Worlds apart, Princess Celestia's dream comes into contact with a human on Earth. To her, he's a handsome stallion with a funny accent. To him, she's a gorgeous woman ruling an odd kingdom. As they go to sleep each night, they dream of each other and a bond develops that neither one expected, only to be tested as things begin to change on Earth.
You had me at Celestia-Romance tags. Looking forward to see where the story goes; too early to say what I'll think of Jacques but overall seems like a solid start.
This Has A very Interesting Concept. I Am Sold.
Hmm... alright. The description intrigues me. i'll entitle my thoughts on the chapter once I finish reading.
Also, here's a random like for managing to intrigue me.
Man, this seems like an interesting story to read.
Whoever downvoted this... I will find you.
And yet again you have piqued my interest.
Carry on.
This pleases me.
This is sweet! More please
To the guillotine!
Holy pooparoni.
HHUEHUEHUE #Iwashereb4featuredlel
Okay... last message. I kind of stopped reading after a couple sentences. I had interest, then I lost it. Mostly cause I got confuzzled on the whole "revolution" thing. But there's also a couple other reasons.
Anyways, congrats on the feature m8!
(sorry for all the damn messages lel)
This is obviously set during the actual French Revolution of the late 18th Century. History not your strong suit?
Onya for giving it a chance though.
Which French Revolution is the human world in? I'm pretty sure France had at least 3.
Oh no I understood that part, what I didn't understand is why it's placed at this setting. I dunno, I guess I kind of like it being more modern.
Again, nothing against this story, but i guess its just not my type.
There was only one storming of the Bastille.
Aww... excellent start my friend
With the premise alone you managed to gain my curiosity.
After reading this chapter you have gained my attention.
It's Vive.
Tidying up aside, you've definately piqued my interest. I'm quite excited to see where you'll take this little tale of Jacques and Princess Celestia.
Liked and followed.
Mmm, such a unique premise you have going here. So tasty! I must have more.
I can only guess the shenanigans should Luna actually butt into this shared dreamscape. As it stands right now, it's all very romantic and bizarre, but it kind of makes sense, each POV filtering, familiarizing, yet allowing them to communicate. I can surmise that as they talk, each will strongly consider it's all just "in their head" and the other being is pure fantasy, nocturnal gibberish from wistful thoughts. Yet the fantasy they converse with is so convinced it is real that... just maybe, they aren't a fantasy but something rather magical instead.
Well, this is a different spin on things. *settles down with a cola and cozy chair* Carry on!
This is a very interesting idea you have here. Also very interesting choice of time and location for Jacques. Will be interesting to see Celestia's reaction if/when their interactions continue into the Reign of Terror should Jacques relate those events to her. I think as soon as I saw "viva la revolution," I did my best Takei 'oh my' impersonation.

Also the idea of a human meeting such a unique example of Royalty even if they believe them a figment of their imagination if a wonderful idea given this particular historical context.
I eagerly await more.
Its windows.
A bit too heavy on the goo goo eyes from Celestia as she's thousands of years old, royalty, and has probably seen (and been with) more than a few handsome stallions. She felt more like she was leaning towards a school girl than a wise ruler who has lead a kingdom for millennia. Get what I mean?
Other than that, it's a good start.
6839622 Some people are easily enamored. Why do you think tsundere, or yandere's exist? ... Though Yandere's are insane.
Also hi KoB.
Yeah, I get that some people are easily enamored, (a trait most grow out of over time) I just don't feel Celestia would be one of those of those people, er ponies. It's not a very good trait for a ruler to have that they fall in love with strangers so easily; love is a major distraction, after all, and you never know who you can trust. Plus, if Celestia were so easy to woo, don't you think she'd already have a lover? Like, I'm sure plenty of handsome stallions have approached her in the last year alone who fed her the goddess line.
I'm not saying it's wrong that she's fallen in love, just that it's a bit unbelievable that she'd be one of those love-at-first-sight types who are super susceptible to a chiseled physique and pretty smile. It's what's on the inside that counts and all that jazz.
And hello.
