• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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The hour has arrived for the Miss Fairy Tail contest. Spike is sitting next to Gray, Happy, Natsu, and Elfman. Spike sees not only members of the Fairy Tail Guild but everyone else in Magnolia in the guildhall. Everyone waiting patiently as Max Alors gets on stage with a mic.

"The long wait is finally over, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the one and only Miss Fairy Tail contest. Where your favorite Fairies fight in the battle of beauty, I'm Max Alors, sand wizard extraordinaire. I'll be your host for this exciting event!"

Everyone cheers loudly in excitement, and Spike wonders who's going to win. He hopes that his friend Lucy will come up on top.

"Now, let's meet entry number one, the exotic beauty who'll drink you out on the table any day of the week! Cana Alberona!" Max Alors steps aside, revealing Cana Alberona standing by. Everyone cheers for Cana. "Now, bust out some magic and show us your stuff!"

Cana aligns her magic cards in position, getting ready to transform to show off her beauty. Her cards circulate her as a bright light illuminates. After the flashing bright light, Cana reveals herself as wearing a swimsuit. Everyone gaze at her beauty, with lots of wows and cheers for Cana's beauty.

"The prize money can cover my tab," Said Cana as she smiles, noting to everyone that she can use the prize money to get drinks for all.

"A swimsuit, no fair!" Said Lucy, peering behind the curtain.

"That's a clever idea. Maybe I should do the same," Said Erza, also peering behind the curtain.

Lucy gasps, seeing Erza competing. "You're in this too?"

Erza couldn't help but smile as she closes her eyes. "When I hear the word contest, I get all worked up." Said Erza, admittingly.

"Bye-bye rent money, it's over for me," An image of rent money flies away as Lucy is admitting defeat. Knowing Erza, she'll have the prettiest, gorgeous outfit that no one has ever seen before.

"Hey, Spike. What you think about Cana?" Said Elfman.

"She's does look great. She's only the first participant we've seen. I'll give you a fair judgment later."

"On to entry number two, she may be new to the guild. But her magic is S-Class. A radiant beauty rain or shine, Juvia Lockser!" Max Alors stands aside as Juvia walks up. More people in the crowds cheer on for Juvia.

"Please," Said Juvia, using her water magic to position herself. "Let these feelings reach you, my beloved Prince," Juvia reveals to everyone her swimsuit. Everyone is astonished to see Juvia in a beautiful blue swimsuit. "Look at me, Gray! Do you like what do you see?" Said Juvia cheerfully.

"Well, I gotta admit, Juvia looks better in the swimsuit than Cana," Said Spike.

"Agreed. But no one can defeat my sister in a beauty competition!" Elfman claims proudly and boldly.

"Gray, I see you blushing," Happy make kissy sounds to taunt Gray.

"I'm not blushing!" Gray angrily expresses as he freezes Happy's fish.

"Another swimsuit?! Give me a break!" Said Lucy, complaining that another woman used the swimsuit getup. Erza nods, agreeing with Lucy's complaint.

"Next up is entry number three," Max Alors announces. "Fairy Tail's famous centerfold. Her beauty has stolen the hearts of men and women all over the land," Max Alors jumps out of the way, joining with the crowd to introduce, "Mirajane!"

"There's my sister! Get ready to feast your eyes on elegant beauty, Spike the Fairy," Elfman claims, cheering for her older sister loudly.

"Now, show off your stuff!" Max Alors shouts into the mic, getting too excited to see what Mirajane has to offer.

"My specialty is in transformation magic. So, I'll show you a new side of me," A lot of men are gazing at Mirajane. Some even have hearts for eyes, showing how much they care and love Mirajane. Mirajane transforms her head into the shape of Happy. "This is my Happy face, Aye!" Everyone is stunned and heartbroken. Some even flop to the floor hard. They can't believe what they are seeing. Mirajane then transforms her head into Gajeel's appearance. "Here's my Gajeel face," Gajeel can't help but stare at the handsome look of himself, courtesy of Mirajane. "Cool, huh?"

Happy and Spike burst out laughing as everyone is dumbfounded. Elfman is taken back by his remarks. He can't believe that his sister decided to step back a little, allowing someone else to take the win. His jaw, like everyone else's, is dropped in shock and disbelief. Lucy holds her laughter a bit. Stating lesser competition in which, Erza agrees.

"Entry number four, the Fairy Queen herself who needs no introductions-"

"That's my cue," Said Erza, coming out of the curtains and hopping on stage.

"Erza Scarlet!" Said Max Alors, stepping aside.

Everyone cheers loudly for Erza Scarlet. The energy is reenergizing the guildhall due to Mirajane depleting it with her performance. Some of the men are chanting her name as others are complimenting her armor.

"Wow, she's really popular," Said Lucy. Now nervous about losing the contest.

Erza chuckles. She knows which outfit to requip into, "Let me show you a Requip you don't get to see every day," Erza powers up, she screams as she transforms into a Gothic Lolita outfit. Everyone is stunned at the beauty of Erza Scarlet.

"Wow.., talk about seeing a beautiful girl," Spike's jaw is dropped just like everyone else's. He thought Rarity look elegant. Erza Scarlet takes the title in Spike's eyes for now.

"She's going to win for sure," Said Elfman, to is his shock.

"Gothic Lolita!" Lucy shrieks horribly, knowing she just lost the competition.

"Looks like I win," Erza claims victoriously.

"Never thought I'd see her dressed like that," Said Macao in shock.

"Oui," Reedus nods in agreement.

"And here is entry number five, patinaed and cute. This Fairy is smart as she is charming. Let's hear it for Levy McGarden!"

Jet and Droy cheer of Levy lovingly and supportively, knowing that she'll do great and win the competition.

"Let me show you my solid script!" Levy uses her magic to spawn her wording in their elements as a background of her image.

"Here, we have entry number six. The sniper with the sights on your heart. The one and only Bisca Mulan!"

Bisca is in her swimsuit. She reveals to her peers four heart coins. Then, she tosses them in the air and requips her sniper rifle. With one shot from her sniper rifle, she pierces all four coins dead center. Alzack couldn't help but fall for her beauty and precision with the sniper.

"How can I top that?" Said Lucy.

"Wow, I have to say. From what I've seen, Erza got this in the bag," Said Spike.

"Definitely. Runner up is definitely Juvia," Said Natsu.

"Aye," Happy replies as he's eating a new fish.

"Mirajane is down below. Last place.., I wonder how Lucy would fare in the rankings," Said Elfman.

"We will have to look and see," Said Gray.

"Let's move on to entry number seven, Fairy Tail's rising star. She shines as brightly as the spirits guide her way, Lucy Heart-"

"Stop! Please don't say my last name out loud," Cried Lucy, waving her arms in motion, not wanting her last name to be revealed and reminded.

Everyone except members of the Fairy Tail guild starts to question Lucy Heartfilla. Spike, is cheering for Lucy to win, throwing the thumbs up to boost her confidence, hopefully. Lucy regains her confidence after sighing a bit.

"Now, show us what you got!" Said Max Alors, hoping to see what the newer guildmate can do.

"Me and my Celestial Spirits are going to do a cheer for you guys," Lucy brings out the pom-poms. Everyone cheers until a sudden voice interrupts, announcing herself as entry number eight. "Hey, hold on, I haven't even started to do my cheer yet," Said Lucy frustratedly.

"I'm the very definition of Fairy. Not to mention the definition of beauty," She steps forward. "I'm the only woman who embodies everything men desire. Therefore, the winner is me, the lovely Evergreen," Evergreen reveals herself to the entire guildhall and its patrons. "Now, this idiotic contest can end."

Lucy shrieks a bit, having a painful feeling she already lost the competition.

"Uh, who is that?" Ask Spike in curiosity, pointing towards Evergreen on the stage.

"Whoa, she's back?" Said Gray in shock.

"Then, Laxus is here too," Said Elfman, sounding discouraged.

Master Makarov glares at Evergreen. Earlier today, he and Mirajane were walking after getting some supplies. Mirajane mentioned that she heard Laxus was in town after hearing some rumors from Levy. Makarov now waits and listens to see what will unfold in his presence.

