Whosoever holds this blade, if they be worthy, shall be king of all England.
Just a dude who writes mainly clop with some action and some GrimDark on the side. Also, If you don’t like futa, you may have a bad time here :P ;)
People call me The Drink | A beverage of sorts | Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/lewdchapter
Got a couple stories out there and I'm working on adding more chapters.
I proved my namesake in a duel of honour. The crayon never stood a chance.
In order to see what Incomplete, On Hiatus, and especially Canceled stories do to me, copy this link into a new tab on your computer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jyDbfCbQnH8
Those are not fake mustaches, and I am clearly not the same Tremor230. nope! I am not that talented and sexy writer! and I will always deny everything! IF I was the real Tremor230. and I am not.
Canon x OC, that's my specialty, both in art and in MLP stories
80% Sarcasm, 10% Sex Jokes and 10% Unknown Materials...
Owner, founder and CEO of Randomocity Enterprises(tm).
Chronic nicotine addiction and drug use are my whole schtick.
I'm just a guy that likes ponies. I'm a fan of herd world building stories though not so much when they're just harem scenarios. I've also acted as an editor for a couple stories. How goes it?
Sibling writer and platonic love connoisseur. Cuddlefic Specialist. Analysis and fanfiction in dangerously wholesome G dosages. Support me on Kofi!
A young adult whom has been getting and trying ideas for fanfictions...
I'm a Brony who loves MLP: FIMFiction, sci-fi/fantasy, writing, Martial arts, writing songs and am always looking for the laughter around me. hope I can make you Smile Smile Smile.
Uh.... Am I supposed to put something meaningful here?
Just a Colorado brony who makes some good stories. Celestia and Pinkie Pie are best ponies!
Hi! I write pony fiction--mostly involving those silly humans stumbling their way into Equestria. Comment if you like! Constructive criticism welcomed! (Avatar by Sundown, will remove on request)
I am a Scotsman who writes stories, not all of which are of the self-insert variety.
"I haven't seen a bigger waste of talent since Dan Marino." -Lucky Seven; Want to support me?
My OC is Prince Ecosis, a troubled human reincarnated as Equestria's first-ever male Alicorn, and after 200 years of being evil, lives happily as Princess Celestia's son and nature-controller.
Insane, Reality-Warping Chaos God? Warring and Reunniting Siisters of the Day and Night? Vague backstories? How was I suppose to resist? My Patreon!
just a batpony/thesteral wanting to do that in which I do.
All will bathe in the prettiest of flames. On a break from fim for a while.
No life with a computer + ponies = me. Go figure.
I am the Library, I've been around since the dawn of time and my knowledge continues to grow with each second passing. Are you worthy to enter my sanctum?
taking a break from mlp. might not come back, who knows
Bearded brony from the beginning that wears silly hats and write stories.
I see people two ways who they are and who they can be.
I keep all of my Displaced stories on this account.