Discord tosses Twilight and her family into an unexpected adventure while the rest of Twilight's friend get to work on the new crystal palace. All together, they'll do everything to ensure that Twilight and her family have a place to call home.
Rainbow Dash has spent nearly five years away from Ponyville, fighting and dying alongside so many other Equestrians, when a piece of home unexpectedly appears at her hooves.
A famous naturalist takes Cheerilee's class on a field trip into the Everfree Forest. This promises adventure, excitement, and other things Quiz really hates.
Twilight's bodyguard Storm Kicker faces her most dangerous and terrifying opponent: a prankster alliance between her sister, Rainbow Dash, and Sparkler.
When Rainbow Dash's final grade is in jeopardy, she enlists the help of most eggheadiest person she knows. Unfortunately, she encounters a problem. A naked problem. A very naked problem. A comedy of the nudist variety.
A Song of Storms: Of Skies Long ForgottenThe pegasi that founded Equestria have a dark past, a past steeped in war and a fight for the survival of their very race, and one that Commander Hurricane played a key role in.by The 24th Pegasus
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Past SinsCan Nightmare Moon, reborn without her hate, ever escape her past?by Pen Stroke
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Winter BellsCan Nyx find acceptance with her extended family during Hearth's Warming, or will she find the holiday hymns are filled with nothing but hollow promises? by Pen Stroke
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A Song of Storms: Snow and ShadowsWith the onset of the windigo curse, Commander Hurricane and the other tribal leaders leave in search of new lands. They aren't the only ones to face challenges, as the tribes inch closer and closer to ripping each other apart with each day.by The 24th Pegasus
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Every Little BitRainbow Dash and her friends are surprised by the "quality" of stallions bidding on the kiss she offers at a charity auction. The winner, however, is the biggest surprise of them all. by The Descendant
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The Golden ArmorComet and Angel are two guard recruits who learn about life and love in Canterlot Castle.by Comet Burst
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Wrong Side of the GlassI found myself in the Ponyville hospital this morning. A heart condition, they said...by Rosencranz
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So many good stories, so little space.
Starlight Over Detrot: A Noir TaleIn the decaying metropolis of Detrot, 60 years and one war after Luna's return, Detective Hard Boiled and friends must solve the mystery behind a unicorn's death in a film noir-inspired tale of ponies, hard cider, conspiracy, and murder.by Chessie
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In Her Majesty's Royal ServiceA look behind the armor, behind the stoicism, but not too far behind, because that'd be a behind.by Sagebrush
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A Song of Storms: The Summer LandsThe problems between the three tribes didn't end with the founding of Equestria. As the nation faces race riots, assassinations, and the threat of a civil war, it will take everything Commander Hurricane has just to see it survive the years.by The 24th Pegasus
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· 169 · 12
2028355 Although, to look at it from another angle: Imagine me, arriving at your profile page. And there, with a champagne glass, is Leo to greet me. To give me 'my welcome' to your page. In THAT context, it would be grammatically correct. And pretty awesome.
Thanx for the fave on private concert
Thank you for the fave on Trixie's Payment!
Well you know who is truly awesome?
2028355 Although, to look at it from another angle:
Imagine me, arriving at your profile page.
And there, with a champagne glass, is Leo to greet me.
To give me 'my welcome' to your page.
In THAT context, it would be grammatically correct.
And pretty awesome.