• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Spike, Wendy, & Romeo's First Job

It's 8:30 in the morning in Magnolia. Spike wakes up after having a strange dream.

"What was that?"

"Possibly a warning of what's yet to come."

"Are you sure the dream is a warning?"

"No doubt. However, when it comes to pass, they will fall by the hands of Fairy Tail."

"You got that right, Fairy Rage."

"Morning, Spike," Lucy waves while making breakfast. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm good. I had a strange dream," Spike gets out of bed.

"Is it the one that Fairy Rage mentioned a while back?"

"Yea. He believes it's a possible warning. I'm not too worried but gotta be cautious, you know?"

"I agree. Hungry for bacon and eggs?" Lucy asks.

"Hey! Can we come in!?" Natsu knocks on the door.

"We're hungry," Happy said while his belly growls.

Lucy sighs. "At least they asked this time," Lucy walks up to the door and opens it.

"Thank you, Lucy," Natsu said in tears of joy.

"Thank you, Lucy," Happy flies in the room.

"Did you make enough?" Spike asks.

"I made for two servings each. Now it'll be enough for the two of them," Lucy points at Natsu and Happy as they sit at the table.

"Morning, Spike. How are you feeling?" Happy asks.

"I'm good. Thanks for asking. I'm going to freshen up first, then I'll eat with you guys," Spike goes to the bathroom.

"So, what's on today's agenda?" Lucy asks Happy.

"Just chilling with friends at the guildhall. Maybe go on a job."

"I hope there's a good job we can go on," Lucy said.

After a few minutes, Spike comes out of the bathroom. He sees Natsu and Happy chowing down.

"Hey, better eat quick. We're going to work once we find a job," Natsu said while eating bacon.

"Careful that you don't choke as you eat, Natsu," Spike sits at the table and eats his breakfast.

"Thanks for the food, Lucy. That hit the spot," Natsu said.

"Aye," Happy concurs.

"You're welcome. Next meal is on you two, alright?" Lucy said.

"Uuuuh, yes. Of course," Natsu and Happy said. They aren't sure how, though.

Spike smiles as he's eating. Even after all he's been through with Fairy Tail, he can't help but thank Discord for granting his wish that faithful night. Spike enjoys his breakfast and decides to clean the dishes. Lucy wanted to help but, Spike told her he got it. After a few minutes, Spike, Lucy, Natsu, and Happy leave the apartment.

"Race you, Happy," Spike smirks.

"You're on," Happy smirks.

Spike and Happy flies to the guildhall in a race. Natsu and Lucy run to catch up with the two. Happy's flight speed is a bit faster than Spike's. However, Spike uses his fire breath to teleport Happy behind him as Spike finishes the race first.

"No fair! You cheated!" Happy exclaims.

"There was no rule about using magic," Spike chuckles.

"Well played, Sir," Happy admits defeat.

Spike and Happy enter the guildhall and see everyone lounging around. Spike sees Wendy and Carla sitting at a table nearby and goes up to them. Happy see Natsu and Lucy finally reaching the guildhall.

"Wow, what took you lovebirds so long?" Happy jokes a bit.

"We're not lovebirds!" Natsu and Lucy angrily say.

"Aww, arguing as a young couple would," Mirajane said while bringing drinks to her friends.

"We're not in a relationship!" Natsu and Lucy shout.

"Hey, Spike," Wendy hugs Spike. "How are you?"

"I'm good, Wendy," Spike hugs Wendy.

"Hey, you guys," Romeo walks up to the two. "When are we going on that camping trip?"

"Soon. Gotta make a little more money before we can go camping," Spike said.

"Camping?" Panther Lily comes to the table. "What's the occasion?"

"It's not only for fun but to train as well. Romeo, Wendy, and I are the next generation of Fairy Tail. So, we're deciding to go out one of these days to train hard and get stronger."

"Count me in," Panther Lily says. "It was fun training with you before the S-Class Trials, Spike."

"Hey!" Gajeel walks behind Panther Lily. "If Lily's going, I'm coming too. Plus, it'll be a pleasure to train with my brother," Gajeel places his hand on Spike.

"They'll need some guidance along the way," Erza comes to the table. "Training the next generation sounds like fun. Going camping will be pleasant as well. Swimming by the lake, roasting marshmallows, telling ghost stories, training hard. It sounds like a fun trip already, and I'm in."

"Camping is manly! I'm going with you," Elfman proudly proclaims.

"Camping? I'm down for that," Gray approaches everyone by the table.

