• Member Since 21st Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen July 19th


Comments ( 93 )
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Achievement unlocked!

I normally have some sort of cute or funny achievement to give people for one of my works. Having experienced the worst depression I've ever been through coupled with a string of anxiety attacks while also experiencing homelessness, I can confirm that depression to the point of suicidal inclinations is no joke. I am literally only alive today because of my girlfriend choosing to be with me and keeping my depression from spiraling into suicide. I'm glad you're enjoying my story, please spread the word to everyone you know that depression is a real problem and there are resources if someone finds themselves in that particular place emotionally.

Achievement Unlocked!

Hearth's Warming begins AFTER Harvest Moon, NOT before Barnyard Bargains even has their Nightmare Night candy out on display! What sort of person plays Love Teacher's, "All I Want for Hearth's Warming is You" in September?!

You earned the...

Thanks for favoriting my story! :twilightsmile:

Thank you for the favorite on Your Faithful Disciple.

Later edit: Thank you for the favorites on the rest of my Equestrian Scions stories as well.

Thanks for the follow!

  • Viewing 89 - 93 of 93
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