• Member Since 16th Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen Jul 19th, 2024


Fimfiction's sexiest robot, how do you do?


One day whilst working, Rarity is horrified to discover a spider and tries to kill it.

Things quickly escalate.

Now with a YouTube reading!

Big thanks to Vexy and Abramus5250 for editing and RainbowBob for pre-reading. Go check out their work!

Cover art found here by otakuap, go check out his work on his deviantart!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 88 )

Wasn't there something similar a month or two ago with Rarity and a cockroach? Looks funny in any case.

Dear sweet Luna... What have you done...

Me gusta :trollestia:



could i do a dramatic reading of this?
ill try ask some people if i could have them voice act rarity for me

If there was, I'm unaware of it.


By all means go for it. :twilightsmile:

Oh my god best prank ever! Now Dash has no need to model for Rarity anymore.:rainbowlaugh: Her whole home though? Dang even I don't fear spiders that much. Again best prank ever!

that was awesome!

This is the single greatest thing ever.

That was so AWESOME :rainbowlaugh:

*sniffle* Poor Rarity. I feel for her. I really do. THE PRANKSTERS MUST PAY DEARLY FOR THIS ATROCITY! :raritydespair:

Otherwise I enjoyed it!

Things quickly escalate.

It was inconceivable!

"Rarity freaks out over a pest in her house" is overdone at this point. It's been done with mice, cockroaches, I don't know WHAT else...honestly, it stopped being funny after the cockroach one.

Wow... I was about to say that this was actually something that kind of scared me.
A spider....meh.
A deathless spider that want to kill me... I'm out.
Then I saw the end...It's gonna suck when Sweetie Belle gets back and some one has to explain what happened.

you're forgetting the historical amount of autism the brony fandom has

Spikey watched the two and said, "Dang that's messed up":moustache::pinkiegasp::rainbowhuh:" Between Twi & Rars I'm always cleaning stuff up"

5238086 ...

You know, that stopped being funny the first time an asshole on 4chan said it. :ajbemused:

Seriously, just...knock it off with that 'autism' crap. It's not smart, it's not clever, it's not funny...it just makes you look like an ignorant, malignant asshole.

I'm not trying to be funny I'm just saying a fact

Have you ever been on the MLP Forums? It's easily the biggest hive of combined autism on the entire internet-- filled with so so many people pretending to care, with opinions and things that no normal person gives a shit about

these are the types of people that are mostly social outcasts in the real world. when given a change to communicate with others who are the same social outcasts, their personality and their way of acting towards each other is so vastly different compared to normal because of their failure in being able to social contact. what you get is a mass of autism, and due to the size of the mlp fandom it's magnitude is like that of a plague, only not nearly as bad when compared to things like SJWS and Feminazis. Brony autism is just something to laugh and cringe at at best

What you get is something that you won't see anywhere else on the internet that's as prominent; it can't match the furry fandom, the anime fandom or any other fandom because of it's magnitude and specialty. it truly is a spectacle of human-kind, a side normal humans don't get to witness very often

Just look at the story right here as an example-- absolutely no dislikes as of yet. Only the autism of the brony community can achieve something like that, especially if the story idea already been done several times before. if anyone made a fanfic like this for an anime show or for furry it would surely get more dislikes, although not as much percentage due to the lack of popularity. the bronies are fearful of things dying and make themselves like things that in truth have gotten old to them, as much as they don't want to admit it. Denial is the strongest of all human traits as they say, and brony Autism is a definite example of just how powerful it can be. The same can be applied to SJWs and Feminazis especially

i think most of these very autistic bronies will seriously question their life in the future as the mlp fandom dies out and all that's left is cloppers, which is most likely going to happen. it's already headed in that direction-- it would be very difficult to lose attraction to the ponies while not near as difficult to lose attraction to the actual show. it is a shame tho that most of the autism that bronies possess is the bad type of autism compared to the good one-- i like the intelligent autism because I think it is cute. it's a shame autistic males outnumber females 4 to 1 though, but in my headcanon in real life females are a Rarity, if you know what I mean

This is the best thing I've ever read. No seriously. This deserves a god damn medal. It's so good the downvote trolls can't even bring themselves to attack it...well, yet anyway.


I'm not trying to be funny I'm just saying a fact

No...you're not. :ajbemused:

Have you ever been on the MLP Forums? It's easily the biggest hive of combined autism on the entire internet-- filled with so so many people pretending to care, with opinions and things that no normal person gives a shit about

You know...being so judgmental of others must be such a heavy burden on you.

