Just a shy programmer who loves to hop into new worlds and explore.
You can get your own story written or push a current story for more updates at his Patreon!
I'm dragging a 5-story building behind me. What's your excuse?
Your friendly neighborhood mechanic / fanfic writer. Don't worry, I'm good at both! :D
Invite link to my Discord server; https://discord.gg/783mVdd
Having fun by taking silly cartoon ponies way too seriously.
Hi! My name is Sunshine Heart. Somepony else already took my account name. :( What do I do here? I read a lot, and I edit!
No dictator, no invader, can hold an imprisoned population by the force of arms forever. There is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom. Babylon Five
They say that life can only be beaten by the strong. They are wrong. Life can be beaten by anyone, and anyone can make life work for them.
Just a Pony who wants to write about other Ponies
I'm Commander Applejack, and this is my favorite website on the internet
I'm a college student double majoring in Music Performance and Engineering, but I also love writing music, stories and all sorts of other side projects! :D B-)
Hi, Yes I'm Queen Quake and Wandering Sunrise I like Explosions, 40K, Ponies, Anime, and Explosions....that's about it. Check me out on YouTube just search Fiaura ;)
An editing dragon who also likes hoarding art and stories.
Well, I guess you found me. Here you'll find some below average to average writing and a fan of Star Wars.
You don't need a vacation, darling. You need a new life.
Be sure to leave me a comment if you enjoyed something I did. I live for them. Like what I do? Consider becoming a Patron!
Full Brony since the Spring of 2013, and the Magical Mystery Cure!! I love My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Myriad the ideas in eternal blossom, Meager the words ever written, such is the plight of the one Seeking
If you're living on borrowed time, do you have to return it?
Firefighter, 911 operator/dispatcher, racing & anime fan, onetime prolific fanfic writer (in his own mind)
I'm an Aussie science-fiction and fantasy buff, creator of the Chakat Universe, and now dabbling in the MLP:FiM universe. I love a good story!
When everyone and everything seems dark, don't be. My Patrons let me keep writing, at: https://www.patreon.com/RealStarscribe
Fanfiction masochist. :B She/they https://ko-fi.com/presentperfect