• Member Since 11th Jul, 2013
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Perfect has seven letters and so does meeeeee. Ko-fi|Patreon


In the single most important night of her life, Rainbow Dash decides she wants to swoop Rarity off her hooves by taking her to the bar, getting cozy, and doing everything she could to impress the unicorn.

In other words, somehow accidentally ordering chocolate milk at a bar, served in the single most embarrassing glass ever.

Artwork by 8-Xenon-8 !

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 52 )

I'm uncomfortable with this change. That does not stop me from loving it.

Daww, I love me some RariDash~ :raritystarry:

“Imagine that you were like... totally head over heels in love with the princess for a second, okay?”


Had she not just lost any chance with Rarity, Rainbow would have been in a good enough mood to pester Twilight about that, but that didn’t matter right now.

Pester her.
Pester the crap outta her.

Anyway, cute story, even if it isnt Rarilight.
The success of this cute story proves you're the god of pastel horse romance.
Praise be unto you.

At least Rarity wasn’t at the party yet. It would suck if some dumb jerk tried to swoop in before Dash got a chance.

Yes... Swooping is bad. -Alistair

You know, Chromea, I really, really wanted some Raritwi. I really did.

But you know what? This is not as good as Raritwi! But, it's good enough that I forgive you, and to show you that I'm totally serious, I got a crazy straw, exclusively for use with chocolate milk!

I could only find the one though. So... we'll have to share. You don't mind sharing, do you, Chromea?

What can I say? I'm a notorious slut for Raridash

Not bad. Enjoyed it!

Well it looks like you posted it for better if your trip to the feature box is of any indication! :raritywink:

Ahh, accidentally ordering something super sissy, that WOULD be Dash's worst nightmare on a date! You captured that well!

I still don't get why Rainbow was so ashamed of her drink; something that screams 'I put other ponies' happiness over my own desires' is sure to strike a chord with Rarity :ajsmug: (and all of it was 'for the best filly in the world' :trollestia:).

Imma read dis...


Agreed! Twilestia is the only plausible excuse for subbing RariLight for RariDash!

“It’s me!” Dash replied, only belatedly remembering she probably had to clarify who ‘me’ was.

Because Rarity knows tons of ponies who sound like her. :pinkiecrazy:

In unrelated news:


Her eyes roamed Rainbow Dash again, like if she were admiring the most enticing work of art — which Dash was, of course — to ever be made. “I want to have fun tonight,” she said, lifting her hoof and brushing back the pegasus’ bangs

Sounds like getting her to like you will be quite a challenge there, RD. :trollestia:

“Imagine that you were like... totally head over heels in love with the princess for a second, okay?”

“O-Okay...?” Twilight asked, blushing ever so slightly.

"This... this is hypothetical, right?" :twilightblush:

The story was awesome enough to make me forget about RariTwi until Twilight showed up:pinkiegasp:

I really liked how Rainbow's personality was used for laughs without making her just stupid like a lot of other stories do.

6592342 and that is part of the reason I follow you :scootangel:

i dislike this ship but this fic is hilarious xD

The only plausible excuse indeed my friend.

So cute! go go friendship logic twilight!

I'm slowly proving to the world that I am in fact not a 100% RariTwi trash

Thank you! I'm also very fond of Raridash tbh


I was originally going to say "but consider this: raritwidash" but seeing the approval of Celestia then...


It's so illogical, it might just work.

This needs a seq...

uance! Yeah I own this beat
You can call me the king or the ruler
Felon on bass, getting hoarse at the mic
We're getting 20 percent cooler

We had a great day out
Calling my name like Ferris Bueller
It's time to wrap this up
We're getting 20 percent cooler

7 colors in your hair
Get your boots on dear 'cause we're going out there
Don't care bout the dress code
Put it on, let's go
Girls go wild 'cause we're going "al fresco"
No need to perform
Hands on our bodies gonna keep our skills warm
We need social reform 'cause we're just so criminal
Linguist subliminal, damages minimal

Top percentile, largest fraction
Massive attraction, girl-on-girl action
Stop that, I'm gonna need a redaction
Drop that, you already got your reaction
Me? I'm gonna keep on smiling
You? You're gonna need restyling
I got the quote back
From the jeweler
You're getting 20 percent cooler

Yeah I own this beat
You can call me the king or the ruler
Felon on bass, getting hoarse at the mic
We're getting 20 percent cooler

We had a great day out
Calling my name like Ferris Bueller
It's time to wrap this up
We're getting 20 percent cooler

We're getting 20 percent cooler
We're getting 20 percent cooler
We're getting 20 percent cooler
We're getting 20 percent cooler!

