but, there's just something about Rarity that Rarity was missing. Then again, Rarity does have that thing going for her. Maybe Rarity still have a chance against Rarity. It depends on weather or not Rarity Rarity Rarity, something, something, Rarity!

This was just The. Best. Thing. Ever!

A total delight to see poor Rarity deep in denial of her love for Twilight.

Please, Mono! Never stop writing Rarity and Twilight. You just do them so well!

I was shouting "yes" every 10 seconds.
Shifting this baby into maximum OverRarity

So, I don't really like slaps playing played for humor unless the slappee is a jerk (Like Barney Stinson, from himym) but everything else was amazing and—

You be Rarity One, and I…” She turned to Twilight, lifting her chin and then saying with an absolutely sultry tone, “and I’ll be yours.”

—was a smoother line than butter melted down and mixed with molasses.

Obviously from the Author's note at the end, the only conclusion is that Rarity is love, and Rarity is life, because dammit she is a fun character to write(as well as one of my favorites in the show) and I hate that people don't like her. Also... I love the interaction between Pinkie and Rarity, it just felt perfect. Something else that I loved is your intentional use of the name Rarity in a non-assuming manner so it's impossible to tell which one you're referring to and further making this a hilarious story.

So... You still Leaving the fandom when EK is done?

My favorite part was the slap and the "you bitch" parts but that transition was a solid 9/10 :rainbowlaugh:

Slaps don't work great for ponies, it ends up being less of a slap and more of a cudgeling when you have hooves. Hopefully Twilight didn't lose any teeth.

Damn, now I want to repost some sentence I saw somewhere that had "he" (or was it "him"? Anyways,) in it like 8 times, and was talking about anywhere between 2-6 men, and would've been a great reply. If you know what I'm on about, please point me to it.

Rarity scoffed. “Many things, I’m sure!” she said at once, eager to defend Twilight as a wonderful prospect for anypony , which she absolutely was. “She’s frightfully clever, has an admirable passion for expanding her worldviews and educating herself, is exceedingly adept at many things and she’s very attractive to boot.” She turned back to her dress and flipped it over. “True, she has a few flaws here and there, but even those stem from her positive virtues. The only downside, if it even is that, is that she still lacks the…” She circled her hoof. “... finesse required for somepony of her social standing, but it’s nothing I’m not already working on improving with her.” She took a pause, went over her mental checklist of the many things that made Twilight a fantastic catch, and added, “Oh, and she’s a wonderfully witty conversationalist, which is something I unfortunately can’t say of nearly anyone in this town except for maybe Fluttershy.”

*nods head off*

“Yeah, but Twilight still said yes to her even though she knows you , and I’m just saying that if she’s so great and she went for the other you, then maybe you’re second best.”


“I’ve decided Rainbow Dash and I are no longer of speaking terms until further notice,” Rarity curtly informed Pinkie as she squinted at the clouds that were failing to make the park look as gray and miserable as she certainly didn’t feel.


That is to be somewhat expected?

“It doesn’t!” Rarity said, taking her sunglasses from her bag and putting them on. “Does it look like it matters? It doesn’t matter to me, and in fact, it matters so little that I’m delighted Twilight wants to have her join us for dinner. I think it’s a great idea. Fantastic, even.”

Someone's in serious denial. :ajsmug:

“Where you say things you don’t really mean, and I have to pretend that you mean it and pretend that I’m agreeing with you and nod really seriously.”

Rarity stamped her hoof on the ground. “But I do mean it!”

Pinkie nodded very seriously. “And I agree with you!”

This is very Pinkie. :pinkiehappy:

“I didn’t!” Twilight said, offering an adorable smile full of mischief which wasn’t adorable. “I was thinking maybe we could go back to the castle and you could give me feedback on the thesis I’m writing?”

What? Twilight, not adorable?! Heresy!

“No, no, she’s absolutely right!” said Rarity Two , cutting Twilight off. She turned to Rarity One and smiled concedingly. “This is absolutely your universe, and you have known Twilight for longer. You be Rarity One, and I…” She turned to Twilight, lifting her chin and then saying with an absolutely sultry tone, “and I’ll be yours.”