FYI, "people are talking about something I don't care about" DOES NOT EQUAL "these people are autistic". Do you even know what autism is? Seriously? Or do you just view it as a blanket term for "obsessive geek"?

these are the types of people that are mostly social outcasts in the real world.

In your opinion.

when given a change to communicate with others who are the same social outcasts

Except most bronies are NOT in fact social outcasts...

their personality and their way of acting towards each other is so vastly different compared to normal because of their failure in being able to social contact

Uhhh...most people act differently on the Internet than they do in real life.

what you get is a mass of autism

:facehoof: That may be the single most retarded, ignorant comment I've ever seen.

"A mass of autism"? Seriously?


Autism is a neurological disorder, not a personality trait or a quantifiable level of geekdom. You can't have a "mass of autism" because that is not what autism is. You should really know what words mean before you use them to classify a group of people on the Internet. All you're doing here is making yourself look like an enormous idiot.

and due to the size of the mlp fandom it's magnitude is like that of a plague


only not nearly as bad when compared to things like SJWS and Feminazis

Wow, you just want everybody to hate you, don't you?

Brony autism is just something to laugh and cringe at at best

So basically, you're saying that you're on FiMF and other MLP fansites to point and laugh at people who have done nothing to you and call them something you don't even understand the meaning of, just so you can feel better than them.

Wow. Your mother must be SO PROUD OF YOU!

Just look at the story right here as an example-- absolutely no dislikes as of yet. Only the autism of the brony community can achieve something like that

You keep using that word. It doesn't mean what you think it means.

As to why this story has no dislikes...maybe that's because it's a good story and people like it? I didn't upvote it simply because the premise is overused and I honestly didn't finish reading it for that very reason, but neither did I downvote it, because it isn't a BAD story either. It's simply one I'm not that interested in.

if anyone made a fanfic like this for an anime show or for furry it would surely get more dislikes, although not as much percentage due to the lack of popularity.

So says the great statistician who is an expert on all things fandom and "autism", so it MUST be true!

the bronies are fearful of things dying


and make themselves like things that in truth have gotten old to them

So suddenly you're psychic and can see into the mind of every brony? Wow. Your powers of observation, clairvoyance, and statistical analysis truly know no bounds.

Denial is the strongest of all human traits as they say

Absolutely nobody has ever said that ever.

brony Autism is a definite example of just how powerful it can be

Autism has nothing to do with denial. It is a neurological disorder. Does it affect social interactions? Yes. Can it lead to repetitive behavior? Yes. But here's the thing: classifying bronies as autistic and calling their social behavior on Internet forums "brony autism" just because it's weird to you? That is neither true nor acceptable. You, my friend, are a jerk, and you need to take a step back and examine yourself, your beliefs, and your opinions, and see if perhaps there is some reason, some unhappiness in your own life, some perceived shortcoming or insecurity you yourself have not faced, that is causing you to be a jerk.

i think most of these very autistic bronies


as the mlp fandom dies out and all that's left is cloppers, which is most likely going to happen

Not necessarily. Fandoms persist for decades after the work that spawns them ends. There is no sign of the fandom doing anything but growing stronger. But that's beside the point--the point being you sitting there using a term you don't understand to sit in judgment of others who have done nothing to you.

it's already headed in that direction

No it isn't.

it is a shame tho that most of the autism that bronies possess is the bad type of autism compared to the good one

:ajbemused: You really need to stop throwing the word 'autism' around like this. You're embarrassing yourself.

While you're at it, you need to step away from MLP fansites and away from your computer/tablet/phone/whatever until you learn not to be a judgmental ass and learn to stop casually disrespecting entire groups of people on the Internet.

fucking newfags don't know what autism is. there's two types of autism, there's the autism that little kids have that is a mental disorder and then the autism that teenagers have who flock the mlp fandom. the Christian bible tells me that mental disorders are a sin, but the teenage autism is not a disorder as it is a state of mind, like asspergers. in the past it may have been emos but now it's bronies

you think im being insenstive becuase you do not know what autism is, you are infact the insensitive one here for being such a fool. it is insensitive to label the teenage autism as a mental disorder when, in some cases it is actually better than normal human minds. like i said there is the bad autism and the good autism, if there was only good autism the world would be a better place because of the way autisticals think through things so well. they are not dumb they are smarter, there should be autism master race not pc master race

the autism that little children has is just a dead meme that everyone still relates the main autism to

5238911 Congratulations, you have just proven yourself to be the most ignorant, offensively stupid person on this website.

There's no further point in arguing with you. I'm done here.


Wow, first time I seen someone so willfully ignorant. Everyone always told me that that kind of person always exist in the internet, yet this is the first time I seen it happen so recently.


