• Member Since 25th Sep, 2015
  • offline last seen Jan 11th, 2018

Grasshopper Keller

Just a Colorado brony who makes some good stories. Celestia and Pinkie Pie are best ponies!


Set before the Reunited series, seven boys meet up in a room made for their club, 'The Anon Club'. And this club was specifically made for all of the OC's that all have a major crush on the Rainbooms.

Fortunately, the entire group is set with no fan-boy shenanigans, nor do they talk about the main group of women that are near them every day. And this day only proves that they are still the best of friends.

Chapters (1)

(Author's Note: This is a tribute story to Harms Way, one of the best series writers that I was able to befriend on this website, while also reading his 'M' rated series. Have fun, my friend! :pinkiehappy:)

Check out the stories from Harms Way.

When Sunset Shimmer feels a little down from how her new friends at Canterlot High all have some boys going after them, an unassuming man from outside of the school comes calling for her heart.

Set after the Friendship Games movie.

My first attempt at making a 'T' rated story. Hope y'all enjoy!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Cuddle, Please?

Second series of short stories with a Human in Equestria, named Anon, making some time to cuddle with the Princesses who rule Equestria.

[Author's note: This is my second 'E' rated story, inspired by the 'Dear Spike!' story from the author named Closer-To-The-Sun. Hope you guys like it! Also: This is my loving tribute for my 100+ followers. :twilightsmile:]

Art from Vinaramic-d8jo9sn

Thanks for the Feature!! :pinkiehappy:

Chapters (3)

Series of shorts with a Human in Equestria, named Anon, making some time to cuddle with the ponies in Ponyville.

[My first attempt at creating an 'E' rated story. Inspired by 'Dear Spike!' from the author named Closer-To-The-Sun. Hope you guys like it! Also: If any of you want a sequel, let me know.]

P.S. Despite the art cover from pinterest.com, all of the mane 6 are ponies!

Thanks for the Feature!! :pinkiehappy:

Chapters (6)