(Unintentional?) roast of supreme magnitude. :rainbowderp:

She’s a hussy, I tell you! A hussy!”

“Rarity!” gasped Fluttershy from her couch, covering Angel Bunnies ears. “That’s not nice!”

Wow Rarity, you really need to sort your feelings. Either you have them or you don't, and then decide how to act. Heh.

“Okay, fine!” Rarity yelled, whipping around to face Fluttershy. “Maybe I am jealous! Maybe I am only now realizing that spending every day with Twilight was probably signs of something else, but now it’s too late and she’s with her and I’m worried!”

Ooh, we got there!

Oh, goodness, no, darling! Never! I want to apologize for what I’m about to do, insist that I take no pleasure in it, and that this will never happen again, and I’m sorry it’s happening even once.”

“What? Rarity, what are you ta—”



I'm debating whether I should get my pitchfork and torch. :unsuresweetie:

“Why, thank you! I’ve had a quite a lot of practice getting peop—er, ponies—together, and jealousy always works when someone is in denial about one’s feelings—” She turned to Twilight and raised an eyebrow,” —like I told you fifty times she was.”

Okay, maybe I can forgive that slap.

If Twilight's okay with it, I guess.

If you haven't guessed by now, I'm biased towards Twilight.

I was going to make a comment on the fact that Monochromatic might like this story. I then looked at the author's name.

I promptly facepalmed. :facehoof::twilightblush:

I think you're talking about "Humans vs Rubies" from Steven Universe.

That is still the plan, yes, barring a few more raritwi stories after it's done

So... Twilight here is a grown mare dating a teenaged human... Just wanted to point that out.

I actually thought about that! I generally assume that the Equestria Girls characters are in their senior year, so 18 years old. I figure that's how most M6 x EqG M6 shipping works, especially with all the Sunset x SciTwi fics out there.

Also, , Twilight isn't actually dating EGQ Rarity at all.

cover image sold me

Oh my goodness, this was excellent. I cannot wait for the EqG one...
Well done...seriously.

My personal headcanon states that Sunset is Granny's age, and that she only seems like a teenager because her human self is one(~16). I like to think that the girls are a range of ages, with SciTwi at 14, RD at 15, and AJ at 16 and Pinkie and Rarity being the oldest at 17. I should probably mention my belief that 'an age is just a number' should extend into the Law. Maybe some test or exam to measure maturity instead. One of many reasons that I don't run this place, I think.

Thank you for another wonderful piece, Mono. :heart:

Well, that was quite something. Rarity is undeniably the best Rarity. :raritywink:

Theres something melancholic about seeing a series that you've followed since you were a wee lad being on the brink of ending.
Personally to my own regret I was never very active in the fandom, yet I always thought that it was awesome that there were so many amazing creators like you that were. Thank you for being a part of something so dear to my heart. I wish you well in your future endeavours.

*cackles* Rarity would play Rarity like that! :trollestia:

Rarity's whole conversation with Fluttershy was amaaaaziiingggg! The theatrics! And poor Pinkie! :rainbowlaugh:

Loved it loved it loved it!

Mono pls

Also, while your Rarity is, as always, spot ON, I feel I would be remiss if I didn't mention that, as usual, your PINKIE is really amazing too.

*sadness noises*

“Can you even believe it?! Why would she say that?!” With a great harrumph, Rarity turned away and glared at a couple walking by. “I’m second best?! In what world am I second best?!”

“In this one?”

Seriously? What kind of answer did she expect to hear?

Mono, this was pure genius and you should be proud :raritystarry:

Meaning never, for RariTwi shall be with you foreveeeeeeeeer :pinkiecrazy::heart:


“No, no, she’s absolutely right!” said Rarity Two , cutting Twilight off. She turned to Rarity One and smiled concedingly. “This is absolutely your universe, and you have known Twilight for longer. You be Rarity One, and I…” She turned to Twilight, lifting her chin and then saying with an absolutely sultry tone, “and I’ll be yours.”

No, no, pony Rarity is Rarity One, human Rarity is Rarity A.

So, is human Rarity actually dating human Twilight?

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