Too late, and the troll that is attacking is the highest level of troll evolution

That was sensational!

I think I read a similar story like this, but it was a cockroach....

I thought Rarity was fine with spiders, she went with Fluttershy during star-spider season in Castle Mane-ia, and wasn't too bothered....

5238911 waitwaitwait
did you jut say having a mental disorder is a A SIN
that like saying being black is a sin!
oh wait right, its the bible; i had forgotten how horrifyingly inhumane it is.

I just want to start this off with...



So yeah, there are actually about 30 different variation of autism, each sustained by a series of interchangeable disorders and skills, thus making about 7 of them moderately rare. If born with one specific case, Executive Function Disorder, you could compare your social interests & interactions in the form of an ugly man in the desert. From far away, he looks like a normal man, but you don't know much about him. As you get closer, he seems to start a conversation with you, and you think, 'maybe I can talk to this guy'. But when you are right next to him, you see him as awkward, and someone you would not like to be around. At the same time, the man will likely have no filter between his mouth & his brain, so you will be further spreading the reputation that he is to be avoided and ignored, aka outcast.

Of course, had you been friends with the man for a while, he would likely behave more sensibly around you.

Continuing on, all variations of Autism are placed on an 'Autism Scale'. This is a chart that describes how socially disfiguring any variation may be. In the case of Executive Function Disorder, an individual would be skilled at a few random tasks, much like any other variation of autism, but instead of selecting a variation of skills, an individual with EFD will have extreme difficulty on specifically simple tasks, like writing, organization, or commitment to a project.

So as to wrap of this little explanation, there are many, MANY variations of autism, each consisting of their own strengths & weaknesses. Also, if you try to use the Christian Bible as support for a logical argument (or illogical, for that matter), you will, and I repeat, WILL be regarded as ignorant.

Anybody wanna make a guess as to how I know so damn much about one specific mutation of autism? Go ahead, have a go.

I'm not mad or anything, I just wanted to do this:

*Drops mic*


Who would harm such an innocent wonderful creature? :fluttercry:

i'm not being ignorant, i'm certified with autism myself and i like to think that it has done better in my life overall than if I did not have autism. i originally stated that the brony community is filled with autistic people and you blew me all over the place because in your mind you thought I was being insensitive when I was just saying something that is so obviously true. a fellow Autisman has already showed up in the thread with the trademark perfect grammar, which is a symptom of the good autism, and he is a brony

now you label me as a troll because you are too in denial to face the facts. you say i am ignorant when you are the one that's ignorant, you dislike my comments because you disagree with them without trying to look from outside your head and see the points that I am trying to prove. blind hate started world war 1 and is the source of most internet arguments tbh. you think I'm being insensitive because i am saying the brony community is a horde of autism, it's just like saying an ugly person is beautiful-- it's a lie. you lie to yourselves because you're so focused on being the good guy because autism is a holy grail that cannot be touched without seeming insensitive, and that has been brought on to all of you by yourselves.

I applaud this story. Even if the idea has been done before, you managed to perfectly capture the style of Tex Avery and Chuck Jones cartoons in prose form. I could easily see a fan doing an animation of this, adapting it in the style of an old Looney Tunes cartoon. Once again, well done.

You trolls sure like to push peoples buttons* and why are you other idiots** let yourselves get labeled with some bull shit disorder?

Why don't you morons grow a pair, And use the assets you have.

Placing your only hope on your weakness is like building your future foundations in sand.#

* No balls?

** no brains?

# Don't you have better things to do?

Don't worry, Rarity and her sledgehammer will be paying them a visit, as she chases them in the hedge maze that somehow appeared behind the boutique.


That really made my day, thank you. :twilightsmile:

Mr101 #41 · Nov 7th, 2014 · · 1 ·

5238979 79

With the greatest respect, could you kindly not turn the comments of my story into a fight? Rather not have to wake up to find the majority of the comments was an argument. Can somewhat put a damper on your day, so... yeah. If you'd be so kind?


Not a problem. The image of Rarity chasing a spider while wielding a sledgehammer nearly split my sides, and led to the quick Photoshop job I did below.

Which in turn made me laugh.

And so shines a good deed in a weary world...:pinkiehappy:

:raritydespair: OH NO A SPIDER!

Mustache seal of approval! :moustache:

So what mad science spawned those spiders?


K then.

I do pity Rarity a bit, ss there any planned sequel or anything (Rarity revenge) or will this be a one-shot only thing?

Also known as "The Little Eight-Legged Bastard that Would Not Die!" :twilightsmile:
I liked it for Rarity's over-the-top reactions akin to my sister's when seeing a spider, and the ending.

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