• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Luna Informs Celestia

Princess Luna leaves the dream realm after discussing with Discord. She returns to Canterlot Castle, lowers the moon to raise the sun, and trots to Celestia's room. She knocks on the door.

"Five more minutes," Celestia groans a little.

"It's 7:30 in the morning. You're going to be late for breakfast. Pony Joe is delivering the donuts for breakfast again, Celestia."

Princess Celestia wakes up and gets ready. She opens the door immediately, and Luna steps in to close it.

"Forgive me, sister, as that was a lie. There is something crucial I need to speak to you."

"Alright, what you have to inform, Luna?"

"Promise me. Promise me that you won't speak of this to another."

Princess Celestia nods. "I won't tell a soul to anyone. It's between us and no one else. I've kept many secrets in the past. One more wouldn't hurt."

Princess Luna sighs. Celestia understands the gravity of the situation. She wonders what her sister has to say. Princess Luna creates a silencing circle so no one else can overhear the conversation within the room.

"It's about Spike."

"What about him?" Celestia's tone changes. She sounds serious and worried at the same time.

Princess Luna takes a deep breath. "Spike isn't here in Equestria."

"What are you talking about? He works at the School of Friendship and lives in the Crystal Empire. Is this a dark joke?"

"That's not Spike. That was Discord."

"Dis-Dis-Discord?" Princess Celestia sounds a little angry. "If that's Discord, then where is Spike?"

"In a better place where he's free from this world." Princess Celestia pants as she becomes teary, thinking that Spike is dead. "Sis, Spike didn't die. Spike made a wish, and Discord granted it."

"What?" Princess Celestia wipes her tears. "What did he wished for?"

"To be in a world where friends are treated like family and for him to be happy. We don't know what world Discord sent him to but, we do know that Spike is happy."

"So, why is Discord disguising himself as Spike?"

"To test Twilight and her friends," Princess Luna trots up to her sister and places her hoof on her forehead. "I'm going to use my night magic for you to see my memories through the dream. You'll see what transpired from the last time Discord spoke to Spike and our conversation."

"Okay," Princess Celestia nods, giving consent to her sister.

Princess Luna allows Celestia to witness the dream memory from last night as well as their conversation. Princess Celestia cries, seeing how heartbroken and depressed Spike was during that night. She now understands Discord's true motives. After twenty minutes of watching the memories, Luna's spell shuts off. Princess Celestia steps back to recompose herself.

"Is there a way to bring Spike back home?" Princess Celestia asks.

"You want to intrude his happiness?"

"He doesn't belong there. Also, how do you know he's happy? What if he's miserable, and it was Discord's doing?"

"You don't trust Discord?" Princess Luna is appalled by Celestia's reaction.

"Discord is unpredictable. He's the embodiment of Chaos, Luna. What he's doing is chaotic and messing around with Twilight's life a bit. He lied to Twilight and her friends. Lied to us!"

"I can't believe you. You're like them," Luna is displeased with Celestia.

"I'm nothing like them, Luna."

"You are! You sent your student to Ponyville to learn Friendship because you don't know what it is. You have no problem associating with every pony except for other creatures."

"Don't you remember what Discord did to Equestria a thousand years ago? When he took over Equestria."

"Yes, and he changed. It takes time to change, like building trust. May I remind you that you were quickly dismissive of me before I turned to Nightmare Moon?"

"Stop," Princess Celestia commands.

"Stop what, speaking the truth to you? I know what Discord is doing is noble. Would you helped Spike if he wished to go somewhere he can be happy, or would you sit idle and watch him die?"

"I said stop!" Celestia stomps her front hooves to get Luna to stop talking. She breathes heavily.

"So you are willing to sit idly until it's too late."

"No. If I would have known what was happening with Spike, I would have stepped in."

"Have you been keeping contact with Spike? Before all of this, when was the last time you reached out to the only dragon you can talk to?"

"I-I was busy. You know how it goes," Princess Celestia responds.

"You have no problem making time for Twilight and her friends. When it came to Spike, apparently that wasn't the case."

"That's not true..," Princess Celestia tries to remember the times she had with Spike.

"You've been surrounded by ponies of higher power that don't care about any other creature. Guess what, we have an EEA system that's racist to other creatures. Now I know where it came from," Princess Luna stares at her Celestia.

Princess Celestia gasps. "I am not the origin of that, and you know it!"

"No, but you carried that influence from the founders of our nation which isn't great. They started with hating each other cause they were different until they settled and become united. When other creatures came into the fray, you know where that hate went to?"

Princess Celestia sighs, remembering her childhood like it was yesterday. "Them."

"Exactly. Remember Chrysalis when she was younger? How did ponies treat her?"

"Hate and spite because she's different at the time," Princess Celestia admits.

"Do you know what happens when hate and spite get in the midst of a creature later in the years?"

"They plot and seek vengeance or, they hate our kind..," Princess Celestia lowers her head.

"Now you know how Discord felt all those years ago when everypony teased and mocked him for being different."

Princess Celestia sighs heavily. "Even so, Spike doesn't belong in that world he's in. He needs to come back. The other nations started their Bar of Alliance because of what happened to Spike. If they find out that he's been missing this whole time, things will be at a catastrophic level. Don't you agree?"

"Yes," Princess Luna admittingly nods. "However, you willing to pry away one's happiness for all? A dragon that's grown to misery to continue that path here?"

"You have to look at the bigger picture, Luna. If it's meant to be, then it's meant to be."

Princess Luna shakes her head. "Outrageous, Celestia. We as in every single one of us, should choose our paths and strive for happiness. Even if it's a 1% chance."

"No sacrifice, no victory, Luna. Remember that," Princess Celestia trots past Luna. "I won't tell anyone. I'll leave that up to Discord. It's on him if things reach a catastrophic level due to his antics and deception. I hope we have the real Spike back before global warfare begins," Celestia leaves her room.

Princess Luna looks at the floor. She now regrets telling Celestia about Spike as she seems to be blind. Princess Luna groans and decides to pay Chancellor Neighsay a visit.

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