Just about everypony in Ponyville knows Scootaloo. She's your normal, carefree pegasus foal who crusades for her cutie mark, zips around town on her scooter, and looks up to her idol Rainbow Dash. But what if that's not all there is to her? Scootaloo worries that her friends will find out that she's not the foal they know and love, or that she's not even a foal at all. But, when her secret does come out, their reactions might surprise her.
Ooh, this looks good. I'll read it later!
dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/Scootaloo_lolface.png dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/Scootaloo_lolface.png dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/Scootaloo_lolface.png
Awesome concept.
Scootaling yay! dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/Scootaloo_lolface.png
Makes a change from all the Twilight is a Changeling fics around here, that's for sure.
Not that they're bad...
But this is better.
I think its go little to fast but looking for more
And instant associate
This gonna be good.
Well, well, it looks like me and Moon Fire have some competition. En garde!
Nah, I jest. It's a simple enough idea that shouldn't be monopolised. We need more Scootaling stories, though the title is a little obvious. I'm also curious how this story's going to turn out. Friendship testing, witch hunt dodging, being accepted as a changeling, all that obvious stuff?
I'll be expecting a good twist soon.
lol please continue? and soon
1291461: The whole story is written. I usually post one chapter a day, at least for shorter stories (the longer ones I often throw in a bonus chapter if the next one is short or has a song in it). So you can expect to see another chapter tomorrow sometime. :-)
This looks like something that's out of ordinary! No one has ever thought of somepony being a changeling! This is like the fact that a normal human girl wants to go to ponyville, and she does but, she's half pony and changeling. <<<<This was from a story I read. It's really good. So good that I read it a couple of times over and over. This.... Looks very promising! I'll put it on my 'Read Later' list and tell you what my opinion on it was! And congrats for making it onto the featured my dear brony/pegasister!
This might actually make sense if it's done right! She could have used her mental powers to just cause everypony to gloss over the fact that no one has ever seen or heard a thing about her family.
I shall read.
Now, make her evil so I can hate her and feed upon Scootabuse! (Alondro is an anti-changeling. He feeds on hate, sorrow, and fear!)
This is great, I can't wait to read the rest of it.
Faved. tracked.
... What tumblr is that from? Do want. At least to see what else they've done.
Yeah. It's called a Windigo.
looks like it could be interesting
"uh oh" looking forward to that explanation.
....yep, I'm committed to reading this. *fave*
Interesting. I need to read more for a better assessment.
Uhm actually there is only few of it and its just random ideas from that tumblr nothing much :/
The Three Sisters is one of my favourite AU's, and this is right up the same tree. Insta fave and thumbs up! Scootaling ftw!
Not bad, this has a lot of potential. I will definitely be watching for the rest of this.
Also I happen to be writing my own changeling fic and came up with my own reasoning as to why changelings need love and it might be of use to you if you haven't already settled on your own explanation.
My explanation actually makes it so changelings do need food and water but love is absolutly essential for their survival, you will find it in my er... "story" (click and you will under stand) over here under the section nearish to the top under the bold "SPECIAL NOTE"
see what you think and let me know.
click here!
Actually there is changeling version of every pony.
*Challenge accepted!*
Let's see... First is Fluttershy changeling and Twilight Sparkle vampire.
Twilight Sparkle changeling.
Human in Pinkie body. Hey... That wasn't supposed to be here.
Rarity a changeling queen (check prequels).
I don't remember what is here, but should be something along those lines.
Everyone a changeling.
Second line pony a changeling.
Relatives with changeling.
Again Twilight is changeling.
I forgot who is changeling here... Sorry.
Wow... I have 22 fav pages.
And that is just stories I found and think they are okay or good to read (pony is changeling by request).
Scootaloo is a changeling. This explains so much! dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/Scootaloo_lolface.png
Oh, wait. She wasn't thrown outside of Canterlot. How did that happen? dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/shrug_Derpy_Hooves.png
1291966: We'll get to that. :-) And thanks for the recs!
Hmm, this has my attention!
N-n-no-no-no! Stop! Don't read them yet!
There is much to read and many ideas. That might stop you from writing! That was for... Oh... Well... Maybe I am worrying too much? Have fun.
If you want to, I can give links to all changeling stories I found.
There is at least 3 where changeling lives in Ponyvile. Different pony reactions from accepting to xenophobic.
Ever since changelings were introduced during the royal Canterlot wedding, there has been <insert well-known pony here> is a changeling fanfiction works all over. Though this is the first one I payed attention to.
1291983: The whole story's already written. I try to write my stories in their entirety before posting them. That way I can change earlier stuff to fit better with what I decide to write later. :-)
I think I'm good for recs now; as I mentioned in my blog, my current priority is Trixie fics since my next fic is a 'Trixie tutors Sweetie in magic' one. But thanks for the offer.
Very intriguing indeed.
1291989 ooo that Trixie fic sounds interesting
She was kicked from the hive by Crysallis herself because she did actually gave love to ponies instead of taking it for the hive
You are such a tease!
so that's where those few views came from
1291738 Bah! They're not the only things that feed on hate! The Sith do to!
But I'm not one of them either (cuz they're corny and lame now that the Force is caused by midiclorions).
I'm some kinda demon thingey. I dunno what yet, but it'll be cool when I figure it out! Believe it!
You've concocted quite vigorous stuff, I'm already become addicted to it after the first shot.
Well, now I KNOW they're bucked.dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/sillyfilly_Sweetie_Belle.png dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/sillyfilly_Scootaloo.png dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/sillyfilly_Applebloom.png
Then, I stand incorrected...BUT! I look forward to reading a story like this.
Must have MOAR. If you could...please.
oh my celestia... this is so awesome... please
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Cool. You should really continue it.
1292418: I plan to. :-) It's completed already, so I'm just going to be releasing the next three chapters over the next three days. :-)
I'll be tracking this one! Can't wait to see how things turn out for Scoots, I hope they don't run her out of town
Dat cliffhanger!
W-what? W-why would you wait? Why would you do that to us?
1292633: I've received complaints in the past about updating too fast, where people wouldn't have time to read it all at once. One chapter a day seems to be optimal to me.
Oh...well...that seems stupid to complain about...in fact...that makes absolutely no sense to me at all...If they couldn't read it all at once, then don't. Read some, do stuff, read more later...I'm baffled by this...oh well I'll be back tomorrow then.
Cool. As a bonus your update schedule means more time in the feature box.