• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Returning to Equestria

Discord feels a sudden change with his chaos magic after entering through the portal, the chaos magic that made him stronger reverts to normal. He should be catching up with the others at Twilight's castle. Discord does hope that Spike can visit Equestria in the future. If not, it's good to know that Spike is happy with the friends he has.

"Fairy Law. I wonder if I can recreate it in Equestria? It didn't look too hard to pull off." Discord talks to himself while his body changes back into his Draqonecuus self.

Discord arrives at Twilight's castle. He looks around to see his friends stupefied. He comes closer to them as to why and what is going on.

"Can somepony tell me what is going on?"

Princess Celestia walks up to Discord. Her horn and left wing are still torn and broken. "We have a situation, Discord. First, can you fix my horn and wing?"

"Of course," Discord snaps his paw, restoring Celestia's horn and wing.

"I don't want to feel the wrath of that Scarlet girl ever again. I never felt immense strength and precision from a swordswoman like that. I'll have nightmares for sure."

"What's the situation?"

"It's TWILIGHT!" Pinkie explodes, her body is in pieces.

"What about Twilight?" Discord watches Pinkie Pie reassemble herself.

"She fooled us!" Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity step aside, revealing a mannequin version of Twilight Sparkle still in her human form."

Discord's jaw drops, hitting the floor; He couldn't believe that Twilight deceived them.

"My sister has gone too far on this ridiculous quest; to forcibly bring Spike back to Equestria!" Shining Armor is livid with the stunt Twilight pulled. He kicks his helmet in frustration.

"Discord, we need to go back!" Rainbow Dash looks at Discord with a worried expression on her face.

"Oooh, um.., you all are going to be pretty mad with me. In hindsight, it was a good idea. Now, it already backfired."

"What do you mean, Discord? What did you do?" Celestia asks.

Discord sighs. "I erased my memory on finding Earth Land where Spike resides. Also, I made sure that my chaos magic is forbidden from traveling there by any means. Not even time magic would be able to penetrate it."

"Oh no..," Shining Armor is fearing for the worst.

"So, we have no means of getting there?" Applejack asks Discord.

"That is correct. I've done it in case Twilight crosses the line even further. She'd already attempted to wipe Spike's mind, and we all saw the consequences of that. However, we shouldn't be worried. If memory is correct, we didn't pose a threat to the Fairy Tail guild. Let alone to the other magic users of that world."

"That is correct," Princess Celestia nods. "I sensed a few wizards while they fought. They outclassed and outmatched us."

"There's one wizard of that world with the power of slayings Gods. The one they called Sherria is a Sky God Slayer. I witnessed her battle against Spike's girlfriend. They're wicked powerful. "

"Sherria can kill you?" Pinkie asks.

"Yes. I did felt my chaos magic stronger but, it's not strong enough. I'm not too worried about the situation with Twilight being left behind."

"Why is that, Discord?" Shining Armor asks.

"Twilight is weak in Earth land. Who is she going to partner with? She doesn't know anyone. Also, there is a possibility of seeing Spike in the future."

"How?" Everyone says in unison. They feel happy at the moment.

"I gave Spike my last gift to him. A magic card. All Spike gotta do is breathe on the card, and the portal will open, allowing him to travel to Equestria and Earth Land anytime he wants. And, if he runs into Twilight or Twilight tries to do something stupid, Spike can easily use the portal and bring Twilight back to Equestria. Spike has proven to be a powerhouse."

"That's wonderful that Spike has some way to come back to Equestria for a visit," Pinkie happily says.

"I'll say. I wonder, is Twilight going to die? And if so, who's going to take her place as Princess?" Applejack asks.

Shining hated the idea of his sister getting killed but, considering the boundaries Twilight is willing to cross on her relentless path, it's a possibility he has to accept. His brotherly instincts are getting the better of him, and wanting to protect his younger sister but, that would mean betraying Equestria if Twilight succeeds in her conquest in retrieving Spike, regardless of the consequences.

"When Twilight returns Discord, you have the authority to strip Twilight of her wings. She is not deserving to be a Princess of Equestria," Princess Celestia formally decrees.