"Can you go and mess up a different contest?" Said Lucy, irately. "Give me a break here. I really need this prize money!"

"Lucy!" Gray alerts loudly. "Don't look her in the eye!"

"I'm sorry, what was your name?" Evergreen looks directly at Lucy, activating her magic.

"Lucy!" Spike cries out as he sees Lucy turning into a stone statue.

"This is bad," Max Alors turns to the people after seeing Lucy turned to stone. "Everyone, get out of here! Now!" Max Alors announces. Everyone panics and runs away from the guildhall.

"What do you think you're doing, Evergreen?" Said Makarov, demanding to know what her intentions are. "You've ruined the festival for everyone."

Evergreen couldn't help but chuckle at Master Makarov. "On the contrary, I think things are just getting interesting," Evergreen reveals to everyone in Fairy Tail that she's turned every woman that competed into a statue.

"No, Mira!" Elfman expressed angrily.

"She got Erza too!" Happy said.

Spike is stunned to see his friends turned into a stone statue. "I can't believe this. This girl has the power to turn others to stone. I remember hearing the Elements of Harmony turning Discord into stone. The fact that she did this no problem.., this world's magic far exceeds Equestrian's magic. Just how powerful everyone in the guild is? How powerful can I be in my current state?" Spike looks up as others started to gather around.

"Don't be a fool!" Said Makarov, "Return them to normal this instant!"

The guildhall starts getting brighter. Everyone looks up to see a flash of lightning striking on the stage. Laxus is now revealing himself to all of Fairy Tail.

"Well looks like all your fans have decided to head home. Pity, the party is about to start," Laxus sees Spike for the first time. He's behind his grandfather Makarov sitting by a table.

"I should have known," Said Makarov.

Gray looks up to see Freed and Bickslow as well.

"The Thunder Legion," Said Macao in shock and awe.

"What the heck you guys trying to pull?" Asked Wakaba frustratedly.

"C'mon! Let's have some fun!" Said Laxus in good spirit. "That baby dragon in the back will make a fine good pet for me. It's rare seeing a dragon up close."

"I had enough of your nonsense, turn them back or else," Makarov demands.

"You better play nice if you want these ladies to join the parade," Laxus threatens, using his lightning as a bargaining chip to smite Lucy.

"No, stop!" Makarov pleads.

The lightning missed Lucy by near inches. "In other words, I'm taking all of them hostage," Laxus puts an arm around Lucy's stonified statue. "Break the rules, and I'll shatter these chicks one by one or, I can just smash them all right now."

"I'm not amused, Laxus. Stop fooling around!"

"I'm serious, old man."

Freed hops down. "I've always wondered who is strongest in the guild. Now it's time to find out."

"Yea," Bickslow hops down. "Let's have some fun," Bickslow has these floating tikis that do talk, "Fun, fun," they repeat what Bickslow said.

"There's only one rule. Whoever left standing is the winner," Said Laxus, explaining his demented game. "It's a Fairy Tail Battle Royal!" Laxus decrees.

"Nice and simple," Natsu slams his fist onto the table. He's enjoying the idea of fighting to see who is the strongest. "I'm fired up now."

"Glad you can see it my way. If nothing else, you've got the right attitude."

"Natsu," Makarov and Spike retort at the same time.

"This is a festival, right?" Asked Natsu, smirking a bit. "Let's party," Natsu starts walking up to Laxus.

"Have you already forgotten how badly he beat you the last time you guys went at it?" Asked Warren, worried that the results of this fight would end up the same as before.

"I was just a kid back then," Replied Natsu, powering up.

"What do you mean? That was last year!" Warren retorts.

"Yea, and since then, I've become a man!" Natsu lung at Laxus.

"On the other hand, I think that attitude of yours is going to get you into a world of hurt. Why don't you sit back down?" Laxus uses his lightning to hit Natsu, knocking him back onto the floor.

"Natsu!" Said Gray.

"I told you so," Said Warren.

"He's no man," Said Elfman.

"Wow, and this Laxus guy didn't have to move. He took down Natsu like he's nothing," Said Spike shockingly.

"Poor guy," Happy flies next to Natsu. "And he was finally feeling all better too."

"Naturally, if you want me to turn the girls back to normal, you're going to have to defeat us first," Said Evergreen, confidentially.

"But, those odds aren't bad. There's four of us and a hundred of you guys," Bickslow laughs. "Laugh at you. Laugh at you," Floating tikis mocks.

"You have three hours and not a second more. After that, these pretty statues of yours will be reduced to dust," Said Evergreen.

"All of Magnolia will serve as the battlefield. The battle will begin when and if you find us," Said Laxus, explaining more of the Fairy Tail Battle Royal.

"Laxus, how could you?" Makarov expressed, feeling betrayed. "I won't stand for this!" Makarov increases his size into a near giant in the guildhall. Spike is mesmerized by the size of Master Makarov. His jaw drops in shock a second time.

"Now now, simmer down, old man!" Laxus expressly mock. "It's all part of the festival, right?" A flash of light blinds everyone in the guildhall. "It'll be fun!" All there's left is Laxus laughter as everyone complains of the blinding light. "Let the battle of Fairy Tail begin!" Everyone sees that Laxus and the Thunder Legion had vanished.

"He disappeared," Said Gray.

"So, it's high stakes and hide and go seek? Huh," Macao rhetorically states.

"Let's go, we gotta man up and save our girls!" Said Elfman proudly, rallying everyone in the guild to partake in the Fairy Battle Royal.

"Bisca, hold on. I'll do everything I can to save you," Alzack hurries off to find Laxus and the Thunder Legion.

Nearly everyone in the guildhall rushes out the door in search of the Thunder Legion. Spike watches everyone leaving. He wants to help. He knows he can be useful, but due to his current state, he doesn't know how to fight nor use his magic.

"This is bad. My friends are stonified, out for blood, and all I can do is sit and wait. I have to do something but, what?" Spike starts pondering a bit. He walks up to the stone statues of his friends. "I'm sorry that I can't help you at this given time. I wish there is something I can do to help," Spike looks down and sits. Then he starts to imagine himself using Maker Magic, thinking of using different stances and commanding what his fire should do. Spike sighs as he feels powerless to do anything at the moment.

Rage starts fueling in Makarov's heart. Seeing his children in peril and his grandson going astray, he had enough of Laxus' childish game. Spike looks up and sees the frustration on Makarov's face.

"You insolent brat!" Makarov turns and runs toward the exit. "Just wait. I'll stop you with my own two hands!" He claims then collides with a barrier.

"Master Makarov!" Spike shouts. He's surprised to see Makarov slam into an invisible wall.

Gray turns back to see Makarov slammed after hearing Spike's cry. "What's wrong? What happened, Spike?"

Spike runs next to Makarov. "I saw our guild master slammed into an invisible wall!"

"Don't be silly, Spike. There's nothing here!" Gray tries to lift and pull Makarov but, he can't get through. "Man, what's the deal?"

"Look!" Spike points up to the lettering above.

Gray and Makarov look up to see the writing Spike mentioned. They are dumbfounded at the moment.

"Must be one of Freed's enchantments," Said Makarov.

"Uh, what do you mean by enchantments?" Asked Spike.

"Can you explain, Gramps?"

"It's a barrier formed by magic runes," Said Makarov. "Anyone who steps inside is bound by its rules. The only way to escape is to follow them."

"Any idea what it says?" Asked Gray.

"Stone statues and anyone over the age of eighty years shall not pass."

"Wow, Laxus is making sure that he and the Thunder Legion win. We no longer have an ace on our sleeve," Said Spike, crossing his arms.

"Whoever writes the rules wins the fight, huh?"

"Perhaps, but enchantments like these take time to write. As such, it'll be useless in a one on one battle. Still, as you can see, they quite effective as setups as traps."

"You're really stuck? You can't break through?" Asked Gray.

"I'm afraid that the rules of the enchantment are absolute."

"Well, that settles it. It looks like we're going into this battle without you, Gramps."

"I'm sorry," Said Makarov.

"I won't show mercy even, if Laxus is your grandson. He's going to pay for this," Said Gray, determinedly. He runs off looking for the Thunder Legion.

