Rainbow Awks, Balks, Bawks, Blocks, Blocs, Box, Caulks, Chalks, Clocks, Cocks, Cox, Crocs, Docks, Dox, Faux, Fawkes, Flocks, Fox, Frocks, Hawks, Hocks, Jaques, Jocks, Knocks, Knox, Locks, Lox, Mocks, Ox, Pox, Shocks, Socks, Sox, Squawks, Spocks, Stalks...

by Super Trampoline

Rainbow Fawkes

Twilight flitted up to where her friend was flying. "Hey, Rainbow Dash, what's with the funny mask?"

"Oh, just a little November tradition of mine," the pegasus replied.

"Okay, but all the barrels I've seen you lugging around lately?"

"Um, also part of the tradition?"

"And the three thousand pounds of ammonium nitrate you bought from Barnyard Bargains?"

"That's uh, for a community garden. Yeah, a garden!"

Twilight raised her eyebrows. "And the detailed layout of my Castle's basement?"


"And this pamphlet that came with the latest edition of the Foal Free Press titled 'Death to the Tetrarchy'"?

"Oh wow, those clouds really need busting. Gotta fly!"