"How is that fair when Luna tried to enslaved everypony and ensuring all of Equestria into an endless night?" Shining Armor questions Celestia's authority.

Princess Celestia turns to Shining Armor, looking at him eye-to-eye. "The lengths that my sister had gone through were rough; she allowed the darkness to consume her, thus turning into Nightmare Moon. She was upset that ponies in Equestria would praise me for the light of day while they were asleep during her night. Luna felt it was unfair during the time, and I failed her as a sister. I failed Luna. For 1000 years, she was imprisoned on the moon due to my failure. May I add that she was in solitary confinement? Twilight, she's not driven into darkness like how my sister was. Twilight is driving into insanity. We lost Twilight the moment Spike was out of her life for the mistreatment she gave him. IF Spike accepted the fate of how he was treated, Twilight would be the same while we're oblivious to see Spike's pain, abandonment, and enslavement. We would still be oblivious to this day. Our main attention and focus would be on Twilight and her friends. Not Spike. I'm learning this as I'm seeing the direction we're walking through right now. Twilight is not fit to run Equestria as a future Princess. It was obvious that I made the wrong choice. She had so much potential in ruling Equestria someday. With her stunt and still having the motive to strip Spike's life away, she's proving to be another villain in the books of Equestria's history. I'll admit, I'm in the wrong on going to Earth Land to bring Spike back. I'm in the wrong on hiding the information from the Bar of Alliance that regards Spike. I admit I made mistakes that led to this moment. I'm not perfect. All I can do now is pray that Twilight doesn't do anything foolish that could bring disaster on us. There's nothing I can do to stop Twilight, and once she set her mind on something, she's going to see it through to the end. Tell me, is Twilight deserving of being a Princess of Equestria knowing she's willing to cross the lines and boundaries, disregarding everything around her except for her objective?"

Everyone is silent after Celestia made her statement. Shining Armor is suppressing his anger. Yes, Twilight has the tendencies to overlook at times when completing her goals. Shining witnessed Twilight trying to erase Spike's mind. Twilight even disregarded Spike as a creature. Twilight did a lot of good for Equestria's sake.

Shining brotherly's instinct to protect Twilight kicks in. "So, are we supposed to forget the good Twilight has done for Equestria? Is all that forgotten due to the wrongs she's done and doing?"

"If Twilight wasn't your sister, how would you feel?"

"I would feel-" Shining Armor stops himself from answering the question.

"Go on," Princess Celestia said. She has him now.

Shining now put himself in a heap of trouble for nearly admitting his true thought of the certain. He turns away from Celestia, feeling a bit of shame.

"If it were somepony else..," Shining Armor sighs deeply. "If it were somepony else, that pony isn't deserving since they took extreme measures on getting what they want..."

"Darkness and insanity are two different roads to walk on. You may recover better by coming out of the darkness. Insanity, there is no point of return. Twilight made sure she wasn't coming back with us. I have an unfortunate feeling. When Twilight returns, the outcome will not be pretty."

"You think so, Celestia?" Discord asks.

"Every villain comes back to bring suffering. You should know that Discord," Celestia states. Discord took that to heart as he did bring suffering to Ponyville and the ponies around.

"Ouch, I felt like I've been shot," Discord checks his chest and sees a bullet wound. "Yep, I've been shot."

"I'll ask again, do you think Twilight is deserving to be a Princess of Equestria?"

Shining turns to face Celestia in the eyes. "No," Shining answers seriously. It pains Shining Armor to answer that but, it was the truth. A painful truth.

"Discord, take some time off. One week from today, we're having a meeting with the Bar of Alliance. It's time to stop hiding the truths and start speaking them."

"Understood, Princess. Where to?" Discord asks.

"The Crystal Empire. As for everypony here, return to your daily lives until further notice. Alarm Starlight to resume her duties as Headmare at the School of Friendship in two weeks."

"Yes, Princess," Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity nod. They go looking for Starlight Glimmer.

Discord returns home while Celestia flies to Canterlot to inform Luna of everything that transpired. When Discord enters his home, he sees Sunset Shimmer bonding with the Dazzlings, watching a horror movie. Discord doesn't say a word and joins in on watching a horror movie with them.

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