Makarov turns as Spike becomes worried. "Master, are you okay?"

"No, Spike," Makarov shakes his head. "I don't think Gray and the others are capable of defeating Laxus or any of the Thunder Legion members, alone. Erza might be our strongest candidate to defeat Laxus. Either than her, I don't know who else may stand a chance against, Laxus."

"Is there any way we can dispel Evergreen's petrification magic?" Asked Spike.

Makarov thinks it over a bit. There is a way to reverse the effects. Makarov and Spike enter the guild and see Reedus Jonah cowering behind a pillar.

"Reedus, why aren't you out there fighting?"

"I'm afraid that Laxus will hurt me, Master."

"Then, I have another objective for you. Head on over to the East Forest and to see Porlyusica. She may have a potion to cure petrification."

"Oui!" Reedus complies and leaves the guildhall.

Natsu wakes up, sits up, and screams.

"You're awake," Said Happy happily.

"Hold on? Where did Laxus go?" Ask Natsu in confusion. He looks around and sees Spike and Makarov. "Where did everyone go?"

"Natsu," Makarov said. "If he gets serious, he could be strong enough to pull it off."

"Gramps, Spike," Natsu runs up to them as Happy follows him. "Do you know where everyone ran off to?"

"Now, listen up," Makarov commands. "The festival is underway. Laxus is hiding somewhere in Magnolia. Find him and beat him!" Makarov points to the exit of the guildhall.

"Alright!" Natsu roars, now having a fire in his belly. He runs after Laxus. "Just you wait, Laxus-" Natsu collides at the barrier face first. Spike, Makarov, and Happy are in shock. They can't believe what they saw. "What the heck?"

"Unbelievable! Laxus must have made sure anyone he sees as a threat couldn't get through!" Exclaimed Spike.

"That ingenious maniac!" Makarov irately express. Everyone looks up to see the runes display a new message above. "Battle of Fairy Tail status report. What, it says Jet versus Droy versus Alzack. Is this some kind of joke?!"

"I think Freed made sure to give us an insight on the battle royal," Said Happy.

"I don't understand why those guys would be fighting each other," Said Natsu in confused.

"Of course," Spike lowers his head. "This is a divide and conquer strategy. If Freed placed an enchantment here, there could be possible locations all around Magnolia with Freed's enchantment circles to force them to fight each other," Spike explains. "And, we're sitting ducks. The question is, what does Laxus want?"

Seconds later, the runes revealed the victor of the fight. "The winner is Alzack," Said Makarov. The runes reveal more battles, more winners, and losers.

"This isn't fair!" Natsu presses hard on the barrier. "I wanna fight too!"

"Is that all?!" Spike, Happy, and Makarov said in unison.

"Man, you suck!" Natsu starts slapping the barrier. "Go away, invisible wall!"

Makarov slaps Natsu on his head. "Why do you want to fight your friends?!"

"Cause it's a tournament to see who is the strongest!" Replied Natsu, eager to fight.

"This is not a tournament! As Spike mentioned, it's a divide and conquer. Laxus is using everyone like pawns in his twisted game. If we can't beat the Thunder Legion in time, the girls are going to be smashed to pieces."

"Unfortunately, most of Fairy Tail are fighting among each other instead of working together. Trying to be the best of all may not help in the long run against the Thunder Legion or Laxus," Said Spike. "The girls are more likely to perish when the hour is up."

"Spike, Laxus is one of us. I don't think he'll cross that line. Honestly, I don't think he'd meant to harm them in critical condition. Sure, he can be a pain but, who isn't?"

"Wow, Natsu still considers Laxus as a member of Fairy Tail despite his wrongful doing. He doesn't believe that Laxus will go this far into hurting the guild members. What goes in Natsu's mind is beyond me at times."

"Time remaining, two hours and eighteen minutes," Said Happy after reading the status update. "Participants remaining, forty-two."

"No way, that's all that's left?!" Said Spike in shock.

"In less than an hour, more than half the guild has been defeated."

Now there are forty remaining members as sixty are defeated. Natsu is calling Laxus game and situation a bluff. There is nothing more to it.

"A bluff, huh?" Laxus makes an appearance behind Natsu, Happy, Makarov, and Spike. "You sure about that?" Laxus is in a thought projection form. To Spike, it's more of a hologram. "Natsu, what are you doing holding up in this dump? Are you scared? And who is that baby dragon?"

"I'm not scared!" Natsu responds angrily. "I'm stuck."

"None of your business, bully," Spike replies.

"None of my business?" Laxus chuckles. "You have the Fairy Tail emblem on your chest. That makes it my business."

"I'm Spike the Fairy," Spike balls his claws.

"Ooooh, scary," Laxus mocks Spike, waving his hands in a mocking motion of fear. "A Fairy Dragon, how profound," Laxus chuckles, knowing that Spike is utterly useless.

"What do you want, Laxus?" Asked Makarov, sounding displeased.

"How's it feel, knowing that your children are annihilating each other? Too bad that Natsu and Erza can't join the game. You don't have anyone too strong to beat the Thunder Legion."

"Gray is out there! He'll take you down!" Spike throws the thumbs down at Laxus. Laxus laughs.

"The ice wizard? You put all your hope on that loser?"

"Yea!" Happy concurs. "He's as strong as Natsu."

"Me?!" Said Natsu furiously. "No way, man!"

"Sorry, but you are in denial."

"I wouldn't underestimate the boy's power if I were you," Said Makarov confidentially.

Moments after mentioning Gray's name, he loses his fight against Bickslow.

"One more down," The runes revealed that Gray is defeated. "Only twenty-eight contenders remain," Said Laxus. "Who else is left that you can depend on?"

"Wait, I just remembered. Gajeel is out there. He'll stop you!" Spike claims. Laxus laughs.

"Gajeel, really? He made it clear that he doesn't want to play."

"Stop this, Laxus. You had your fun. I surrender."

"What's gotten into you? I thought you were the almighty master of the Fairy Tail guild? You can't just give up in a drop of a hat. But, if you insist on quitting, then, by all means, hand the guild over to me. And take an early retirement."

Makarov now knows the fruition of Laxus scheme. He wants to become the next Guild Master of Fairy Tail. Laxus divided the guild to tear each other apart, Evergreen using her petrification magic to use as a bargaining chip to persuade everyone into doing his bidding. Laxus is crossing the boundaries that can get him kicked out of the guild.

"You only got an hour and a half to announce your retirement on the guild's loudspeaker if you wish to save the girls. I want you to tell all of Magnolia that you are relinquishing Fairy Tail over to me. What means more to you? Your children or your title?"

"You're insane! Your too much of a dictator to ever treat Fairy Tail as a family!" Spike shouts angrily. "And dictators don't last long either."

Laxus laughs. "You'll be a fine addition to the new Fairy Tail guild, as my pet," Laxus smirks.

"You won't get away with this, Laxus!" Natsu lunges at Laxus with a fist. Unfortunately, Natsu had already forgotten that Laxus is a thought projection. Laxus is done talking and disappears. Natsu collides with a pillar head first. "If he wants to be master, he should have the guts to face me in person! How come he won't fight me?"

"All we know is that Master Makarov cannot and should not revoke his title as the guild's master. We have to hope that someone is willing to help each other to defeat an enemy instead of hurting each other," Said Spike.

"Agreed," Makarov concurs. "Laxus doesn't have the conviction and heart to run Fairy Tail."

"There has to be someone who can defeat Laxus and his pals," Said Happy.

Happy, Makarov, Spike, and Natsu hear loud metallic crunching sounds nearby. Gajeel gets up and appears to be eating metal.

"Wow, he actually eats metal," Said Spike, surprised a fourth time. "Today is full of surprises."

"He was here this whole time!" Said Natsu in shock.

"He's eating the dishes too," Said Happy.

"Gajeel," Makarov calls out. "Will you fight for the guild?"

"Might as well," Said Gajeel, fiercely. "I have a score to settle with that guy. Don't worry, I'll handle him," Gajeel walks out the door only to be slammed by the barrier as well.

Makarov, Happy, and Natsu scream in horror.

"Noooooooooo! Not you too!" Spike shouts, stunned in disbelief.

