• Member Since 26th Jul, 2012
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Mr Scribe


Nearly a year later, so here is a update and it's still not looking good for anyone. · 12:42pm Sep 13th, 2015

From the title here, you know this isn't going to be good. Everyone that is either following or watching me will be asking all the same question: When is the chapter going to be out?
Answer: Hell if I know at this point.

The only bits of good news I can tell you is the following:
- For starters, I'm finished with that Cert 4 course that was ruling my life when I wasn't working at my job and passed it so that's not a problem anymore.

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Report Mr Scribe · 551 views ·

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Nearly a year later, so here is a update and it's still not looking good for anyone. · 12:42pm Sep 13th, 2015

From the title here, you know this isn't going to be good. Everyone that is either following or watching me will be asking all the same question: When is the chapter going to be out?
Answer: Hell if I know at this point.

The only bits of good news I can tell you is the following:
- For starters, I'm finished with that Cert 4 course that was ruling my life when I wasn't working at my job and passed it so that's not a problem anymore.

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Report Mr Scribe · 551 views ·
Comments ( 10 )
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gawdamn brah update de story plis?


Sorry about no update.
I have being busy with other things at the moment that has taken up most of my time.
The next chapter should be out sometime this month but un-edited.

Welcome to Love and Tolerate. :yay:

Thank you so much for joining my group Starving Authors :D

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Nearly a year later, so here is a update and it's still not looking good for anyone. · 12:42pm Sep 13th, 2015

From the title here, you know this isn't going to be good. Everyone that is either following or watching me will be asking all the same question: When is the chapter going to be out?
Answer: Hell if I know at this point.

The only bits of good news I can tell you is the following:
- For starters, I'm finished with that Cert 4 course that was ruling my life when I wasn't working at my job and passed it so that's not a problem anymore.

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Report Mr Scribe · 551 views ·