• Member Since 12th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago


Voice actor and writer.


A Discorded Queen Chrysalis snuggles everything she can in Ponyville, while Twilight is powerless to stop her or figure out why this is even happening in the first place.

A collab with Tom117z.

The Cover Art was Provided by the amazing AureliaCharmCutiees

Featured on May 23rd, 2018!

Link to the fanfiction reading!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 66 )

So I guess Kevin won’t be joining pet day....

Well, Angel and Kevin must finish their duel once day...

hugs are over whelming in a good way.
this is a grate short story.

Nice one. I've had these conversations before, the fics I could make, the fics I could make! Muhahaha... Anyway, great job, glad you wrote this.

“...Trixie is down for the threesome!”

Best Trixie line. Ever.

I love this, this just kept making me laugh over and over. Great job.

Snrk, that was fun. And hilarious.

... We need the continuing adventures of Chryssie and Kevin.

And I think Thorax needs therapy after that meeting.

'Twilight fall flat onto her face' - fell

'simly' - simply


Awww, that was cute. I'm glad Kevin's okay.

It's such a shame Chrysalis didn't learn anything from this, all that free love! The perfect snugglebug.

Cuddle bugs are best bugs. Right up there with tarantula hawks. I like bugs, can you tell?

:fluttershysad: Keven's pregnant
:moustache: Why does this stuff happen on a Saturday?
:duck: for twenty two minutes?
:rainbowlaugh: Ask the Egg Head.
:pinkiehappy: It all has something to do with a Hasbro.
:ajbemused: The same bunch who always ferget my hat?
:pinkiecrazy: Hats? They want Spikey and Rarapants to breed! something about a new toy spinoff!
:twilightoops: What?! :raritystarry:
:moustache: cool.

:pinkiehappy: H.A.S.B.R.O. Horse Association, Safety Bureau & Retirement Organization ? :facehoof:All this for a bunch of toys!

This made me laugh in all the right ways. Into the Funny folder you go.

“...Trixie is down for the threesome!”

Absolutely the best thing here. Yes. :pinkiesmile:

This was great! Funny, sweet, and exactly the right level of redemption with Chrysalis liking only Kevin.

Somehow, I've got a 'The Grinch' and 'Max' from Chrysalis and Kevin at the end.

This is so funny, I love it. I really love discorded Chrysalis.

Chrysi the cuddle bug. Why did we not introduce her to Fluffle Puff in this fic? She'd have gotten stuck in the fluff and been forced to stay in Ponyville, with the constant, loving eyes of he Most Fluffy being ever watchful over bug wife.

Oh My Goddess Celestia. I about died of laughter reading this story. My sides are severely cramping from all the laughter! Epic Job! You get a thumbs up favorite and this gets put in my library. The Author is getting followed as well!


“But huuuuuugs…” -Skijarama

I can relate

You're all welcome. :raritywink:

When writing it we knew she was going to meet up with Glim, but then I thought of that line and we wrote that entire section around it. :rainbowlaugh:

Please don't encourage him. :applejackconfused:

I will encourage whomever I damn well please. Especially those who want teh cuddles! :pinkiehappy:


Chrysalis looked between all three of them. “Oh, I double see. Make it a threesome! Can I watch?”

“...Trixie is down for the threesome!”

That was a fun read! Have a fave. I also want to say that you wrote Discord very well, and he can be a hard character to write from what I've seen.
I noticed a few minor typos:

“Then what’s that one doing here?” Chryslis asked, pointing over at a familiar yellow pegasus with a pink mane in a skimpy-

Twilight and then shot through the slammed door, knocking it off its hinges without any issue. Twilight fall flat onto her face as Chrysalis left, but her ears heard Spike’s despairing wails.

“Twilight! You’ll never guess what happened to me today!” Thorax announced as he barged into the throne room, a panicked look on her face as he skidded to a halt with a single rose petal still stuck on his horn.

So, who do you think would be more cuddly, discorded Chrysalis or discorded Tirek?

Could it be? A fellow bug fan...who likes tarantula hawks?!

Lived in Arizona for over a decade until a couple years ago. First met a tarantula hawk crawling up my leg while I was stargazing. Caught it and brought it inside to identify. Found a dead one in the backyard and gave it to my high school biology teacher; he was ecstatic and showed it to his class, comparing it to the monsters from Alien. Watched Coyote Peterson take a sting from one. Am very glad the one I found on my leg didn't sting me. Nice to meet you!

I don't normally go for crackfic, but this one was good.

Has anyone started a "Crackfic of the [time period]" award yet? Because this one deserves it.

Fun and adorable in all the right ways. Chrysalis' characterization was right on the money, with her only liking Kevin after her roundabout adventure of snuggles. Nice work!

I lost it at Trixie’s line.

“Where’s boulder when you need him?” Gummy asked dejectedly.

“Who?” Kevin asked in response.

Gummy licked his eye in amusement. “Fuzzy friend, let me tell you a tale...”

This was an amazing aside

Agreed! :rainbowlaugh:

Spike’s harrowing cries lost on her.

You're not gonna do anything about that blatant example of sexual assault?
Sure, Chrysalis isn't in her right mind - and thus cannot ethically be arrested, but he would still likely need therapy; so much for looking after your son/younger brother, Twilight!

and decided to sign RD up for therapy later

But not Spike? Y'know, the still-an-infant dragon? You need to get your priorities straight, Twilight!

Wow, heck of a way to meet a tarantula hawk! Nice to meet you too, by the way.

Applejack struggled in the titanically firm grip of the queen, then glared at Twilight. “Twi, what ‘ave ya done?”

“It wasn’t me,” Twilight replied


They were almost at the business when all of Ponyville was disturbed by a sudden, ear deafening squeal.


Oh, poor Rarity…

:rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh: Ow; my sides!

he rubbed his chin, doing his best to contain his laughter as Chrysalis mercilessly peppered Kevin in smooches

Meanwhile, I will let out my laughter.
To be honest, I was worried what would happen to Kevin after Chrysalis was changed back. Nice to know she didn't abandon him after all.

Honestly thought she'd cast out the squirrel... Until no one was looking.
looks both directions several times.
"Pssst, Kevin." squirrel pokes head out of bush. "Let's go." Squirrel smiles and glomps.

Was that Kevin? Wearing sunglasses? Being served drinks by several copies of Discord in hula outfits?

My homeboy Kevin going places!

Those things are huge! Though to go after tarantulas you'd have to be big.

Yup. Isn't Arizona great? :pinkiecrazy:

“...I hate rain. Why can’t everywhere be a desert? It never rains in the desert…”

This line had me suddenly thinking of the old song "A Horse With No Name." No idea why, since they have nothing in common, beyond involving deserts.

“...Trixie is down for the threesome!”

Funniest unexpected line in the story.

That was hilarious. If you chopped out the swearing and the occasional sexual overtones, I could see that as an episode of the show!

Who's a great little snuggle-bug?Whose a great little adorable snuggle-bug?

Also, please tell me I'm not the only one to actually have 'Duel of the Fates' start playing in my head during the epic bunny knife fight.

At first we thought Kevin and Angel were engaging in... Other... Physical activities. It was just a normal spat though? Boring!

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