Introducing Hero's Day! A day where Equestria's worst villains dress up as their favorite heroes and go door to door demanding treats.
Treats or death, that is.
Just a nice, polite Canadian.
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Haven't read it yet, but the premise reminded me of "Cake or Death", so I'm hoping that gets a shout-out.
Just by the premise and chapter title alone I knew what I was in for.
This was absolutely amazing, the only thing better would have been if Starlight had shown up as the only one dressed up as Twilight.
7565030 Missed opportunity there, man. I would have absolutely loved to see that!
This NEEDS to be an episode! I lol'd. A lot. At work.
This was superbly done. It would be lovely to see the three of them get up to more pranks and see how much further they can push it.
Wat.exe is broken, can't brain now.
Years of writing, and still, I can't hope to match the beauty that is this masterpiece.
This is... perfection.
You're my hero, Discord.
This was such an absolutely brilliant idea! Loved every second of it!
Needs a pass over with an editor, but a hilarious concept that hits way more often than it misses.
I'm still trying to figure out whether this is an error or working as intended.
The most likely scenario is that Discord wants to get under Luna's skin by implying that she's fat, but the wording here implies that she's skinny or underweight, which is far less likely to get her (and females in general) riled up, I think.
Unless he was actually trying to compliment her, which makes for a completely different character dynamic than I expected.
7565600 He's dressed up as Celestia. To change into Luna, he would have to lose weight. As Celestia. C?
Shining got hella cucked.
ha ha ha
Im crying o my god this was funny as "the black abyss".
You did it again, depri. And it's amazing.
Oh god, my sides.
That was awesome, had me in stitches most of the time. And the ending. "Yay!" *chomp*
I see that Sombra is still the butt monkey of the villain community. Chryssie at least got lots of food from that.
I am assuming you have managed to relax, now write more sombra stories
Well, Discord's masterplan worked beautifully.
And that last bit... that was just amazing
Good job, got quite a few chortles out of me!
Knew it.
I'm trying so hard not to laugh right now
(Note to self: reading NBD stories while drinking any kind of liquid will often result in a wet monitor.)
Lol what the hell man. Why would you not include that Luna bit?
Needs more Tirek.
We're all hero's now!
Valar Morgules
Could always be worse.
The moment I realised this will be a good story.
Nice story.
But not everything is lost for Chrysalis. At least her children are feed for a while. Poor Scootaloo. And Rarity. (Why just a single Rarity, by the way?)
Found some errors.
Edit: nevermind.
7566893 Sorry, but the 's are the errors. They show ownership. Without the ' it shows multiples.
At last Garble did not appear as Spike, Starlight was not dressed as Twilight, Tirek was not disguised of Discord...
It was a good story.
“Don’t think you have us outnumbered, Chrysalis! Why, I could have Princess Celestia and Luna here in less than ten minutes flat! I would know! I do fake alarms every six weeks to time them!”
Dear Princess twilight, I hope youve heard the story of the Colt who cried Timberwolf.
Oh, thats an idea for a fimfic
Twilight smirked, "I have Alondro on speed-dial."
Chrysalis eeked, and began to frantically flee before the inevitable enraged scream of "ERMAHGERD!!! CHERNGELERNGS!!" erupted from a rent in the fabric of the universe, directly preceding another horrifying melee of splattering and RAID-spraying upon her brood.
And I take it that Tirek was dressed up Twilight? Or, more likely, Goku?
I'll never forgive you.
7567057 Oops, my bad.
I just don't know what went wrong.
Yeah, this is awesome. Pretty much all the villains were are their best, and Discord certainly in top form. He's always best when doing something nonsensical yet still understandable.
Should that be draconequus, or no?
I wish the punch line had gone to Luna myself, but it's still fantastic.
I died of laughter at that.
"Good. Then you will never forget it." ~ King Logan, Fable III
I find the absence of Tirek and Starlight very disturbing
7568987 Tirek was probably too dark of a character to use
Another story by NBD?
Seriously though, that last line stole the fic. We need more Terrible Trio. with a hint of Nightmare Moon.
I'd dress as Sombra for Villains Day.
7569987 I'd be Sombra for villain's day, too. If it wasn't obvious enough.
7568701 I enjoyed that line quite a bit.
7566893 Not a big Rarity fan, sadly. Maybe because I can't write her worth a damn.
7566625 If I were to include all the villains, it wouldn't gone up to 10k. That's too much, man!
7566370 Glad to hear you're still enjoying the randomness.
7566207 Glad you enjoyed! Thanks for reading.
7566139 But... but this one already had Sombra in it.
7565952 It was an idea that came out of nowhere -- Chrysalis' entire hive dressing up and trick or treating. After that, I knew I had to write it. Whether it be terrible or not.
7565905 Thanks!
7565735 Sarcastic Sombra is my specialty.
7565532 I think you say that on most of my stories... and it's entirely true! I need more editors. Or a single editor. Too bad I broke that first one.
7565489 Thanks for saying so!
7565285 I don't know about that. I just thought the changelings were cute.
7565030 Missed opportunity.
7565011 Eeyup.
That's...not how Nightmare Night exactly works (unless rollerbladers, astronauts, Sailor Moon, and Starswirl the Bearded are considered villains and monsters), but Hero's Day has different rules, so no actual problem.
Fun read! And...poor Scootaloo.
Umm... Y-you r-rock! Woo-hoo! Alright, NBD, that was awesome! Yay!
Seriously though, that was hilarious!!!
7573455 Thanks for saying so! Glad you enjoyed it.
This was damn hilarious man. I dunno what deal with what elder god you made, but you're on point more often than not. Stay derpy man.
I'll forgive that because you're so funny. But don't lemme catch you besmirching her good name again. *shakes fist*