Reduce that treble
There's an 8 or 9 who think they're on my level
Like a rebel in a bunker getting shelled with a mortar
Bump up and down cause I think you ought'a
Place your hand on my thigh
Don't be coy, I can hear you sigh
Grinding your hips, I'll be flashing my pink
And in ten seconds flat you'll be back with a drink

Bring out the Bacardi
Twilight, Sparkle, up in the party
Tap that, like a phone in the cold war
Room on the third floor, knocking at my front door
Me? I'm kind of a rarity
You? Work that dexterity
Lean back now, here's what I meant
Getting cooler by 20 percent

Yeah I own this beat
You can call me the king or the ruler
Felon on bass, getting hoarse at the mic
We're getting 20 percent cooler

We had a great day out
Calling my name like Ferris Bueller
It's time to wrap this up
We're getting 20 percent cooler

We're getting 20 percent cooler
We're getting 20 percent cooler
We're getting 20 percent cooler
We're getting 20 percent cooler!

Yeah I own this beat
You can call me the king or the ruler
Felon on bass, getting hoarse at the mic
We're getting 20 percent cooler

We had a great day out
Calling my name like Ferris Bueller
It's time to wrap this up
We're getting 20 percent cooler

Wait, there are people who don't think crazy straws are cool?


That one RariTwi writer.

But... but this is RariDash.

All aboard the Raritwidashceles Express!


It started off strong but halfway through it got amazing.

6594942 that awkward moment when people think you're a one ship writer :P I used to be like a solid third of some of the Raridash folders in groups and people forgot I had written others

You decided to branch out into another ship, and it was one of my favourites?

I could have sworn Christmas was next month... :trixieshiftright:

Seriously though, that title pic looks fricking delicious.

I don't come across too many Raridash fics but this was a good 'un.

She was going to drink this chocolate milk, and she was going to look Rarity straight in the eyes while she did so…

I wasn't the only reader who felt a kick off of that line I take it?

Surely there are other stories from this night's events that can be explored as well? Twas not the hint of yon Twilestia laid light upon the plot herein? Would totes like to see the Twilestia angle.

As a last question, what was Rainbow going to order if not for the CMC-triple-wingman crew thing having happened?

Dammit, you make me ship anything...

So... anyone up for some chocolate milk?

“Here’s your chocolate milk with extra whipped cream,” said the bartender, slamming down a drink between the two mares. “I put on extra sprinkles and given you the special glass, as ordered.”

I've been known to order those in bars in front of tables full of friends and complete strangers. Good times.

Chocolate milk is awesome

Y'know, if Rainbow had just kept drinking, finishing with a nice "Aaaah, that hits the spot!", she would have kept her image and probably even added to her coolness factor. But noooooo, the dork nearly messed it up, and the Patron Goddess of Dorkiness herself had to talk her out of it.

That was cute.

Alright, Changeling... you did most of your homework while missing a very key detail. You captured Monochromatic's writing style. You showed the same flair for characterization and dialogue. Mono's Rarity is so distinct she'd shine through like a lighthouse in a midnight hurricane. But that's where you erred... you impostor... you brought in the wrong ship! We're on to you... it's only a matter of time... This isn't over...

No, really... it needn't end here... feel free to write a sequel. :pinkiehappy:

I have no idea why I waited so long to read this. Fantastic as always, Mono. You never fail to impress.

Another round of chocolate milk for everyone, on me!

g to show the next time someone asks me if all I write is RariLight! Ha ha ha!!! Though, Twi's cameo in this was purely for plot-reasons and not because i'm trash... or... not because trying to nudge the fact that i'm trash for twiraridash.
This is the minimized words at the end :/


Totally on board this ship, now.

I don't even normally like Rarity, but I just keep reading your stories and she is slowly climbing the ranks of the Best Mane 6. :raritystarry:

How can you persuade me to ship just about everything?!!!! This was so cuuute:rainbowkiss:



Because of the hiatus I went looking for this, and noticed that I hadn't faved it :rainbowhuh:
I should reread things more often, this was still as awesome as the first time! The humor in Monochromatic stories is just so funny, I'm grinning the whole time while reading. Though it's probably even more on point in newer stories.

I know that feeling, at first Rarity, was just like :facehoof: for me, but while she is still not my favorite pony, she is definitely farther up in the ranks.

Same. Polyships always feel like they work out better.

I'm about half way through reading your printed book and daaaang. It's so cute and wholesome I cant read it in public or I start blushing too much! And this story is just the perfect example. Soooooo so very cute in all the right ways!

This fanfic is amazing! I love how you write Rainbow's voice. I adore your story and it always manages to make me smile. You truly are a gifted writer. :twilightsmile:

Disgustingly adorable as always.

The use of Rainbow Dash instead of Twilight is a bit weird though. We know Twilight’s personality a lot better than Rainbow’s so she just comes across as weird in this situation. Like she’s more like a jealous boyfriend than a jealous girlfriend. Or maybe it’s just me.

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