• Member Since 1st Jan, 2023
  • offline last seen July 6th

Michael Cipher

I'm a bi 26 year old guy who is a small YouTuber who is also a brony and a furry who likes reading fanfiction and making others happy.

Blog Posts

  • 41 weeks
    A cute thought I had

    I've been enjoying watching The incredible Dr Pol with my big sister on Disney plus when I hang out with her and a thought came into my head. I think Fluttershy(both MLP and EG) would enjoy watching that show because Dr Pol enjoys helping animals and so do the two fluttershys. I just thought that would look cute in like fan art or something or a fanfic lol

    0 comments · 56 views

A cute thought I had · 5:45pm Oct 13th, 2023

I've been enjoying watching The incredible Dr Pol with my big sister on Disney plus when I hang out with her and a thought came into my head. I think Fluttershy(both MLP and EG) would enjoy watching that show because Dr Pol enjoys helping animals and so do the two fluttershys. I just thought that would look cute in like fan art or something or a fanfic lol

Comments ( 15 )
  • Viewing 11 - 15 of 15

Thanks for the watch

Wow, hey, thanks for the faves.

I never heard that saying before, I like it lol

  • Viewing 11 - 15 of 15
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