"I'm going as well," Juvia said.

"So, how long until we venture on our camping trip?" Erza asks.

"How about in two days? Giving everyone plenty of time to pack their things."

"Sounds good," Erza, Elfman, Gajeel, Panther Lily, Gray, and Juvia said in unison.

"Well, how are you going to make money in two days?" Romeo asks Spike.

"I'll have to look at the job board first," Spike flies to the job board and sees what job to go on. "Something simple and not complicated."

"Hey," Wendy walks up to the job board. "What about this one," Wendy points to the flier that features a haunted house.

Spike reads the inscriptions of the flier. "My house has become haunted since unleashing a drastic spirit. It has the ability to copy magic, faze through walls, and tend to play mind games. Please help, and I'll never play with Ouija boards again."

"Sounds like a horror movie," Wendy becomes startled by the job descriptions.

"A haunted house job? Sign me up," Romeo said. "I've been reading nothing but horror comics during the past week. I'm ready for it."

"As for mind games, Fairy Rage can handle that. Right, buddy?"

"I do have the power to extend my mind protection spell but, I want to say it's for three wizards in total. I haven't practice any of my other abilities so, I guess this'll be my test drive if given the opportunity." Fairy Rage explains.

"Perfect. We'll put that to the test," Spike walks up to Mirajane. "Romeo, Wendy, and I will take this job, Mirajane."

"Alright then, I'll wish you three luck," Mirajane smiles.

"Hey, hold up," Macao walks up to Spike, Wendy, and Romeo. "I didn't approve my son going on this job request. Also, how much are they paying?"

"According to the flier, 600,000 Jewels, Macao," Wendy says.

A cha-ching sound plays in Macao's mind. "Alright, Romeo. I'll let you go on this job request. Just know that a hundred grand is coming to me so I can pay taxes for our house." "And buy other things along with it."

"Of course, dad," Romeo said. "Ready, you two?"

"You know it," Wendy and Spike said.

"Not without me, child," Carla flies up to them.

"Alright, alright. Let's go before more decide to tag along," Romeo said.

Spike, Romeo, Wendy, and Carla leave the guildhall to embark on their job request. They're at the train station.

"So, where are we going?" Carla asks.

"The job said to Onibus Town," Spike said, rereading the flier.

"I hope it's not that Rabian guy that works at the theatre," Wendy said.

"How come?" Spike asks.

"That'll be my second job with the guy. My first one was to remove our friends from the premises of the theatre, which wasn't pleasant for me."

"Oooooh," Spike said.

"Natsu told me that the guy is a slave driver, making him, Lucy, Gray, Happy, and Erza perform over fifty plays to repay the damages to the theatre they wind up destroying, and it became a hit," Romeo says.

"Oh wow," Spike said in response.

Spike, Carla, Wendy, and Romeo get on the train and goes to Onibus Town. On the way there, Romeo is showing Spike his horror comic editions. Spike starts reading one of them and couldn't help but keep reading.

"It's good, right?" Romeo asks.

"Dude, this comic is better than the comics I used to read in that other world. You have a compelling story of five friends, band together to solve mysteries. Kinda like the job request we're going on."

"My favorite story is the Phantom Menace. I'll show you that comic when we go camping."

"Sounds good, Romeo."

An hour later, the train arrives in Onibus Town. Spike looks at the flier, and it reveals the address they need to go. They walk for forty minutes past the Onibus Theatre. The house they approach is a three-storied black house with broken windows and a distorted rooftop. A man is outside pacing, waiting for the wizards that took the job. He's short, has purple hair, and a purple mustache.

"Thank you very much for coming. Ah, it's nice to see you again, Wendy. Who are your friends."

"Oh, hey Rabian. This is Spike the Fairy, this is Romeo, and you remember Carla, right?"

"Fairy Dragon! I heard rumors and seen photos. To meet the real dragon is a dream come true. Thank you very much!" Rabian said excitedly.

"So, you're the one messing with ouija boards?" Spike asks.

"Yes. I heard my cousins having fun speaking to a spirit so, I wanted to try. Instead of meeting with a friendly spirit, I wind up unleashing a drastic one. Since then, my house has been plagued with bad mojo. Please, relinquish the spirit, and I'll pay you 600,000 Jewels and treat you to some rare dessert."

"Don't worry. We'll take care of the spirit," Romeo said.

"Thank you very much!" Rabian bows in front of them.

"Geez, must be that bad of a haunting for the guy to bow down like that," Romeo said.

