The abandoned story arc for The Golden Armor: Part II.
When light bursts forth in darkness, a shadow is born. The darker side of The Golden Armor resides here, so read at your own risk.
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I'm glad to see this has returned.
I actually loved the darker themed arc. Too bad that this one is discontinued.
An awesome read shame it stopped.
5864142 5864081
Notice the status is Incomplete. I may still pursue it.
5864278 Fuck it go for it.
5864278 And there I thought that was an error. Nice :D
5864278 Please do if you find the time and inspiration
The official part 2 was heading in a direction I didn't liked. Hope this will be more crazy, as sidestiries tend to.
5864278 I was going to ask what'll become with Left With a Kiss after the Golden Armor reboot, but I guess I got my answer
Incomplete, or cancelled?
Either way, good to see that this wasn't wiped from the face of the earth.
of mice and men
Soooo... Do I have to read the two chapters from The Golden Armor Part II first? :D
You know for being raped he's taking It quite well. I'm sure if you write a mature chapter for this scene it would be super funny and awkward at the same time.
What happened to her!
so now this is considered an AU to the reboot?
Dark or not it was a cool script and I would like to know how it would have turned.
5864278 WHEN THE HELL DID I MISS THAT!!! Woohoo, oh well, also, Hey Comet, still following ya... I'm gonna read this again in between now and Sunday, after part 1 of course, so, hope to chat? Meh, you're probably asleep anyhow.
Glad I found this. I read the last chapter of the reboot and was seven flavors of confused. Guess that's what happens when I don't get on for a year :P
WHUT? Gorgon now has multiple personalities!? So that was what went wrong with Gorgon. Probably side effects of Comet's kiss in TGA.
Hmm, I broke the promise of my earlier comment. Maybe after stupid exam reviews (why they are graded is beyond me[the one teacher I have ever hated too]) I'll actually re-read this again. God it's been a while.
Ok, finally re-read part 1, time to read this, god, I forgot everything but that angel went home and shit got Dark and everyone had a heart attack at the sudden change.
Angel is being contradictive. And damn Valyrie, she is clearly the dominant one.
Yes, because when in the heat, it is best to have sex. A probably fertile bat-pony, that is also in the heat, is Midnight really that tactless. Also, based on that conversation, is Angel a virgin? Or was he referring to the heat.
The first half "wow angel, you asshole"
Second half "wow, comet took that well, enjoy your 90% chance pregnancy Angel.
Pregnancy don't start that early, so it probably is the pineapple.
DuN Dun dun! I forgot all this stuff, man! This really is the 2nd best story I read, such improvement, the character perspective changes are clearly defined, plot wholes are not found, pacing is swell.
Yes, soonTM. Me and my bud still have a running bet, on under 3 months, and over. I swear, I've been waiting ages for that $20.
Shit! I finnaly realized what he plans to lock away... Maybe. Dang it, I'm lost again.
And Valyrie seems now 50-50 on it... No friends, but family.
I didn't think it would be that blunt!
Oh and poor poor comet, best of luck to thee.
HAHAHAHAHA! I forgot completely bout Valyrie's tidbit. And oh, the way the perspective keeps going really sets the mood.
Yup, I wouldn't really imagine this going down any other way.
Bombshell after bombshell after bombshell after bombshell. Pretty much sums it up.
... I don't even know what to say.
Once again, nothing to say, it just.... works.
Oh... For fucks sake...
Oh what I woul give to see the next chapter... And i forgot that she dies, damn, you would think that is easy to remember.
I don't know if this has all been explained all ready, but when do the "Lost Chapters" come in time of TGA Part 2? I've guessed that they all happen between "Come and get your love" and "A Welcome Return" of "The Golden Armor: Part II"... am I right or have I got that wrong?
LOL :3
"My legs feel funny..." he mumbled as he walked off.
your legs are now NOODLES NOOOOOOODLES :3
6758905 she is a bat pony soooooooooooooooooohhh mmhhhhhhhhhhu
I THINK griffins on the menu
6828206 so uh what? No, biology prohibits such things.
Also, nice to see someone besides me down here. Took long enough.