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Rainbow Docks

"Purple parsley? No thanks. Mrrrnnn. Gwa?" Rainbow dash stirred from her slumber. "Ughhhh, what happened?" She noticed her head was plastered to her kitchen table, and raised it to look around. She was in her house. That's good.

She stretched out the crinks in her neck and tried to remember what she was doing. There was an empty bowl of Cheerilee-O's in front of her. She must have eaten them. She remembered that much. Come to think of it, that was when she started feeling drowsy, and--

Drugged. Her milk must have been spiked. She had been drugged. But why?

Carefully, she stood up with a flick of her tail and... wait. Another flick of the tail. Her tail wasn't supposed to flick that easily. She craned her neck towards her behind. Sure enough, her short tail was now shorter. Much shorter.

She had been docked.


Author's Note:

In modern use, the term usually does not refer to tail amputation as it does with some dog breeds. However, historically, docking was performed on some horses, often as foals. The practice has been banned in some nations, but is still seen on some show and working draft horses in some places, and is practiced at some PMU operations.

In modern times, the term "docked" or "docking" in reference to the tail of a horse generally refers to the practice of cutting the hair of the tail skirt very short, just past the end of the natural dock of the tail. In particular, the tail is often cut short to keep it from being tangled in a harness.