• Member Since 18th Jul, 2017
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


Hi, Yes I'm Queen Quake and Wandering Sunrise I like Explosions, 40K, Ponies, Anime, and Explosions....that's about it. Check me out on YouTube just search Fiaura ;)


Deep inside the old Apple’s barn, the walls had been sealed off and reinforced with lead shielding to keep the radiation inside just in case. Further, a workshop had been setup to work on the unexploded megaspell bomb in the center of the room. However, even though the workshop was clearly made for three minimum ponies to be working through with all the tools, specialized equipment and bins of parts available, only one mare was working in there. A small green horse, shorter than your average mare but bigger than most fillies, most.

It is here, that Blackjack and Littlepip will secure their bomb.

Tags: Fallout, Littlepip, Blackjack, Wandering Sunrise, Red Eye, Unity, FoE, Bomb, Plot So Thick You Can Bounce a Quarter Off Of It

Edited by: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/27861/Nyronus\
This story is part of the Interactive Storytelling Experience at Ponyville Ciderfest 2023. Check out the website at https://ponyvilleciderfest.com/

This is the Final and Big One As Promised

Chapters (1)

Cheese Sandwich has lost something and must figure out the culprit along with the Princess of Friendship as both a suspect and as a assistant!

Edited by: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/27861/Nyronus\
This story is part of the Interactive Storytelling Experience at Ponyville Ciderfest 2023. Check out the website at https://ponyvilleciderfest.com/

Expect the last one, tomorrow.

Chapters (1)

In a world where moving between book pages can land you in a completely different universe or a strange place, Fizzy arrives in the depths of the changeling hives where the Queen herself decides to have a discussion.

Edited by: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/27861/Nyronus\
This story is part of the Interactive Storytelling Experience at Ponyville Ciderfest 2023. Check out the website at https://ponyvilleciderfest.com/

A preview chapter of what to expect next week

Chapters (1)

Izzy gets into a new situation and stumbles across Autumn Blaze and Fizzy, Autumn is in Kirin form while Fizzy is a Nirik and they have to explain the difference to her. This is going to be a very long day.

Edited by: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/27861/Nyronus\
This story is part of the Interactive Storytelling Experience at Ponyville Ciderfest 2023. Check out the website at https://ponyvilleciderfest.com/

Chapters (1)

Fizzy, Caramel, and Barley are all at odds and now have a different path trailing through space. A rainbow road appears before them and the different colors dictate how they can talk, or rather sing.

Edited by: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/27861/Nyronus\
This story is part of the Interactive Storytelling Experience at Ponyville Ciderfest 2023. Check out the website at https://ponyvilleciderfest.com/

Chapters (1)

Discord makes a bet with Pinkie Pie that she can make Mud Briar crack some sort of emotion. Pinkie absolutely does not believe him in the slightest and ya know, he may have a point. So she gives into it and shakes his hand, now all Discord needs is a laugh.

Edited by: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/27861/Nyronus\
This story is part of the Interactive Storytelling Experience at Ponyville Ciderfest 2023. Check out the website at https://ponyvilleciderfest.com/

Chapters (1)

A Kirin remembers the Joy, Happiness, and Love that the Stream of Silence has robbed from them. They cannot even bring themselves to touch or hug the one they hold dearest in their heart. How has this cooling of their emotions truly affected them?

Editor: Mr Numbers

Artwork: Screencap from Season 8 Ep 23

Chapters (1)

Luna wakes up one morning to discover she might have more in common with Celestia than she ever thought possible.

Featured: 07/01/2018 - 07/03/2018

Artwork Provided by:

Editing Credit:

Chapters (1)

Bone Daddy has lived for several hundred centuries. Most of what made him equine and anything like his pony brethren has long since been lost to the cold dead ravages of study. He published medical papers through the decades and was funded by Princess Luna from well before she ever became Nightmare Moon. Now, something has arrived, a tiny package that he must deal with. A package that is alive and breathing still, with an innocence that might save him.

Featured: 11/24/2018 - 1/26/2018

Mr Numbers
Enigmatic Otaku

Artwork by:
Glacier Frostclaw

In Story:


Chapters (8)

Tread lightly is considered a brillaint flawed scientist. A few ponies are ashamed of her while others appear to embrace her ideas. Today however, her new lab assistant has finally arrived and with that it is time to begin a journey to create something beautiful for those whom have suffered the loss of a wing.
Her new assistant and an old friend will face a few trials along the way past the northern lights of equestia and into the depths of the mountains to search for something that fell from the stars. All this way only to discover the reason why no pony really uses the star rock known as iridium; as something terrible is secretly awaiting their arrival. It even goes so far as to inhibit their journey, terrorize the ponies, and leave them with scrambling for solutions to their troubles.

Chapters (11)