It was only the most important game of the season. Phil Adler was ready to play the game of his life, and push the Eagles to the Super Bowl. Instead, a catastrophic magical event shattered his life, and sent the game into an abrupt and terrified end. Phil is transformed, and thrust alongside several other players into the war-torn land of Equestria.
The ponies of Equestria have already fought for their liberation and lost, with only a scattered band of rebels left to resist the Storm King's tyrannical regime. If he wants his world or his humanity back, he'll have to master his new powers and lead the desperate ponies to victory against their oppressors!
Phil and his teammates might not be the legendary warriors Starlight Glimmer thought they were. But they're the only warriors Equestria will get.
The story was commissioned by Pheagle Adler, who also contributed significantly to the editing and style. Bitera and Sparktail also helped with the editing. The cover was drawn by the fantastic Acesential.
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