• Member Since 18th Jul, 2017
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


Hi, Yes I'm Queen Quake and Wandering Sunrise I like Explosions, 40K, Ponies, Anime, and Explosions....that's about it. Check me out on YouTube just search Fiaura ;)


Not Dead, but resurrected · 6:57pm July 15th

I have the outlines worked out for the two books but due to finances, moving to a new place, and the theft of my books by the post office, there is an entire kickstarter about that, I had given up on writing.

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Report Fiaura · 179 views · #Fallout #Kickstarter

Now to Do Something Hard · 7:04pm January 16th

So I'm going to have to write both Dead Tree and the 2nd Book for Here, There Be Dragons at the same time.

1 Chapter every other week. If I want to finish both before the end of the year.
To that end, I'm going to ask a simple question

Who all here even knew I wrote another Original Series while Dead Tree has been on Hiatus?

Report Fiaura · 267 views · #Fallout #FoE #Dead Tree #Question

Yes, I just did that · 6:19pm Nov 12th, 2023

As apart of releasing this new Original Series at Ciderfest next weekend (Here, There Be Dragons); I have released something I wrote 4 years ago and ran by both Somber and Kkat before the release.


See you next weekend with my new book.

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New Book, Original Series, first 6 chapters for Free · 9:54am Oct 26th, 2023

Six Chapters Here, all linked in order for you

Here are the first 6 chapters as promised, this is the last 10 days to pre-order and secure a copy for sure as I do not know how many I will be able to print.

I made an original series based upon HC SVNT Dracones with full permission from Messi, the settings creator; and the book is going to be released at Ciderfest.

So come on, jump in and tell me what you think.

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Progress on New Book - There is a Lot · 2:52pm Oct 2nd, 2023

I'm working now on the last three chapters and the book looks like it will make the deadline to be out for November.

I wanted to highlight some art pieces here but several I'm having to keep under wraps because they are a bit more spoilery than anything else.

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Report Fiaura · 194 views · #Dragons #Book #New #Story #Update #Artwork

Everfree 2023 - We have Preview Copy Also, Hi New People · 12:32am Aug 13th, 2023

I've seen some new people commenting on Dead Tree and Bone Daddy recently and it warms my heart. I'm trying to remember to reply to all of you.

Second, we did the thing!

The First preview copy is ready and I have to review it and make changes before we move to artwork and secondary inlay stages!

Thank you all so much for getting me this far.

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Novel Chapter 1, Public Release - Here, There Be Dragons · 5:49am Jul 22nd, 2023

So this story is technically inappropriate to release upon FimFiction due to it not being Pony related but unlike the FoE Dead Tree and other pony related works, I can legally make money on this one and therefore, I am not constrained by promises to Kkat, Legal Rulings within Court, or other obligations. Further, I am working with my own work without any predefined requirements to read, know, or understand anything outside of what is presented in the work. The world is both mine to build and

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The New Book is coming Together! Welcome to: Here, There Be Dragons · 12:58am May 25th, 2023

Been a while! But it's coming together.

New book will be released between August and October, but for yall here; thank you for your patience. As soon as it's finished you will start receiving FoE: Dead Tree Chapters until it is finished as well (We currently plan to finish the 4th and final book at Chapter 88.)

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What I've actually been working on · 2:22pm Jan 15th, 2023

Yes I realize it's a post on patreon but this is FREE, I'm not putting this behind the preview wall.

If you do see it here, let me know. Yes, it's an original piece in a universe I have permission to work in and publish as I see fit.


Click the link then hit the google doc behind the link, hope you enjoy the new novel.

Yes, I'm still working on Dead Tree to finish it, yes it's taking more time than I want.

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New Computer is being finished up · 11:09pm Sep 22nd, 2022

So the New computer should be here this weekend and hopefully I will be able to start writing again by Saturday.

That is all.
Thank you all for your patience.

Report Fiaura · 163 views ·