• Member Since 13th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen January 2nd

Super Trampoline

"Of all the terrible batponies in the world, you're the least terrible."~PresentPerfect🐴Ponk & GlimGlam are best ponies🐴Text 714-496-3119 with the name of an MLP character to get a cute picture!


...Stocks, Talks, Vox, Walks, Woks |A growing series of vignettes ostensibly centered around Rainbow Dash, except not always.

A hearty thank you to my Patreon patrons Singularity Dream, ocalhoun, and Littlecolt!

Chapters (20)
Comments ( 91 )

poorly written

>not sure if it's in reference to the fic that's being referenced or the fic that's being read currently

You clever bastard. :raritywink:

5063759 Rob, if you read this, know that I am quite fond of your Bees story.


I am so confused.

I got curious, so I checked out Rainbow Cocks.

It wasn't what I was expecting.

Guess I'll check out the others.

This is one of the best and one of the worst fanfics we've read so far.

It's obviously a trollfic, or a really random fanfic.

We'll give it an upvote just because

...D-.. Did you jus- ....I applaud you, dear sir. :moustache:

5064221 :rainbowhuh: Well, I wasn't prepared for that.

Scene did not contain a lap dance. *ding*

Is it voltorb

9/10 didn't see that coming

No one actually shouts that on the boat, lel. The Cox usually just yells at you to push harder and to walk away from the other boats.

You made me spill my water over the keyboard. :ajbemused:

jk, wuved it.

. . . :derpyderp1:

. . . :derpyderp2:

Oh, sure. Why not? Have a thumb for making me smile, and have a star because I want to see what else Rainbow will do. Except rocks, of course. Sorry, Maud. :derpytongue2:

I wear it to bed every night!

Like I do with my strapon!

I'm only liking this story because of that title. Seriously! Celestia's beard was never as long as that title!

I swear to God, I saw that title and then I immediately knew it was you.


:rainbowderp:: Shut up Rainbow!
:rainbowdetermined2:: No, you shut up Rainbow!
(50% Off reference.)

What the fuck did I just masturbate too?

Please add a Rainbow Dox.

5066144 That is on my list; I just forgot to add it initially because it doesn't show up on rhyme zone, but I'd like to point out everyone know's where rainbow lives anyway.


I need address to send this box of flaming dog shit


Also, "faux" is pronounced "foe."

5066114 Not that sort of docking; this is rated everyone. :rainbowderp::twilightoops:


Also, "faux" is pronounced "foe."

Rainbow smallpox

*snerks* My first thought ws docking a boat, I won't lie.:rainbowlaugh:

5066840 if I reach the end of the list and aren't bored yet, I can just start from the beginning with alternet definitions.

I think you broke a record dude with this tittle! :rainbowderp:

If you look in the bottom right corner of the cover art, youll see the rainbow dash that likes to f@$&.

Still cant tell if that ones a lesbian.


You're allowed to curse. :rainbowwild:

Rainbow Gawks! Example::rainbowderp:

(It's a word look it up)

5064227 would you have rathered: "Scenr contained lap dance with chicken" *ding!* :rainbowhuh:

5064221 Uh...
I've played every Generation except 4 and 6 (unfortunately) and loved them. I even played White 2 yesterday!

I should be offended at the Scootaloo being a chicken thing, but I can't bring myself to not love this chapter. :rainbowkiss:

Did Dr. Seuss come back from the grave?

5068187 Yes.

Watch this if you're confused.

"So help me, me."

This has got to be my favorite Luna quote so far. (Any Luna, from any Fanfic.)

I started looking at this story solely because I noticed this problem when I saw the fic on the recently updated list. A lesser issue is that half the words only half rhyme with the other half (faux excluded because it doesn't rhyme at all).

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