As much as in don't like romance, I gotta read this.
6839739 Probably why she sees this one guy as he is in her dream. It's pulling what he is and putting it in her mind. That, or, it could be the classic "No-one has ever dared" bit before. I mean, if your literal representation of God(dess) actually existed, who in their right mind, who isn't a complete jackass or ladder climber, would actually *TRY* for it?
What kind of story is this? portal opens to equestria or equestria comes to Earth?
So far so good. But we shall see.
Also, get an editor, I lost track of the errors.
The prose was a mite purple at the beginning, but damn if it isn't an interesting concept. I'm on board.

Yeah, all fourteen of them. Interestingly the decision had been made to shut down Bastille completely not long before the revolution started as it was deemed too expensive for its purpose. And I must say I don't envy Jacques at all, he's living in one of the most unpleasant periods of French history and right in the centre of it all to boot.
This story is off to an incredibly strong start though. I'm eagerly looking forwards to what happens next!
Overblown description of events to impress woman is overblown.
Added it to PC
6839739 I get your point, but if the filter works as I think it works, Celestia sees an alicorn stallion, as hinted several times... That kinda justifies her enamorment a bit... Since alicorns are kinda epitomes of beauty for ponies, right? And surely Celestia won't fall in love right away... There would not be a story, right? But in my opinion, due to other stallions being mortal Tia learned to keep her distance... That is why I think when Jaques shows up, she gets a little flustered... What was writen in this chapter doesn't hint on her falling in love, just being suprised that's all...
The actual comment:
Great plot idea, well writen, deserves a place in tracking bookshelf... Let's see where this goes...
I like this already,
A human/pony story where the human is from revolutionary France? Interdasting.
I just might suggest a pass or two from an editor, as there's a few grammar mistakes (incorrect apostrophies, tense changes) that sort of spoil the mood.
6839077 oh yeah. Then this the revolution during the 1790s, I think.
This is a brand-new concept that I've not seen before. I applaud you and will now track this story.
Pretty sure she sees him as a pegasus only. At no point is it mentioned that he has horn. Go back and read Celestia's first moment seeing him.
An interesting set up, a promising plot, characters that, at least so far, are interesting, and decent grammar, despite the occasional flub.
I am interested in where this is going. Tracking and thumb up.
6841277 It's strongly implied that Celestia sees him as an alicorn due to this line:
Anyway, this is a really interesting idea! You've already surpassed my expectations by setting this during the French Revolution, so I'm looking forward to seeing where this goes.
6841277 I'dont think so... A) She asks him if he is a prince... (when they meet) B) She wonders why he is using his hooves rather than his magic... (Last part)... Maybe deliberate or error... Guess we'll have to wait for more chapters...
I'm intrigued. Adding to my read later list (because DEADLINES.)
well.... let's hope this story has a happy ending. Maybe with Celestia ripping her way to Earth to save the princely stallion of her dreams. Cause, while my history is very rusty, I'm sure this revolution will end with a lot of bloodshed from all sides, even those on the sidelines.
This story seems very interesting, I will follow and like.
Why is it we always get I good cross over story written about France, whether it be the revolution or the philosophers?
I request/demand a story about a young Ben Franklin, Bean Flankin/ Frankin a young stallion snatched up as Celestia's student under much protest, desperately trying to return, later, with a story he never told anyone, explaining his fascination with lighting, (maybe we can keep it in jars in my world!) and his obsession with women, because every pony there was a horse!
Continue, you magnificent bastard.
I've always adored these types of fics, even though they are rare. My favorite parts are the character interaction and the impacts that this has on the world and history as we know it.
Vive la révolution
That would be cool. A pity The Best of All Possible Worlds hasn't spawned more imitators.
Jacques's first few scenes show several parallels with the beginning of Dickens's A Tale of Two Cities, especially the part with the broken wine cask in the street and the peasants running to drink it up.
While I'm on the subject of Dickens, I think it's fair to suggest the symbolism/foreshadowing of both characters falling asleep by a fire as an implication of the fire being the connection between the two worlds.