"Don't tell me your over eighty too?!" Natsu exclaims.

"Do I look eighty to you, moron?!" Gajeel retorts.

"Holy crap..," Said Happy. "Only three remains."

"Three? Who's the third?" Ask Spike in confusion.

Makarov realizes something. Laxus mentions that Spike is his business. "Spike, can you step through the barrier?"

"I.., I haven't tried, I guess it's worth a shot," Spike walks out of the Fairy Tail Guild. He doesn't get blocked by the barrier.

"Spike!" Natsu shouts. "You have a chance at defeating Laxus and the Thunder Legion!"

"ME?!" Spike points at himself. "I don't even know the basics of magic in this world! I don't know how powerful or weak I am!" Said Spike, horrifyingly.

"You have to try! The guild's future depends on you!" Natsu believes in Spike despite the odds against him.

"I know you have what it takes to defeat them," Happy says, putting his hope in the claws of Spike the Fairy. "I believe in you!"

"So do I!" Said Natsu.

"You can do it, kid," Makarov is unsure about Spike's capabilities but believes he can overcome the impossible when any Fairy Tail wizard puts their hearts and souls into everything they got.

Spike turns to see Magnolia. He's shaking a bit. He's nervous that he's going to face the challenge alone. Then, an idea struck him. "Wait! I have an idea of freeing the girls from their imprisonment!"

"What is it?" Makarov is curious about Spike's theory.

"It may be a long shot, like my chances of defeating Laxus and the Thunder Legion. What if we melt the structure of the stone, weakening it to crack it?"

"It's definitely a long shot but, what else is there to try?" Gajeel wholeheartedly doesn't want the last young dragon to perish in a battle he may not win.

"If my idea doesn't work, I'll try my hardest to defeat Laxus and the Thunder Legion," Spike painfully accepts his goal if his theory backfires.

Makarov sighs heavily. "Alright, let's give it a go. Natsu."

"Yes, Gramps."

"Grab Erza's statue. We're going to try Spike's idea on her."

"Understood, Gramps," Natsu lays the Erza statue on the floor. "Hahaha, it's toasty time," Natsu's hands are near Erza's chest; he smirks a bit pervertedly.

"Please be careful!" Makarov pleads. Now unsure of Natsu's behavior on melting the stone.

"No joke, watch where you put those fire hands, bro," Said Gajeel.

The Erza statue starts to crack. Natsu, Happy, Makarov, and Spike freak out, shouting in horror at the sight.

"I didn't mean to break her! Ah! Someone get me the glue!" Natsu panics.

"Glue is not going to work you, idiot. We gotta use your fire and my iron to weld her back together," Gajeel turns his arm into an iron club.

"Erza, nooooooooooo!" Makarov shouts horridly at Erza's predicament getting worse.

Spike's eyes start twitching. His idea immediately backfired. The Erza statue continues to crack; Natsu starts bowing down pleading to any Gods for forgiveness of his sin. Then, the petrification dissolves. Erza is free from her stony prison. Now everyone is dumbfounded for the moment.

"I feel hot," Erza glares at Natsu, showing him fear. "It was you, wasn't it?" Erza punches both Gajeel and Natsu in one swing. "We're you trying to cook me?!"

Surprisingly, Spike wasn't afraid of seeing Erza's vicious glare. He likes it a lot. Spike runs up to Erza, hugging her. "Welcome back, Erza," Said Spike happily.

"Erza is back in business," Happy cheerfully expresses.

Makarov sighs in relief. Now there's a chance of defeating Laxus. "How is the spell broken?"

"Honestly, I'm not quite sure," Erza answers calmly. "If I had to guess, it has to do with my right eye."

Makarov gasps. He realizes that the artificial eye has weakened Evergreen's spell. Happy flies up to Erza.

"Erza, are you aware of what's happening right now, or do you need a quick summary of what's been happening?"

"Even in stone, I was able to hear most of what was said. Also, I heard that Spike is a participant in Laxus's game."

Spike nods.

"Alright, it's time to strike back-" Makarov is interrupted by Gajeel after he reads the update.

"Now there are four remaining members."

"The runes already added me into the fray. That's impressive. It updates automatically."

"Gajeel and Natsu are trapped within the enchantment. That only means you and I can leave."

"Wait, now it updated to five," Said Gajeel.

"Who's the fifth?" Spike asks.

"Can't be any of the girls. They're still petrified."

Erza chuckles. "Aren't you guys forgetting about someone? The member who is frequently out of town?"

"Who?" Spike asks again.

Natsu and Happy gasps. "Hold on. You don't mean him?"

"And he's back when we need him the most!" Makarov excitedly expresses.

"He's always one to make a grand entrance," Erza smirks. "Looks like the real battle is about to begin."

"Mind telling Spike and I who you guys are talking about?"

"We're talking about a man who can be the strongest wizard in Fairy Tail, Mystogan," Erza answers.

"Erza, I have a theory," Said Spike.

"What's your theory?"

"If you take out Evergreen, her spell may wear off on the girls, freeing them from their stony prison. Then we'll have better odds of a fighting chance against the Thunder Legion."

Erza nods.

"Once the girls are free, then Levy can work her way around Freed's enchantment. Allowing our two Dragon Slayers to bring down Laxus," Said Makarov.

"Alright, I'm on it!" Erza leaves the guildhall. She is now searching for Evergreen.

"All we can do is watch," Makarov said, watching the runes until there's a slight change.

Ten minutes later, Erza defeats Evergreen. "Look!" Happy points, "Erza defeated Evergreen. That means," Happy and the rest turn to see everyone freed from their stony imprisonment.

"They're all back to normal," Natsu said with glee.

"What happened? I can't remember anything?" Said Lucy.

The girls have no memory of what transpired and what is happening now. Happy, Natsu, and Spike are explaining all they can.

"Good, now Laxus no longer has any hostages. He can't continue with his game no more."

Somewhere in Magnolia, Laxus is pissed. Evergreen lost a fight to Erza, and his bargaining chip is now diminished. Time to resort to Option B of his operations. Another ten minutes later.

"He called it the Battle of Fairy Tail?" Asked Lucy.

"Yea. He's gone haywire," Answered Spike.

"Laxus outdid himself this time," Said Cana, highly upset and angry at Laxus.

"At any rate, it's over now," Said Makarov. "I played along with his foolish game cause your lives were in danger. I won't be indulging him anymore."

"Master, we can't allow him to get away with hurting our friends," Said Mirajane.

"Yea, she's right!" Bisca proudly exclaims. "If we don't teach Laxus a lesson, he'll never learn."

"Oh, don't worry. I'll give that boy a punishment he will never forget," Answered Makarov, already devising a punishment for Laxus. "He should know better. He can mess with me but not with my guild."

"Hey, now. Hold on a sec," Said Natsu, stopping Makarov from speaking any further of Laxus' punishment. "I don't know about taking hostages but, I don't see any harm in finding out who's the strongest. I say we should keep the battle going."

All eyes turn to Natsu. Makarov punches Natsu to knock some sense into him. Then, all of a sudden, the runes of the enchantment enters the guildhall and transforms into looking like a skull.

"Can you hear me, old man?" Laxus asks. "The rest of you better listen up too."

"What do you want?" Natsu demands.

"Looks like one of the rules has gone out the window. That's fine. In other words, I'll just add a new one. Since I would hate to end the Battle of Fairy Tail early, I've decided to activate the Thunder Palace."

"Are you out of your mind, Laxus?" Said Makarov infuriated.

"You have one hour and ten minutes. If you think you can win, then you better get moving. Unless you're ready to hand the guild over to me now, Master," Laxus maniacally laughs as the rune skulls disappear.

"This game has gone long enough, boy!" Said Makarov lividly. "I won't allow you to drag innocent people in this!" Makarov clutches his chest a bit.

"Master!" Cana and Spike shriek worriedly.

"Is he hurt?" Asked Natsu worriedly.

"What's going on?" Ask Lucy, nervously.

Makarov collapses as Bisca goes to check on him. Everyone is stunned to see Makarov in such a state. Mirajane offers to grab his medicine as everyone becomes more worried.

