• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Luna & Discord Talk

Princess Luna uses her magic to teleport to Discord's front door. She knocks on the door.

"Coming!" Discord opens the door while drinking his barrel of chocolate milk to get the day going. "Morning, Luna. You need anything?"

"Yes, Discord. May I come in?"

"Of course, please come in," Discord allows Luna to enter his home. "So, what's on your mind?"

"I need a second opinion. With Twilight going astray, Princess Celestia has asked me to choose who'll be next in line. To have a protege into leading the future of Equestria."

"Wow, that was unexpected," Discord puts his barrel of chocolate milk under the rug for safekeeping.

"Princess Celestia is tired of choosing who'll be fit as her decision-making has gone astray. That's one of the reasons she entrusted me with the task."

"So, what was the other reason behind it?" Discord is now wearing a reporter's attire while writing the info from Luna.

"My sister admitted to me last night that I'm becoming wiser in my role as Princess than she."

"Did she really say that, or are you pulling my strings?" Sonata pulls a string from Discord's back. "There's a snake in my boot!"

Princess Luna laughs. Discord becomes a bit flustered with Sonata's antics.

"You're pressing my buttons again, Sonata."

Sonata giggles. "Like this one?" Sonata presses a button next to Discord's neck.

"To Infinity and Beyond!" Discord shouts while his wings flap.

Luna bursts into laughter after hearing Discord say that. Sonata flies into her room and locks it before Discord could do anything.

"So, how is it having roommates?" Princess Luna stops laughing.

"Well, it's nice to have company and have a lot in common. We watched a horror movie last night, and I'm bonding with Sunset Shimmer and the Dazzlings. So far, it's been good. Are you deciding to have Sunset Shimmer as the next Princess of Friendship or as the next Princess of Equestria?"

"Actually, I've decided to go in a different route. Something that'll benefit the future of Equestria."

"Oooh, you decided to have me be in charged?" Discord smiles and blinks three times at Luna.

"Not even in your dreams, Discord," Luna pats Discord's head.

"So, if it's not me, who it is?"

"You remember a while back. I brought seven students to your doorsteps?"

"The Unity Seven. Neighsay, Sandbar, Ocellus, Yona, Gallus, Smolder, Silverstream. All of them representing what unity is all about."

"I'm thinking about having the Unity Seven as my proteges. Equestria is going to be different. I believe my sister may be on the verge of retiring. If so, I need to step up as Princess of Equestria. As for the uprising, I believe more creatures will be residing in Equestria in the future. Instead of having an Alicorn rule all, it should be the Unity Seven with the same power as an Alicorn. Power in the sense of authority figure if you know what I mean."

"Loud and clear. I'm surprised and impressed you've decided to take my students under your wing. I'm sure Starlight Glimmer will be happy to hear."

"Do you think I should go in this route?"

"Absolutely, Luna. You're thinking about the future of Equestria and what it can be if done with all your heart. My advice is to have faith and believe in what you can achieve. So, did Celestia mentioned to you about the next Bar of Alliance meeting?"

"Neigh, Discord," Luna shakes her head.

"In less than a week, there will be no more secrets. We're revealing the whole truth to the Bar of Alliance. I have the memories of Spike in Earth Land to present to them if they were to ask how he is doing."

"Anything in his memory that amazes you, Discord?"

"Are you kidding me? Everything that Spike endured since arriving in Earth Land is a picture-perfect movie. He's been on crazy adventures that'll shame Daring Do and Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash would wish to participate or replace Spike to embark on the adventures. I know I would," Discord admits, doing a swear pose.

"Have you shown it to anyone?"

"Not yet. I will soon enough."

"I'm curious to know what was Spike's most shocking encounter."

"Well.., there is a whole lot I can say right off the back."

"Why not show it to me now? Like a movie night," Princess Luna suggests.

"It's still morning, Luna," Discord corrects Luna's statement.

