• Member Since 30th Nov, 2013


Foals are adorable~

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  • Featured 24814 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 250 stories Stories that have been reviewed

It was only the most important game of the season. Phil Adler was ready to play the game of his life, and push the Eagles to the Super Bowl. Instead, a catastrophic magical event shattered his life, and sent the game into an abrupt and terrified end. Phil is transformed, and thrust alongside several other players into the war-torn land of Equestria.

The ponies of Equestria have already fought for their liberation and lost, with only a scattered band of rebels left to resist the Storm King's tyrannical regime. If he wants his world or his humanity back, he'll have to master his new powers and lead the desperate ponies to victory against their oppressors!

Phil and his teammates might not be the legendary warriors Starlight Glimmer thought they were. But they're the only warriors Equestria will get.

The story was commissioned by Pheagle Adler, who also contributed significantly to the editing and style. Bitera and Sparktail also helped with the editing. The cover was drawn by the fantastic Acesential.

Updates every Saturday until complete.

Chapters (15)

Flurry Heart's Crystaling didn't quite go as planned. After vanishing in a powerful magical surge, she became the most high-profile missing pony case in Equestrian history. Twilight leads the search to find her, before it's too late.

Unbeknownst to her, Flurry has already been found, by an unfortunate human who happened to be hiking near the place she appeared. Flurry Heart's magic is irresistibly powerful, and soon changes all around her to suit her whims. Soon Flurry's rescuer is fighting to reverse the magic, before the authorities notice and separate him from the only possible source of help.

Cover by Zutcha, editing by the Eevees in the hood Two Bit and Sparktail.

Updates most Tuesdays.

Note: This story was written as a commission for the generous patron of the arts Crescent Pulsar. If you'd like one of your own, feel free to PM me.

Chapters (63)

Hello, I'm Mary. I'm a mother of two, married to the most wonderful man I could hope for and live what I consider to be, the life I've always wanted. So... why oh why, in the wide, wide world of whys, did this happen to me?

This is my story, for better or for worse, about how things in my life became beyond unbearable.

Author's Note
This Fic is dedicated to moms everywhere. Just saying, moms rock.

This story also runs parallel (as in it happens at the same time as) to the other stories in "The Madverse" (incrediblyvainname TM). Those stories are, A Twilight Landing, So Many Wonders, Abhorsen, as well as The Mane Two : Contrail, started by Alex Nuage, and currently being written by Ludicrous Lycan. Please enjoy the stories, you need not read them all, but doing so eventually gets you the whole picture. :pinkiesmile:

Art Work
(Not all art linked due to use in the story.)
Pulled Over by Balthasar999
'Mary and Stan's Morning' by Conicer
Mary's new Hair by Conicer
Erin from Sunflower and Mary by Conicer
Getting Dressed is hard

Related and Connected Works

A Twilight Landing
Abhorsen : Friendship Is Freemagic
So Many Wonders
The Mane Two : Contrail

Thanks from the Author

A special thanks to Everypony from the collab group, Alex Nuage, Cold Spike, Firebirdbtops, Stormy Weather and everyone else involved!

Cover Art was commissioned from the illustrious Conicer!
Art was adjusted by LordElliott

Chapters (31)

It wasn't Eric's fault he hit the alien with his truck. How was he supposed to see a dog-sized horse walking down the highway in the pouring rain? His life would've been simpler if he just left the animal like any other roadkill. But in his injured delirium, the horse spoke.

This accident soon ends with an intimate personal knowledge of just how dangerous magic can be. An ancient rises, tied to a mysterious tome the pegasus was protecting on the night of the accident. A malevolent force grows within those pages, whispering louder and louder about the cleansing flame. But without the spells inside that cursed tome, Eric's humanity will be gone forever.

He has no choice but to master the words of power contained within, before his life is turned to ashes around him

A commission for Muziki. Edited by Two Bit and Sparktail. Cover by Zutcha.

The various artistic works created for this story are credited to their artists within the chapter they appear.

Chapters (50)

Queen Chrysalis has only one grub that has survived into fillyhood; her daughter, the physically lame and mentally impaired Crown Princess Pupa. Chrysalis has never been what many would call the 'maternal type', even towards Pupa, whose adoration of her mother has no bounds. Preferring to swamp herself in the dire affairs of state, Chrysalis lets her crippled daughter be raised by her affectionate nanny.

But one day, as the Changeling Kingdom's problems reach boiling point, the Queen's already short temper erupts and she must deal with the heartbreaking consequences...

Edited and pre-read by Chaodiurn
Pre-read by Scarheart

Now with a TvTropes Page. Feel free to contribute.

Chapters (16)

Would you believe Queen Chrysalis has a child of her own? No, she is not a warrior or military tactical genius, nor is she planning to rise against her mother and bring liberty to her people, and she is sure not planning on infiltrating Ponyville to seek acceptance from the ponies anytime soon. Heck, if asked, she probably could not even point out Equestira on the map.

The truth is, Princess Pupa Roachanov, the only child of Queen Chrysalis spends most of her time in the royal gardens, waited on by her nannies and treated with as much delicacy and care as the rarest rose. It's a quiet, meager life, but it's the only one she's ever known and she is content with it.

The only thing she ever really wishes more of is the affection of her beloved mama...

Chapters (1)

On May 23, 2015, I woke to find myself transformed into some kind of horned alien horse, and everyone else has vanished. I searched for survivors and I found one; however, she is much younger than I was prepared for. She needs a parent and the only one who can fulfill that role is me, just not in the role I had originally envisioned.

I already found one survivor, so maybe there are others out there. I just hope they’re not all children; I don’t get enough sleep as it is.

Part of the Ponies after People Universe

Update 10/08/15 New Cover art by PaintSplotch
Note: 12/15/16 Apparently Mandatory Motherhood was in the featured box at some point? I just found it in the featured community folder.

Update: 4/20/17 SevenSerenity has joined the team! Expect chapter art from her soon!
also I finally saw MM on the front page in the featured box today! Thank you all so much everypony!

Chapter 1 edited by Canaryinthecoalmine Pre-read by Westphalian_Musketeer, Starscribe, anonymous, Stablestahl, secondVendetta, Baileyjrob, Nitrous Rainbows, bluemoon1996, as well as two FimFic users I don't have user names for.

Chapter 2 edited by Canary and Musketeer.

Chapter 3 edited by Musketeer

Chapter 4 edited by Holyme, anonymous, and Musketeer.

Tags will be added as needed.

Chapters (17)

When Twilight visits home for Mother's Day, along with Shining Armor, Cadance, and their newborn daughter, she learns that a mother's work is never truly finished.

Dramatic reading by CoffeeMinion

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash, the greatest flyer to ever come out of Cloudsdale, was actually foaled in little old Ponyville, or was she even foaled at all?

In the original version of MLP:FiM there was no Rainbow Dash. There was Firefly instead, but due to some legalities problems the character was cosmetically changed and renamed Rainbow Dash.

This is an fanfic adaptation of that transition based on material posted online from excerpts of interviews by Fyre-Flye (Lauren Faust) herself.

Cover Art image edited by Rethkir

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to Tears in the Snow

Storm Blitz is displaced from his home in Cloudspire after his special talent causes several pegasi to become severely crippled. His adoptive father, the renowned politician Proud Skies, sends him to live with his grandfather in a gated off community for retired Wonderbolts. When his grandfather suddenly passes away, he goes to the only remaining relative he has, his earth pony birth father in Ponyville.

A collaboration effort between myself and OminousBrony.

Picture by askheroichamburger of DeviantArt

Chapters (25)