• Member Since 1st Jul, 2019


I'm 'Roarin' Out to Go!

Great 182 stories


  • Great 182 stories All that good stuff


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Sunset Shimmer's life was good, she had plenty of friends and greatly enjoyed where she had eventually ended up in life. It's a shame then that reality had a different opinion on where she belonged. Now stuck in the past prior to first leaving for the human world, Sunset will have to figure out what kind of direction she wants to take in life this time around.

After all, the future she herself lived with her friends was not reachable without doing things that she now found appalling. Even so, she knows that staying in Equestria could very well doom the world to a much darker future. If she had time to draft a plan she could probably figure out something that would keep herself out of the way while also not affecting the timeline, it's a shame then that the two princesses of Canterlot would just not leave her alone!

Apparently this thing got feature mere days after publishing... somehow.

Chapters (5)

Sweetie Belle discovers an amateur novel lying abandoned on the ground. The mysterious story soon becomes all the rage with everypony.

And then Rarity hears a passage of it being read out loud...

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash faces her final test to join the Shadowbolts, and fails with flying colors.

An entry into the Raridashdoodles Raridash Writing Contest, using the image prompt in the cover art.

(2019-05-08) Featured on Equestria Daily!

Chapters (5)

 Being stuck in Equestria isn’t as bad as you would think. The creatures are friendly, the atmosphere is great, and even the rulers of the Equestria themselves are very welcoming. Naturally some people feel the need to test just how welcoming certain rulers are, and very fluffy ears are such a tempting target…
Oh, before I forget, Anon is indeed a woman in this fic.
Cover art by: Hioshiru
Edited and preread by: Not Enough Coffee and Makuta
Flash Request: 2

Chapters (1)

Since Princess Twilight Sparkle had elevated herself to the status of an immortal alicorn, she has come to realize that there would be one part of her friend's lives that they may never get the chance of having - her funeral. To make up for this, she decides to host a mock funeral so they can have the opportunity to experience it. However, word about the preparation for said funeral accidently gets out and as a result, Equestria believes that Twilight has died.

This story was inspired by the suggestion of a friend who wishes to remain anonymous.

Proofread by Titanium Dragon.

Chapters (1)

Zephyr Breeze had come to the Daring Do convention in Manehattan with high hopes of surprising his crush, Rainbow Dash. After all, she loves Daring Do, right?

Rainbow Dash was bummed that she couldn't go to this year's Manehattan Daring Do convention, but she had Wonderbolts practice, so she simply wouldn't be able to be there.

A.K. Yearling was on a mission. Scratch that, she just completed it. Now all she had to do was blend in with all the Daring Do cosplayers until the convention closed for the day. Wait, who in Celestia's name is this stallion? And why's he calling her "Rainbows?"

Note: This story is my entry into the May 2020 Pairing Contest.

Note: This story is written to take place before Season 9, so any continuity problems from episodes such as Daring Doubt are not actually continuity errors at all.

Chapters (5)

"Because I’ve been thinking about this for a while, and there’s not a single creature with wings I can think of who is exclusively attracted to the opposite sex.”

Now with a reading!

And another!

Chapters (1)

When I agreed to be sent to Equestria I didn't read the fine print. I'm the wrong age, the wrong sex, and lost in the wilderness.

New Cover art commissioned from Lunar Froxy.

Chapters (57)

“I’ve been in the land of Equestria for a few months now, and I have seen some of the most mind-boggling things one can ever imagine seeing. When I’d managed to finish that birdbath a few days ago, I have never, not even in my wildest dreams—not in a million lifetimes—would I ever seen an alicorn floating around inside of it.”

(Because of popular demand this story has been placed on the incomplete list, also Chapter titles and name has been edited to better represent the story. Thanks to Jakomi of the Rose for the name suggestion.)

Chapters (11)