Brand new year! · 12:55am Jan 3rd, 2022
I hope everyone had a really good 2021, and that 2022 will also go great.
I hope everyone had a really good 2021, and that 2022 will also go great.
May everyone have a great holiday season and an excellent 2021!
Any and all science fiction movie fans, got a query for you!
Alright! Got feedback from my betas -- and thanks to RainbowDoubleDash, Talon&Thorn, and ThatGuyVex, for their advice--and integrated it into my story, then submitted. It is live here, with chapter 1 already up; subsequent chapters will go up daily if everything goes according to plan! The story is just over 40,000 words and is 5 chapters plus an epilogue. Lunaverse fans, I think you'll be happy with this new
New story is completely drafted and off to my beta readers! (Well, technically the draft was completed and the story was sent to betas a day or so ago, but I hadn't gotten around to writing this blog post until now.) Woohoo! Tentatively expecting to receive all beta comments, make edits, and publish within 2 weeks. I think you Lunaverse fans are going to enjoy this one.
Feels good to get back into fan fiction... I'll have to try and write it more often.
Getting back into pony writing for the first time in a *real* long time. Might have a story for you Lunaverse fans in a week or two. Or three. We'll see. :-)
Happy new year everyone!
This was a good year--and a good decade--for me. I hit several major personal milestones (including finally wrapping up the PhD), got to do a lot of travel, and I wrote a lot, both in the Lunaverse, for other fanfiction series, and my own original works. Sure, there's always a few regrets, but all in all I'm quite satisfied with how the last decade went.
I hope everyone had a great 2017, and also has a great 2018!
I'm going to be spending labour day weekend in sunny Bali. See you all in a few days!
Back at my job, and ready for another year of research! Yay!
(With perhaps the occasional weekend jaunt to neighboring countries, of course. Lot of cool stuff I haven't seen yet in, say, Indonesia... :-D ).