"What does he mean by Thunder Palace?" Asked Natsu.

Mirajane returns with Makarov's medicine. When she went to grab it, she notices something hovering outside. "Hey, look outside, you guys."

Everyone heads outside to see what Mirajane saw. They see lightning lacramite hovering in the skies. There are hundreds of them orbiting around Magnolia.

"Does Laxus plan on executing everyone if he doesn't get what he wants?" Said Spike.

"Looks like it," Said Gajeel.

"There floating with lightning magic," Cana explains. "This can get ugly. If we don't defeat Laxus and the Thunder Legion soon, Magnolia will cease to exist."

"I won't let that happen!" Bisca requips into her sniper rifle. "Target locked on," Bisca is aiming at one of the lightning lacrima and shoots it. One magic bullet destroys the lightning lacrima.

"Nice shot!" Said Lucy, complimenting Bisca's aim.

"You can easily shoot them all down," Said Spike, happily.

"Now, all I gotta do is take down the rest," Bisca gets zap with lightning and screams. The lightning strike was so strong it knocked out Bisca. Levy is trying to wake up Bisca to see if she is okay.

"Why did she get zapped by that thing?" Asked Natsu.

"I don't get it. How did that happen?" Asked Lucy.

"It must be body link magic. By destroying one of the lacrimas, the magic you use to attack it with gets redirected back to you."

"Fantastic," Spike exclaims sarcastically. "We need to take Laxus and the Thunder Legion down now. Time is wasting, and we need to hurry," Said Spike.

"I'll go evacuate the citizens," Said Lucy, offering to help.

"I'll go with you," Said Happy, flying with her.

"Bickslow and Freed are still out there. Be careful, you two," Said Cana, now springing into action. Juvia follows pursuit with Cana.

"Levy," Levy turns to Spike. "Makarov mentioned earlier that you are capable of lifting Freed's enchantment. See if you uplift the ruling so Natsu and Gajeel can join in the fight."

"Alright, I'll get to it," Levy heads back inside. Gajeel, Natsu, and Spike follow Levy to the first floor.

Twenty minutes later. Levy is in the process of decoding Freed's enchantment. Gajeel is impressed with Levy's skill. Spike is trying to get Natsu to stop headbutting the barrier and to be patient.

"I want out already!" Natsu complained.

"I know!" Spike shouts frustratedly. He breathes fire to ease his tensions. His flare is sparkling green.

"Whoa, your fire is sparkle green," Said Natsu in shock.

"Yea, nothing new."

"Release your fire on me," Natsu commands.


"Set me on fire."

"Why would I do that?"

"I can eat fire and, it helps me get stronger."

Spike takes a deep breath and breathes his sparkling green fire at Natsu. The impact isn't huge, but it's effective. Natsu starts eating the sparkling green fire. Spike jaw drops. He's lost count for how many times he's done it in a day.

"Man, this is the tastiest fire I've ever eaten!" Said Natsu, satisfyingly.

"Uh, glad you like my fire," Said Spike.

Minutes later, Natsu reads the Battle of Fairy Tail status. "Whoa, Lucy kicked Bickslow's butt."

"No way! That little Princess can actually fight?" Said Gajeel in disbelief.

"Princess?" Said Spike. Spike has a sudden flashback, remembering Princess Twilight Sparkle and how badly she treated him throughout the years. He sighs quietly and sadly.

"Yea, she's tough as nails," Said Natsu.

"She's just a cheerleader," Argued Gajeel.

"Well, they can be tough."

"Yeah, right, I never heard that before."

"Really? You never heard of the story of the Tortoise and the Cheerleader?" Asked Natsu, now holding a tortoise puppet in his left hand.

"It was a hare, you moron! And the dumb bunny lost, remember?" Gajeel is wearing a bunny puppet on his left hand.

"Duh, the first time."

Natsu and Gajeel continue to bicker with each other. Spike is watching Levy trying to decode Freed's enchantment. As she hears more of the bickering from Natsu and Gajeel, she decided to their bickering story to translate into code. As she continues her work, the message becomes clearer.

"I got it! I'll be able to dispel the enchantment!" Gajeel, Natsu, and Spike cheer loudly. "Now, I just need to rewrite the enchantment."

"You bet," Gajeel and Natsu said in unison.

"This is it, you guys. When I'm through here, you two will join the battle of Fairy Tail."

"Three," Said Spike, standing in between Natsu and Gajeel.

"Huh?" Natsu responds, looking down.

"You sure?" Asked Gajeel.

"I told Makarov if my idea of melting the stone didn't work, I would fight Laxus and the Thunder Legion. It didn't work. Therefore, I'm honoring the promise I made."

"Alright, time to test the waters for you, Spike," Said Gajeel.

"I'm all fired up now!" Said Natsu proudly. His arm is now engulf in fire by his magic. "Let's bring that bastard down!"

Gajeel, Natsu, and Spike leave the Fairy Tail guild. They are going to search for Laxus and Freed and bring them down. Gajeel, Natsu, and Spike have decided to split for now to cover more ground. When one of them finds Laxus or Freed, they should try to alert one another for backup. Mainly for Spike's sake since Gajeel and Natsu believe he'll have a tougher time surviving the fight.

Spike runs down the street. He sees civilians looking at what's going on but having no clue about the evacuation. Spike figures that telling them what can happen may cause a riot. Something that all of Fairy Tail doesn't need. Natsu is trying to find Laxus' scent but, there are too many people around. Gajeel is taking the time to speak with Master Ivan, giving him all the details of his doing in Fairy Tail.

"Where would I go if I want to separate myself from the action? Spike thought. He looks around the area. He sees a big tall building down the center, blocks away from the guildhall. "I should check that place out. No way he'll be in somebody's home orchestrating this," Spike starts running in that direction but stops for a few moments. He is unsure of how to use Maker Magic. He didn't train himself when he was with his friends for the past hour and so. "I only imagined using different positions and stances for my Maker Magic. Can I be able to use Maker Magic on other things with my fire?" Spike looks at his claws, clutching a bit. "Only one way to find out," Spike takes a deep breath and starts running towards the tall building in the middle of Magnolia.

Spike sees a flashing color of black and purple lights in the sky blazing. He knew it was powerful by the sheer size of its light. He continues to run towards the center of Magnolia. Everyone in Magnolia is in shock and awe by the amazement. Spike and the others see an update of the Battle of Fairy Tail.

"The numbers dropped. That means Laxus is all the remains," Said Spike.

"This game just got interesting," Gajeel smirks.

"Now, there's just one. I'm coming for you, Laxus," Said Natsu.

As time goes by, with ten minutes remaining, Erza and Natsu are on the run searching for Laxus. Spike is nearing the tall building in the center of Magnolia. Gajeel is doing his best looking for Laxus after his talk with Master Ivan. Porlyusica enters the guildhall to see Master Makarov in the infirmary. Porlyusica tells Levy to find Laxus and bring him to see his grandfather one last time. She is aware that Makarov is dying. Levy leaves the guildhall in search of Laxus.

Meanwhile, Laxus is sitting at the Kardia Cathedral, waiting for the timer to go off along with the Thunder Palace. All of a sudden, he starts to remember some good and bad memories with Makarov. He remembers the time of feeling betrayed when his father got kicked out of the guild and being second-fiddle to Makarov as a predecessor.

"Why am I remembering this crap?" Said Laxus. He gets up to look at the timer. "Only six minutes until the Thunder Palace is activated, I guess that stubborn old geezer is going to hang on until the very end. Typical."

Spike is now in front of the tall building in the center of Magnolia. He gazes at the structure of it. "Wow, big as the guildhall. Wait," Spike sees a hooded cloak person walking inside. "Who is that?" Spike goes up to the window and sees who the hooded cloak person is. "Could that be that Mystogan person Erza was talking about?"

Laxus turns around to see Mystogan walking inside. "Oh, hey Mystogan. You've actually shown up," Laxus chuckles. "I'm surprised you're here. I didn't think this game would be of any interest to you."

"If you bring down the Thunder Palace right now, we may be able to convince the citizens it was part of the festival," Said Mystogan, subjecting to Laxus. Hoping he'll listen to his reason.