"Could be a good challenge for me against the spirit." Fairy Rage said.

"Who said that?!" Rabian gets scared.

"Oh, that's Fairy Rage Dragon. I'll explain who he is another time. We have to track down the spirit and defeat it. Somehow."

"I wish you luck, you three," Rabian said.

Wendy, Carla, Romeo, and Spike enter Rabian's house. The door shuts behind as soon as they enter.

"Okay, that was creepy," Spike said.

"I feel cold," Wendy shivers a bit. "Why is it cold in the house?"

"According to my comics, the colder the area is, the closer the spirit is," Romeo answers.

"Good to know," Spike said.

Spike, Wendy, Carla, and Romeo look around the main floor a bit. They see some broken wine cups on the floor, shattered plates on the table, a dresser flipped upside down. For Romeo, it feels like a horror comic come true. Wendy is a bit uneased and holds Spike's claw as they walk. Carla isn't showing much fear. The entity follows them into another room and throws a frozen plate at them.

"Get down!" Romeo pushes Wendy and Spike to the ground as he sees a plate crashing into the wall.

"Whoa, dude's really got a poltergeist," Spike said.

"Thanks for the save," Wendy said.

Carla inspects the plate and notices a handprint on it. "Does poltergeist leave handprints?"

"According to my comics, they are not supposed to. Why did you ask?" Romeo turns to Carla.

"I see," Carla flies over to Romeo. "There's a fresh handprint right on the plate."

"Whoa, there is. What kind of spirit did Rabian summon?" Romeo inspects the plate.

"Must be a powerful one," Wendy said.

"I'm not sure," Spike said.

"Let's go check the next floor," Romeo suggests.

"Yea," Wendy, Carla, and Spike nods.

The entity sees them heading up, and it goes upstairs. Spike, Wendy, Carla, and Romeo walk up the stairs and notices that it's creaking. Romeo wonders if there are multiple spirits in the household. As the four make it to the next floor, it is pitch black and hard to see.

"Gaaaaaah!" Wendy yelps as something grabs her. Spike and Romeo use their flame magic to light the area.

"Wendy!" Romeo, Spike, and Carla shout.

"Where did she go?!" Carla panics a bit. "Wendy!" Carla shouts for Wendy's name.

"We need to search for her now," Spike said.

"Alright, Carla and I will check around this floor," Romeo said.

"I'll check the basement. We're not leaving until we find her," Spike said.

"Of course, we don't leave a friend behind," Romeo said. He and Carla go on their search for Wendy while Spike goes down to the basement.

The entity that grabbed Wendy drags her to the attic of the house. Wendy is knocked out and tied to a chair.

"Sorry, kid. I can't have you interfering with my plans," The entity leaves the attic to stalk anyone else in the household.

Romeo and Carla enter the bedroom to search for Wendy or the entity. The entity sees the two and decides to play a mind game with them. The entity decides to slam the door behind them and crawls onto the ceiling, scaring both Romeo and Carla.

"What was that?" Romeo shouts a little.

"The door slammed on its own," Carla said.

Romeo walks up to the door and tries to open it. "It's locked!"

"Can't you knock it down?" Carla asks.

Romeo kicks the door with all his might, but the door is resistant. He tries to burn the door down, but for some reason, the door is fire-resistant. Romeo tries to barge the door down and winds up hurting his shoulder.

"Ooow!" Romeo shakes his shoulder a bit. "Something is wrong with the door!" Romeo is getting upset.

The entity watches Romeo getting frustrated and sees a music box. The entity turns on the ballerina music box, which plays the Mexican hat dance.

"What's that?" Carla hears the music, which is changing her demeanor a bit.

"It's the Phantom of the Earwax," Romeo answers.

"Phantom?" Carla becomes a bit scared.

The entity laughs and comes down. Romeo and Carla get scared hearing the demonic laughter.

"You...are..mine," The entity said grotesquely.

Romeo and Carla go to the door, pulling as hard as they could. "That's it! Let us out! Let us-" The door breaks, which sends them flying out the window. Carla catches Romeo and notices that the entity is wearing a black cloak that goes into the shadows.

"That spirit is disturbing," Romeo pants a bit.

"I'm gonna kill Rabian for summoning it! Where did you come up with the name Phantom of the Earwax?"

"Remember the comic I mentioned to Spike on the train ride? The issue is called Phantom Menance. The Phantom's name is Phantom of the Earwax."

"You need to lay off reading those comics," Carla suggests.

"I will after we finish the job."

