Stories that ran over 200,000 words. My goal is to read all of these on FIMFiction, these are the ones I've finished. Be prepared for the long haul.
Celestia acting like a mother. It's usually to Twilight, but Sunset appears a few times too.
Stories where Twilight is a mom. It's usually to Spike, but there are others in here as well.
Octavia and Vinyl stories, mostly romantic but friendshipping will also be placed here.
My OTP. Some friendshipping here as well.
Stuff taking place in the EqG verse.
44 stories
Here's the heavy stuff. Read at your own risk.
I know it's hated, but I can't help but like this pairing.
Scootaloo gets adopted. Usually by Rainbow Dash, but Twilight shows up sporadically.
Things change from canon.
Average, every day life... well, as average as Equestria gets, anyway.
My 2nd favorite ship, after TwiJack.
Everypony goes on a quest of some kind.
This fandom can make any pairing work. Don't believe me? Check this out.
26 stories
Fics where OCs play a big part.
Right now, this is only stuff I wrote with TheMyth, but more might be around the corner.
Friendship Games convinced me, okay?