"Is that why you really came back? Give me a break. You're looking for a piece of the action. You want to know who is the strongest in Fairy Tail is. You or me?"

"Don't be so quick to rule out Erza," Msytogan replies.

"Are you kidding me? Sure the girl got spunk, but she's still weak."

"Huh, you think she's weak? You're either blind or more ignorant than I thought."

"Nothing against you. I think we can both agree we're stronger. It's clear that one of us is Fairy Tail's top wizard. The question is, who deserves the title?"

"If you see the world as simple terms, perhaps you are blind."

"I'm sick of talking about it. Let's settle this. Here and now! Mystogan. Or should I say-"

Mystogan uses one of his staff to direct an attack on Laxus. Laxus counters with a lightning strike from his hand. The two magic beams collide causing an explosion shattering the windows of the Kardia Cathedral. Spike takes cover before the glass of the windows can pail him. Natsu and Erza hear the explosion coming from the church in Magnolia. They now know where Laxus is. Gajeel hears from afar and goes to the church as well. In Gajeel's and Natsu's mind, they believe that Spike may be in serious trouble fighting Laxus. As the smoke clears, Spike looks at the window to see Laxus and Mystogan standing where they are.

"Wow, so powerful," Spike trembles a bit. He can feel the intensity of the two. Something which he couldn't do back in Equestria, sense magic.

"Tell me, how did you know that?" Mystogan demands.

"Oops, did I strike a nerve? It's a rare treat to see you lose your cool like that. I gotta deal for ya, beat me, and I'll swear, I'll tell you everything I know."

"You're going to regret that statement, Laxus. You're about to witness magic the likes you'll never see before."

"Oh, I'm so scared," Laxus mocks. "Go on and show me everything you got, freak! I'm dying to see how much stronger I am."

"Whoa," Spike starts sweating as he's observing. "Things are getting heated up between the two."

Mystogan grabs all his staffs and strikes them in a pattern on the floor. "Skyscraper," Mystogan commands and uses his magic.

Bright flashing lights encircle around Laxus. Laxus is lifting out of the church and wrapped around tightly he sees a demon ripping the fabric of space to attack Laxus. Laxus screams in fear. Spike sees Laxus lackadaisical, standing there screaming as there is no movement.

"Is Mystogan's magic all about illusions?" Spike said to himself.

"What kind of magic is this?!" Laxus squeals a bit, seeing the demon getting closer. He then uses his lightning to shatter Mystogan's illusion, laughing it off as it was nothing. "Now that's funny! Did you seriously think you'd be able to defeat me using some kind of stupid illusion?"

"He was toying with Mystogan. How strong is he?" Asked Spike, talking to himself more as he watches.

"Impressive, but it seems you're still a bit slow on the uptake," Purple flare illuminates under Laxus.

"What?" Laxus looks down then up to see five circles spawn above him.

"Sleep," Mystogan lifts his staff and points at Laxus. "Five Layer Magic Circle Sacred Song."

"You think I'm the slow one, huh?" Laxus places a lightning circle below Mystogan's position. It starts to electrify.

"No," Said Mystogan, not anticipating this counterattack by Laxus.

The two spells go off. Laxus laughs as Mystogan takes a blow. Laxus is smirking as Mystogan is hovering. Mystogan uses his purple containment wave to trap Laxus. However, Laxus slips through Mystogan's attack.

"He slipped through."

Laxus laughs more and hits Mystogan with a lightning tackle. Laxus stands as Mystogan recovers.

"Now, that's more like it," Said Laxus.

"Are they at a standstill?" Ask Spike. He turns to see his friends Natsu and Erza arriving in front of the open door, not noticing that Spike is next to them.

"So here you are?" Natsu and Erza said in unison. They see Laxus and Mystogan. Laxus and Mystogan turn to see them.


"Hey, you made it out of there."

"Hey, you two," Spike comes next to them.

"Wait, who the heck is that guy?" Asked Natsu.

"Mystogan. He's been fighting against Laxus," Answer Spike.

"So, that's what he'd look like."

Mystogan sees Erza. Not wanting to reveal his identity, he covers himself.

"You're wide open!" Laxus sees this as a chance and strikes Mystogan's mask, burning it. Natsu and Erza see Mystogan's identity for the first time. They are stunned in disbelief.

"Jellal..?" Erza couldn't comprehend the situation. To her, it's like seeing a ghost. It's eerie similar to Jellal and Siegrain as being brothers.

"What the..?" Said Natsu, nearly speechless.

"Who is this Jellal guy and, why does Erza look like she's seen a ghost?" Spike thought to himself. Curious to know what relations does Erza have with Jellal.

"But..., how..? Y-You're still.., alive?" Said Erza, shaking and tearing a bit.

"Oh, so you know this guy?" Said Laxus.

Everyone remains motionless. All eyes are on Mystogan.

"Wait, I don't get it? So Mystogan, is really Jellal?" Asked Natsu.

"Jellal, I..,"

"Erza, please forgive me. I was afraid you'd see this. I'm not your friend Jellal. I do know of him but, I'm not him," He looks at Erza. Erza still has tears in her eyes. More questions come to her, distracting her from her mission. "I'm sorry. I must be going," Mystogan disappears, leaving Erza, Natsu, Spike, and Laxus.

"Hey, wait up!" Said Natsu but, it was too late. Mystogan is now long gone. "Alright, man. It's you against me. I'm going to take care of this clown," Natsu turns to Erza.

Erza is now in a trance. Laxus sees another opportunity and strikes Erza with a bolt of lightning. Erza screams in agony from Laxus' attack.

"That's quite a face you making there, girly. Ugly!" Laxus continues his attack on Erza, knocking her down.

"Erza!" Spike goes to Erza, checking to see if she's okay.

"That's enough!" Natsu roars in anger. "I told you. You're mine, you jerk," Natsu points at Laxus. "Let's go."

"Hey, didn't even notice you," Said Laxus.

Natsu stands there, stunned to hear that Laxus didn't even bother that he'd existed.

"Oh, you're about to notice me, pal," Natsu's hand is now engulf with his fire magic. Laxus removes his jacket, getting ready to toss Natsu like a ragdoll. "I'll burn you into a crisp."

As Natsu and Laxus brawl, Spike uses the opportunity to lift Erza out of the danger zone. Spike had no trouble lifting Erza despite her wearing armor. Erza wakes up from the attack she endured and sees Natsu struggling a bit. Erza notices Spike carrying her to a safe spot of the church. She didn't realize how strong Spike can be.

"Are you okay, Erza?" Asked Spike worriedly.

"I'll be fine," Erza gets up and springs into action. Inadvertently knocking Natsu down and Requips into her Purgatory form. Erza roars and slashes her sword on Laxus arm. Laxus uses his lightning to block Erza's attack.

"Be careful, Erza!" Natsu shouts.

"Alright, Laxus. What did you put in the sky?" Erza demands. "Tell me, now!"

"What you haven't heard? That would be my Thunder Palace."

"You're absolutely despicable. To think that you'll attack your home town." Erza retorts.

Laxus chuckles at Erza's remarks. "Honestly, it breaks my heart. But, that's how the game is played, doll face."

"Damn you!" Erza kicks Laxus but, Laxus catches her kick.

"It's only two minutes to go," Said Laxus.

"Go, destroyed them now, Natsu," Erza commands, turning to Natsu.

"He can't. There's a body link magic within the lightning lacrimas. It'll zap Natsu in the process," Said Spike, informing Erza of the Thunder Palace hidden ability to her.

"Seriously?" Erza turns to Laxus. "You're using body link magic to protect them?"

"Yeah! They'll stay up there until I give the order to blow."

"You coward!"

Laxus electrocutes Erza more with his lightning magic. "It's a shame you won't be around to see it."

"Requip!" Erza requips into her Lightning Empress Armor.

"Lightning Empress Armor, nice try. It won't protect you from my attack," Laxus shoots a beam of lightning at Erza. She jumps in the air and attacks Laxus with her own lightning beam attack.

"Now, we're using the same magic. It's a fair fight!"

Spike gets out of the way as the two clashes. Natsu watches and gets agitated. Laxus blocks Erza's attack and jumps back. Erza stands her ground, staring at Laxus.

