Hi. · 12:33pm Apr 13th, 2020
This is a quick update to say I'm not dead.
What's that? You have no idea who I am, and due to this your care for my well-being is slim to none?
oh ok
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[hide message]This is a quick update to say I'm not dead.
What's that? You have no idea who I am, and due to this your care for my well-being is slim to none?
oh ok
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Wow, I had a lot of cringy, self-important things to say down in my comments.
Dude, AlphatheGriffin17 has been offline since last year.😱
Yw, m8!
Thanks for adding Blank to your favorites!
Oh look, someone who likes my story! Yay!
I'm currently working on it... ehm, still. Won't be too long from now, so you're gonna have to be just a bit more patient. Trust me, it will be updated.