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This story is a sequel to Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 6

The Sparkles have just finished a year long prank war with Celestia by order of ... pretty much everyone that currently exists and a few who don't, but this filler season brings more problems. Though the battle for Rahs' heart heats up, the cutiemark crusaders kick it into high gear to get Sweetiebelle her mark, Sunset sets things on fire, Pinkie Pie, there's another God Summit coming, an ancent pain in the ass returns, and some pony gets proposed to, all in this filler season of Twilight Gets a Puppy.

Chapters (4)

Twilight begins to develop new powers after her brother's wedding, well the truth is that not everything we saw in the royal wedding was the only thing that happened that day...

At her brother's wedding, after Chrysalis sent her to the cave, Twilight loses consciousness and has a vision, a dream in which she meets a nine-tailed beast, when she wakes up the only thing she remembers from that dream is a name "Kurama"...not only that, she found out the truth about her, she is not a normal unicorn, she is most than that

English is not my maternal language, this is my first story, I hope you enjoy this:twilightsmile:

Chapters (13)

In an Equestria where Princess Luna was never possessed by the Nightmare the world thrived under both Celestia and Luna's rule. As such, the timeline diverted. After rigorous evaluations, Sunset Shimmer was chosen by Princess Celestia to be her student. Twilight Sparkle, having been glossed over by the Sun Princess, was selected by Princess Luna to be her pupil. One day, the Immortal Sisters send their protégés on a mission to a small town. When the villain named Starlight Glimmer appears all of their lives will be changed forever.

New cover art a birthday gift from my friend Heavy Mole

Chapters (68)

It should have been the happiest day of her life. Despite all odds, Twilight passed the entrance exam to Princess Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns. Not only that, but she also got asked to be the Princess’s personal protege. And if that wasn’t already amazing enough, she even got her cutie mark! So why wasn’t the filly prancing around in circles shouting “Yes, Yes, Yes” over and over again?

Being the victim of an uncontrolled surge did not only grant her enough magic to give life to a dragon but apparently also made it possible for her to get glimpses of her future, showing her a destiny she really does not care for. So, knowing where her current path would lead her, there is really no sensible alternative than throwing everything away and changing her destiny to one she can agree to, setting her up for a life of intrigue and adventure, uncovering the many mysteries surrounding her and a certain pegasus, to find out who they really are.

Unfortunately, in doing so, she ruins the carefully laid out plans a certain Princess of the Sun had drawn up. But knowing the forgiving nature of Celestia, there is no way that could lead to conflict, right?

Huge thanks to the amazing Mutter_Butter for the cover image and to the amazing LastToTheParty, for becoming my proofreader/editor.

Chapters (28)

Twilight Sparkle, diligent protégée of Princess Luna, has been tasked with supervising the Lunar Moon Celebration in Ponyville.

However, as it comes to a close, Daybreaker returns from her millennium-long imprisonment. Now, with Princess Luna at death's door by Daybreaker, Twilight plans to find the Elements of Harmony to use against her, and stop Daybreaker's wrath against the entire kingdom.

Thanks to Lord Regulus, Arkadios and the fellow writers at discord for proofreading my fic for me and giving me advice!

Cover art by DarkFlame75, unfortunately artist hasn’t been online in recent years, at least where I’m aware.

Support me on Kofi if you’d like!

Chapters (21)

Taking that one necessary step forward to begin changing our life for the better requires a lot of courage. We must hold out our hearts and open up to others who will help us, even if we're scared of getting hurt. Life will not wait for us, so we must chase after it with all we've got. No matter how hard, how far, or impossible it may seem. We've got to find our happiness.

This is the story of one such changeling as she takes those first steps forward, her whole world changing right before her eyes.

((Cover art drawn by the fantastic Little Tigress.))

Chapters (10)

About nine months ago, Luna and Twilight started dating. The first couple of months were amazing. They hung out nearly daily, especially as Twilight refined her teleportation magic. They bought each other gifts, Luna specifically catching an eye on how to spot magical artifacts at antique stores. They curled up with each other at night when their schedules allowed them to, which Luna enjoyed dearly even if things hadn’t gotten super intimate yet. Their conversations were long and fascinating, even if Luna would admit that most of her interest came from her lack of knowledge of the last thousand years.

But lately, Twilight is too busy and keeps canceling all of their dates. Worried something is wrong, Luna reaches out to somepony who might be able to her.

Written for My dearest for Jinglemas 2022

Cover art by Lulubellct

Chapters (1)

Princess Twilight Sparkle was nothing but diligent in her studies—from arcane history to forbidden spells, her knowledge knew no bounds. Of course, one thing remained entirely foreign to her, and that was the concept of a social life. Queen Celestia, dead-set on correcting this in one way or the other, sends her daughter to the quaint town of Ponyville to oversee the preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration and perhaps make a friend or two, setting in motion a series of increasingly more unlikely events that will change the young princess’s life, as well as the lives of those around her, forever.

Chapters (1)

For a thousand years, the alicorns of House Solaris have ruled over the ponies of Equestria with wisdom and care. Now, in the present, Twilight, youngest daughter of the Queen, goes about her day as befits a Princess of the Realm.

Chapters (1)

Magic isn’t real. Twilight Sparkle abandoned that fantasy in her childhood, along with nonsense like pony princesses and myths of a monster in the moon. The only thing worth believing in is that which can be proved—scientifically, of course.

But then a series of un-scientific phenomena starts happening at Canterlot High. The magic-obsessed transfer student won’t leave her alone, a vivid nightmare haunts her dreams with increasing intensity, and her benevolent mentor-slash-principal is clearly hiding something big. Everywhere she turns there’s talk and sight of magic; rumours of a thousand-year old prophecy and a monster returning to seek revenge. And worst of all? Twilight finds herself almost willing to believe it.

Almost. Good thing she’s smart enough not to, right?

An EQG-adjacent retelling of the season one opener. Sciset. Animated trailer. Reviewed by PaulAsaran. Art by me!

Chapters (13)