"Let's see if your armor can handle this!" Laxus shoots lightning from both his hands, aiming directly at Erza. Erza is able to withstand the attack. "Still standing, huh?"

"When two wizards do battle using the same type of magic. Many different factors determine the victor," Said Erza.

"Their level of magic, energy, technique, and experience, right?"

"One more, their heart," Said Erza boldly. "I know the Master taught you that, Laxus."

"Yeah, he mentioned it. But, he also taught me power trumps everything else."

"You couldn't be more wrong."

"Heart. Gotta put my heart with my magic," Spike looks at himself. Hearing the two talk about differences in magic is teaching him something new about this world. Seeing Erza, Natsu, and Mystogan taught him to have the heart in the fighting. Otherwise, you are dooming yourself during the fight.

"Erza, would you leave it alone already?! I told you that I was going to be the one who fights him."

"What are you thinking?! Erza is fighting better than you?" Spike thought, not wanting to express his frustration and concern in front of the two as he stands by the sidelines.

Erza turns to Natsu. The two glare for a moment then Erza smiles.

"Then I have to put my faith in you," Erza leaves the battle.

"Hey!" Natsu shouts. "Where you going?" There is a pause during the moment. "Hold on. You're not going to take that thing down?"

Laxus chuckles, knowing that Erza's plan is futile. "I like to see you try. Attacking even one of those lacrima could be deadly. Who knows how many are floating above town right now. Besides, you're out of time."

"I'll just destroy them all at once," Said Erza, confidentially.

"You crazy?! That will kill you. I've seen what it did to Bisca and, she's knocked out cause of the spell," Spike exclaims, now more concerned about his friend's life.

"I'll take my chances," Erza leaves the fight between Natsu and Laxus. "I'm leaving him in your hands Natsu, so don't let me down."

"Come back!" Laxus demands.

"I'm putting my faith in you too, Erza." Erza turns and nods, then keeps on running. "Whether you can destroy those things or not, you better make it back, alive."

"Don't worry, I promise that I won't throw away the life you fought so hard to save," Erza thought as she keeps moving.

"Spike hit me!" Natsu commands.

"Right," Spike nods. He uses his heart as the confidence to breathe fire at Natsu. His sparkling green fire ignites Natsu. Natsu consumes the fire, powering up.

"Now I got a fire in my belly!" Natsu roars.

"No!" Laxus rushes after Erza.

"Fire Dragon Roar!" Natsu unleashes his fire breath at, Laxus head-on. It causes a small explosion on impact. Spike's jaw drops again. Seeing how much flame burst from a roar. "Alright, jerk. Prepare yourself for a beatdown."

"You mouthy little brat!" Laxus retorts, now having a mark from Natsu's Fire Dragon Roar on his face.

Erza is a few blocks away from the Kardia Cathedral. She requips into her Heaven's Wheel Armor, summoning as many swords as she can. "I call upon the power that lies in my swords, give me strength, help me protect my dear city. My comrades in Fairy Tail. Please, lend me your strength as well."

Somewhere in Magnolia, Lucy and Happy hear Erza's plea. Gray hears it as well. Knowing how crucial the situation is for Erza to cry out to her comrades, Gray needs Warren's telepathy magic to expand Erza's message all-around Magnolia. He struggles to get up after a brutal fight with Bickslow. As Gray goes looking for Warren, Natsu and Laxus are still fighting at the Kardia Cathedral.

"Fire Dragon Brilliant Flame!" Natsu ignites both his hands in flames and then brings them together, creating a fiery explosion. Laxus counters by blasting Natsu's attack with his lightning strike.

"Don't you see what has happened to our guild, Natsu?"


"Thanks to the old geezer, Fairy Tail is nothing more of a joke now!" Laxus lightning expands erratically. Natsu is dodging the lightning attacks. "All I'm trying to do is make things right!" Natsu continues to dodge as Spike is now dodging Laxus's uncontrolled lightning. "When I become Master, our name will strike fear into people's hearts," Natsu gets hit and sent flying back, hitting a pillar.

"Natsu!" Spike shouts. Natsu lands on the ground after the impact. Spike turns to Laxus. "You're demented!"

"No.., I'm determined!" Laxus answers, now going into insanity a bit. He looks at the timer. "One minute and thirty seconds remaining until the Thunder Palace is activated. What the hell you're waiting for, old man? Are you really gonna stand back and watch all these people die?"

Natsu chuckles. "I wouldn't worry if I were you. It's over. You know as well as I do, it ain't going to happen."

"So much confidence. Can Fairy Tail really pull it off? With less than two minutes remaining?" Spike thought as he continues to observe the fight.

"What do you mean?" Asked Laxus, now confused with Natsu's remarks.

"You can blow up the town but, your still not getting Fairy Tail. You just upset cause you can't back out of it now." Laxus' face reveals the truth behind Natsu's statement. He glares at Natsu. "The town will be fine. Erza is taking your spell down," Natsu's hand is blazing, getting ready to strike at Laxus again. He rushes at Laxus.

Laxus is charging up, getting ready to beatdown Natsu. "Shut up. What the hell do you know?!"

The two clash once again. Erza is trying her best to summon as many swords as possible. It's starting to drain her magic each time she spawns a weapon. The Thunder Palace is charging up as the final minute is approaching. Erza managed to summon two hundred swords but, it isn't enough to take down all of the lightning lacrimas. Gray is in hot pursuit to find Warren.

"I still need another hundred to destroy them all," Said Erza, a bit tired from summoning a lot of weapons.

"Hey, Fairy Tailers, can you hear me?" Said Warren, spreading his message throughout the minds of all Fairy Tail wizards in Magnolia. All around in Magnolia, most of the Fairy Tail guild is down and taking recovering after losing their fights during the Battle of Fairy Tail.

"That's Warren," Said Erza, realizing he's using his telepathy magic to send the word.

"We're going have to pull together, so get off your butts and give us a hand."

"Hmm," Macao looks up. "Is that, Warren?"

"What's in the sky?" Asked Jet, getting up from his brutal loss.

"What the heck are those things?" Asked Droy, looking at the Thunder Palace.

"If any of you guys are still fighting, just give it a rest for a second."

"Hold on," Said Lucy. "Now I hear a man's voice inside my head."

"Warren is using his telepathy. It must be important cause he never really call anyone like this," Said Happy.

"Now listen carefully. Those lacrimas up there are part of a spell called the Thunder Palace. Laxus is using it to turn the entire town. So we have to take it out before he can set it off. We don't have much time. So, we have to work together," Said Warren.

"Man, he's got issues," Said Wakaba.

"But, why?" Asked Laki in confusion. "Why would he do this?"

"Wait a minute," Said Erza. "How did you find out about the Thunder Palace, Warren?"

"I've never been happy to hear your voice. I was worried about you," Said Gray.

"Gray. I see you're the one who told him."

"Yea would have happened sooner but, I had to track the guy down."

"Was that Erza? You mean she's not petrified anymore?"

"Wait, if she's back to normal?" Said Droy.

"What about the other girls? How is Levy?" Asked Jet.

"There's no need to worry, boys," Said Cana. "All the ladies are fine."

"Even Juvia is back on her feet," Elfman confirms.

"Yeah. So is Bisca," Mirajane confirms as well. "Hear that, Alzack?"

"That's good to hear," Alzack leans on the wall and lowers himself down a bit. "I was worried. I thought she was a goner."

"There's one problem. My telepathy can't reach all the way to the guildhall. So we have to make do with the people who can hear me. If we work together, we can do this."

All of a sudden, everyone that hears Warren start to complain about what transpired during their fights. Nearly all of them arguing and feeling conflicted about working together. Gray snaps, giving Warren an earache as his message spreads far and wide. The others negatively respond, still arguing and feeling hate among each other.