Luna rolls her eyes. "You know what I mean."

"I do. I'll get the popcorn ready. Sit back on the couch."

Sunset Shimmer, Sonata, Aria, and Adagio sit on the couch with Princess Luna. They heard the term movie and are ready to see another film. Discord returns with a barrel of all kinds of popcorn.

"So, were you girls eavesdropping?" Discord asks.

"Yea. I couldn't resist," Sunset says.

"I was curious to know why Princess Luna would show up to your place, Draqonecuus," Adagio said.

"I wanted to hear anything referring to Spike after the dreadful tale Twilight told us," Sonata said.

"I didn't want to miss out on anything that Sonata would brag in my face to do her any favors," Aria admits.

"So, how is it being Hippogriffs?" Princess Luna asks.

"I can't complain," Sonata said, eating caramel popcorn.

"Feels natural, like I'm in my Siren body, and at the same time, I can walk," Aria admits.

"It's nice, not having to be bound to the Amulet's power and feeding on hatred. Here I thought I would be able to eat it but, I wasn't able to take a nibble out of it. My body rejected it. I guess it's been so long that our appetite changed for the better," Adagio says.

"How are you three and Sunset getting along?" Princess Luna asks.

"Fine. I'm getting to know Aria, Adagio, and Sonata a bit better. We decided to start anew as friends instead of enemies."

"Which is true," Sonata said, agreeing to Sunset's statement.

"We have some things in common and trying to find our place in Equestria now that the ruling for all creatures to reside where they originated from," Sunset explains.

Princess Luna sighs heavily.

"What's up?" Adagio turns to Princess Luna.

"I'm guessing Celestia and Twilight didn't tell you, Discord."

"Tell me about what?" Discord turns to Princess Luna.

"What's the news, Luna? Tell us, please," Sunset persuades Luna in revealing the truth.

"There is no law about creatures having to stay in their original homeland."

"WHAAAAAAAAAT!?" Discord, Sunset, and the Dazzling shout in unison. They couldn't believe what Princess Luna is claiming.

"There is no documentation to verify the law. I checked to see the official ruling of Equestria while you and the others went to Earth Land. There is no law that creatures must stay in their homeland. Then I found out it was a ruse to lure Spike back. Apparently, it failed."

"That conniving, backstabbing, liar of a Princess!" Sunset is irate. She looks for a vase and shatters it, picturing it was Twilight Sparkle's face. "She ruined my life!"

Sonata hugs Sunset Shimmer. "Let it all out; holding in anger won't do you any good," Sonata rubs Sunset Shimmer's back as she cries a little in anger.

"So, when Twilight returns, will she be sent to Tartarus?" Adagio asks Princess Luna.

"Yes. Twilight tried to erase Spike's mind during the Grand Magic Games. Celestia has given me the authority to strip her wings away. I should dispose of her horn as well. She can't be trusted," Discord answers Adagio's question.

"Anyone else in the heap of trouble like Twilight?" Aria asks.

"No. Princess Celestia is on her path to better herself and set a better example for the future. However, on my birthday, you can grant my wish, Discord."

"What is your wish? I won't mind granting one more wish before closing that chapter for good."

"Have Celestia stuffed inside a piƱata filled with candy; every one of us takes a whack at the piƱata," Princess Luna sinisterly chuckles.

"Oh, definitely," Discord laughs as well.

"Wow, Luna. That's so devious of you," Adagio compliments.

"Wait, here's a better idea. The piƱata Celestia gets stuffed into is a Twilight Sparkle piƱata," Aria said.

"Now that'll be one awesome birthday party," Sunset Shimmer said, feeling a bit better.

Discord takes off his head from his body; it turns into a film projector. Discord regrows his head and sits on the floor while his friends sit on the couch. More of his clones hover in the air to watch Spike's Adventures. The first thing they see is Spike free-falling from the portal while his body changes in the process, entering Earth Land for the first time.

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