• Member Since 13th Oct, 2019
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


I'm Jewel! I am not new to MLP but I am new to writing fanfiction for it. I am practicing my writing and am open to constructive criticism. Looking for a proofreader.

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  • 20 weeks
    don't like don't read

    Anti-ship is the dumbest thing in existence. Like if you don't like something then ignore it and avoid it. I don't understand how people can go around complaining about things that honestly don't matter. I don't go seeking out stuff I don't wanna read or see. Fanfic and fanart aren't something to fight over; they aren't propaganda that impacts the masses.
    God forbid I read foalcon in peace without somebody telling me my morals are skewed. :facehoof:

    1 comments · 62 views

don't like don't read · 3:10am March 6th

Anti-ship is the dumbest thing in existence. Like if you don't like something then ignore it and avoid it. I don't understand how people can go around complaining about things that honestly don't matter. I don't go seeking out stuff I don't wanna read or see. Fanfic and fanart aren't something to fight over; they aren't propaganda that impacts the masses.
God forbid I read foalcon in peace without somebody telling me my morals are skewed. :facehoof:

Comments ( 8 )
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superfun #7 · March 3rd · · 1 ·

Are you open for requests?

Nice to meet you Jewel

I'm Jewel well at least online!

My name is Wrex. What's your

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