Romeo and Carla go back inside the house to continue their search for Wendy. Romeo and Carla are now extra cautious when they enter another room.

"Wendy, where are you?" Spike shouts. He's walking in the basement using his claw to generate fire to use as light.

The entity is observing Spike from the ceiling of the basement. "My eyes weren't playing tricks on me. That was a dragon I saw."

"Behind you."

Spike turns and shoots flaming arrows at whatever is behind him. The entity screams in pain and rolls on the floor as the flaming armors are burning him. Romeo and Carla come down to the basement after hearing the agony.

"What a shame. I was looking forward to testing my abilities against a spirit. Oh well, later Fairy Dragon." Fairy Rage goes to sleep.

"What happened?!" Romeo and Carla jump a little seeing the entity on the floor.

"Fairy Rage warned me, and I struck the ghost?" Spike is confused and sees that the entity is wearing a cloak. He removes it and reveals a man instead.

"Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?" Romeo and Carla said in shock.

"I surrender..," He waves the white flag.

Spike increases his size and lifts the guy. "Where's Wendy?"

The man gulps, seeing the dragon increase his size. He sweats in fear a little. "Tied up in the attic. Please, I mean no harm."

"Romeo, Carla. Get to Wendy. I'll bring our 'ghost' outside."

Carla had already left the basement. She flies to the attic and opens the door to see Wendy knocked out. Carla unties her and picks her up. Romeo, Spike, and the guy impersonating a spirit are outside of the house. Carla safely puts Wendy outside. Rabian is in awe when he sees Spike and Romeo bringing out the entity that was plaguing his home.

"Thank you very much for capturing the spirit," Rabian said.

"He's not a spirit. This is someone imposing as one," Romeo steps aside to show Rabian the culprit.

Rabian gasps. "I know that guy. Lamar has been trying to pitch an idea at the theatre. He wants to use the horror genre of a play he wrote, but I denied him because I didn't think horror would be good to use in a play at the theatre."

"As I mentioned to you, I'm an illusionist mage. I can alter my surroundings to make the scenery work."

"And you trashed my house!" Rabian retorts.

"Not completely. Just small parts of the interior. If you allow me to walk ten feet away from the house, you'll see the condition it's supposed to be," Lamar states.

"I have my eyes on you. Move ten feet as you said," Rabian said.

Lamar walks ten feet away from the house. The broken windows of the house now look repaired, and the rooftop look renewed. "If you check inside the house, the only wine cups and several china plates are broken. Either than that, everything else is fine."

Rabian is impressed with Lamar's magic. "I have to say, Lamar. I am impressed. How did you guys fair with him lurking around?"

"Scared. Lamar had Carla and me trapped in a bedroom. I tried to bring down the door to the bedroom, and it wouldn't budge. No matter what I threw it at, the door remains resistant."

"He played that horrid music box that scared us in the bedroom. He knocked and took Wendy to the attic," Carla said. "For some reason, Wendy won't wake up."

"I put chloroform on her. She'll wake up in a little while longer," Lamar said.

"You're lucky I didn't kill you for taking my Wendy," Spike said.

"Hey, my initial plan was to show Rabian that horror can be effective as a genre to the theatre. I didn't anticipate running into three kids and a cat during the act."

"Well, I am interested in using your horror play in my theatre someday," Rabian said.

"Really?" Lamar is ecstatic.

"Sure, after you're taken to jail for stalking me and trespassing!" Rabian said as two Fiore Royal Soldiers arrive.

"Shit," Lamar said.

They take Lamar away. Rabian gives Spike, Romeo, and Carla 600,000 Jewels as promised. He apologizes for the dessert because the Onibus Dessert Shop was closed today. Wendy wakes up.

"Oh.., what happened?" Wendy turns to Spike.

"There was no drastic spirit. It was an actor named Lamar that wanted to show Rabian the horror genre for the theatre."

"The whole haunting was an act, and we fell for it," Romeo said.

"Wow," Wendy gets up. "Let's not take a job that deals with haunted houses."

"Deal," Spike, Carla, and Romeo said.

"Let's go home," Wendy said.

"Get on my back. Spike wants," Spike increases his size large enough for Romeo, Carla, and Wendy to ride out. The citizens of Onibus are in awe to see Spike the Fairy. "Let's fly!" Spike flaps his wings and takes his friends back home to Magnolia.

Author's Note:

I will be sad if you didn't see the easter egg I planted in this chapter. I don't think anyone noticed it two chapters ago.

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