What it says on the box. Pinkie Pie has a hearse (somehow). She drives it. Hijinks ensue. What kind of hijinks? You'll have to read to find out!
I don't own Hasbro or FiM
This description is inspired by a thing Eldorado said years ago.
Was also my entry in the Go Steady in the Dark event on writeoff.me.
Twilight damn it, Eldorado!
You forgot the 'Mane Six' and 'Sad' tags.
Can't have more than 3 genre tags, so I did the best I could.
I was expecting Redheart to grab her Viking Helmet seeing Pinkie go by.
Nothing says escorting the dead more than a Norse Nurse Horse Hearse pulling Valkyrie duty.
Now go phone yer mom.
Monty Python salutes you as Jenny and the wimp get a boot to the head.
Could of been the Death Car from Animal House!
Actually I don’t. What are we suppose to bring out?
Oh, I'm sure it'll become clear in time.
Dark+Comedy. Very good.
"I'm not dead yet."
Not gonna lie, when I read the Mayor was going to take care of business, I thought she'd step infront of the car, get hit and that would be the dead body.
"He says he's not dead yet."
This was just the silliest and sweetest story I’ve read in a long time. Well done, Winston!
Obligatory: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/400/binky-pie
Or it could be repainted to more resemble a paranormal investigation/elimination service.
Rainbow: Has anybody seen a ghost?!
Rainbow: Yeah. Why worry? Each of us has a barely licensed harmony magic powered blaster on our backs.
Pinkie: We'd better split up.
Twilight: Good idea.
Rainbow: Yeah, we can do more damage that way.
There's something strange in the neighborhood. Who are you going to call?
There's something weird and it doesn't look good. Who are you going to call?
I'm not afraid of any ghosts.
To be fair, considering how many monsters and super-villains attack Ponyville on a semi-regular basis, it IS a lot more surprising that there isn't a lot more dead ponies (surprising in a good way, admittedly, but still surprising).
Theres a couple stories on fimfic about just that, Trying to remember any of them.
Ah.. That was at least one lot. Ponies dont die during incavsiona nd take over by Chaos forces in Warhammer 40K
Lord Tellis and the Sonic Rainnuke.
Pinkie verses the Eldar Gods.
Halfway through I believed this would somehow end in a pun about beating a dead horse.
Looking at the hearse on the art picture, i just have one question... How just how does pikie did to fit it throught the EQG portal?
This story has been reviewed by me from the "My Little Reviews & Feedback" group.
The review can be read HERE.
Also, hi Winston. I don't quite remember how long ago you followed me, but I hope you're doing well.
Thank you! Glad you liked it!
BTW, I gotta ask, was I right about it being at least a little inspired by Monty Python?
Very much, yes. I wanted the Monty Python kind of absurdity because it fits with Pinkie Pie.
Too true. Pinkie is the epitome of "and now for something completely different".
The payoff here felt really underwhelming for how beaten-in the joke was. I just can't bring myself to care about random OCs brought in suddenly at the climax and the comedy just seemed to vanish when they show up.
loved it! anything that can cycle the mane cast in a fresh way. Made me feel like I was watching a FiM ep. A reeeally strange one, but still :P
This friggin dialogue :D
“This doesn’t have anything to do with me, does it?” she asked with concern. “Am I scheduled to be dead today?”
“Lemme see here.” Her secretary consulted a day planner. “No, but your afternoon is a bit light,” she said dryly. “I can try to work it in if you like.”
“BRING OUT ANY DEAD YOU HAVE… UM, PLEASE.” Fluttershy’s voice drifted through the window. It was a bit on the quiet side, but only in the relative sense that she hadn’t turned her megaphone up quite as loud as Pinkie Pie.
Only minor criticism is the ending as one or two have said. I mean, if this is actually about bringing out dead as a public service then why was the Mayor confused? But you have to round a thing off somehow.