Lucy musters enough courage to get everyone's attention. "Shut up!" Everyone that was bickering quiets down. "We shouldn't be wasting our time arguing. The citizens of Magnolia are in danger and we're the only ones who can help them. So, we're going to have to work together. Look, I know things have been rough with all of us having to fight against each other, but we can do anything if we pull together. That is what you guys taught me. I know that I'm fairly new to Fairy Tail, but I promise you, I love being apart of this guild. Just as much as the rest of you. I always dreamed of joining Fairy Tail someday. That's what I want more than anything in this world. Now that I've joined, it.., means everything to me," Lucy tears up a bit. "If you feel the same way, let's work as a guild and save our town!"

Everyone that was arguing among each other looks deep inside and, they take Lucy's speech to heart. Erza respects Lucy's heart-filled speech. Despite being at the Kardia Cathedral, watching Natsu battling Laxus, Spike heard everything Warren said all the way to what Lucy said. He senses the love for the guild. A love he didn't know exists.

"But, if none of you are up to the challenge, then I'll do this alone. I'll destroy those things myself," Said Lucy, grabbing her whip.

All of Fairy Tail that heard Lucy's statement smiles. Now wanting to take down the Thunder Palace as a family.

"What's it going to be, guys? You heard the lady. You gonna let a newbie show you up like that?" Said Cana.

"She may not be a member as long as some of us, but she has more Fairy Tail pride than all of us put together," Max Alors said.

"Right, we gotta save the town," Alzack said. "We can work out our other problems later.

"Geez, now we gotta agree to help, or we gonna look bad, huh?" Wakaba said.

"You've done good, Lucy. You got everyone to cool their jets," Said Macao, impressively.

"Alright, guys. Are you ready to do this?"

"Thank you," Said Lucy.

"Thank you, Lucy," Said Erza.

"Warren, we'll work out our issues after we get the job done," Said Max Alors.

"Careful, Macao. An old man like you can't handle all this action," Said Wakaba.

"Calling me old? That's rich," Macao chuckles.

"Right, let's do this," Said Lucy, wiping a tear away.

"But they got that body link magic. If we attack them, we're going to get attacked right back. And, it's going to hurt," Happy warns.

"We're going to have to deal with it. I've always looked up to Fairy Tail, and now, I couldn't even imagine my life without it. We've been through so much in such a short time. And no matter what, everyone is always been there for me. I really feel like this is where I'm meant to be. It's my home. After all these years, I finally found a place where I belong. So, I'll fight cause I don't want to lose it. Fairy Tail had made me who I am today, a strong capable wizard."

"I'm right with you," Said Happy.

"So am I, Lucy," Spike thought, still being able to hear what Lucy said due to Warren's telepathy magic. "I'm happy to be in a place where I belong as well. Now, I will have to fight for my home as well," Spike sees Natsu struggling a bit during the fight against Laxus.

"Let's go," Said Lucy.

"Aye!" Happy flies Lucy towards a lacrima in the sky.

"I'll take the two hundred in the north. Everyone else can take the rest," Erza announce. "We can do this!"

"We can't afford to miss any of them, Ice-Make Lance," Gray uses his Ice Maker Magic to shoot lances at the lightning lacrima.

"Demon Blast," Mirajne transformed into her She-Demon for and shoots a demonic energy beam.

Elfman transforms into his beast form and throws a pillar at the lacrima. Cana uses her cards to destroy a lacrima. Juvia uses her water magic to strike one down, Alzack shoots a lacrima down. Reedus draws a cannon on his belly and uses picto-magic to shoot at the lacrima.

"Now go forth my swords," Erza unleashes two hundred of her swords to destroy two hundred lacrimas in the sky.

Happy flies high enough to separate from Lucy. Lucy cracks the lacrima with her whip as Happy headbutts the lacrima in full speed. One by one, the lightning lacrimas in the sky are being obliterated. To all the citizens of Magnolia, what they see from the sky looks like amazing fireworks. A kickoff before the Fantasia Parade. Moments after saving the town, everyone gets zapped by the body link magic, all screaming in agony.

Laxus see the status of the Thunder Palace getting destroyed. He's pissed off. He should have gone after Erza, but instead, took his sweet time toying around with Natsu.

"Told you it wouldn't work," Said Natsu.

Spike is speechless. After hearing and seeing the Thunder Palace being destroyed, Spike now has newfound confidence that his home in Fairy Tail will continue to thrive with everyone working together.

Everyone started complimenting each other on a job well done as a family. Also, checking to see if everyone is alright through Warren's telepathy magic.

"It's over Laxus," Said Spike. "You've lost. There is nothing else you can do."

"Our guild is getting along nicely. How did you expect to become our Guild Master if you can't get along with the rest of us?"

Laxus stands still. Rage starts bubbling up from within. He's not willing to give up. Laxus roars and unleashes a wave of lightning magic. The sheer force of his outburst is stronger than before.

"I'll take Fairy Tail by force if I have to! Watch me! It's mine!" Laxus angrily proclaims.

"Give up while you can! You're not taking Fairy Tail!" Natsu said, warning that Laxus won't have anything to claim. "Cause I'm never going let that happen."

"You tell him, Natsu!" Said Spike.

"Oh yeah?" Laxus replies. "You don't know who you are messing with. I'm a lot stronger than any of you would ever dream. I can take over the guild by force anytime I want. And, you're not strong enough to stop me!" Laxus continues to power up as it's getting intense in the church. "You're best bet is to get out of my way!"

Natsu powers up as well. He leaps in the air and strikes at Laxus. "Fire Dragon Iron Fist!" The attack landed on Laxus' head, leaving no damage whatsoever.

"C'mon, that all you got!" Laxus uses his lightning to send Natsu hurling towards the ceiling. "You're gonna have to do a whole lot better than that. I got more power than you in my little finger."

Natsu soars as Laxus clashes with Natsu mid-air. Laxus gut punches Natsu, punches, and kicks Natsu several times down to the floor hard. Then shoots heavy lightning directly at Natsu. Natsu is down hard from the impact.

"Man, I don't understand this. He's so strong."

Spike watches in horror, thinking about stepping in now or not.

"Can you feel the electric energy of the lightning I summoned for?"

"What the heck?" Natsu's body has lightning swaying in his body. He is unable to move.

"It will plummet for the heavens and turn you into ash. Raging Bolt!" Laxus raises his clenched fist in the air. A large bolt of lightning will now descend upon Natsu.

"Natsu!" Spike cries. Seeing his friend die in front of him.

Laxus victoriously laughs. "So, who's the most powerful wizard in our guild now?" Laxus turns to Spike as he cowers a bit behind the pillar. "Oh, what's wrong? I thought dragons are fearsome? Show me what you're made of!"

Spike is trembling in fear after seeing Laxus power. He clenches his claw as fear overtakes him.

"Pick on someone your own size, punk," Said Gajeel, holding Natsu. Laxus looks up to see Gajeel unamused. "Only a nut job like you would be so giddy about taking down one of his friends and stalk on the weak. Good thing I got to him first," Gajeel hops down and lets go of Natsu.

"I have another challenger?" Laxus smirks. "You'll all end up dead soon anyway. Anyone who stands in my way will be eliminated."

"We have to take him down together, Natsu. He's not messing around. The guy's a monster. We're all that's left who can stop him. Everyone else has been taken down by the Thunder Palace or by each other."

"You're forgetting one more!" Said Laxus, powering up. "You're forgetting about the twerp!" Laxus shoots lightning from both his hands, aiming directly at Spike.

"SPIKE!" Natsu shouts, unable to intercede with Laxus' attack.

"NO!" Gajeel shouts. Laxus' lightning moves quicker than his reaction.

Spike closes his eyes and crosses his arms in front of his face to shield himself from the attack. There was a loud explosion on impact. Laxus laughs maniacally as Gajeel and Natsu are stunned. There is smoke covering the area where Spike stood.

"You.., BASTARD!" Natsu angrily remarks at Laxus. Natsu's body is engulfed in flames as he becomes teary. He turns to Laxus.

Gajeel just stood there watching. In an instant, he saw the last dragon getting wiped out. "You've just made a grave mistake!" Gajeel said lividly. He's going to use his emotions to take down Laxus. He turns to Laxus.

"Now, it's only you two that remains," Laxus claims as he chuckles. "That right there was a prime example of what happens when you get in my way," Laxus laughs more but, he stops. "Impossible!"

Natsu and Gajeel turn to see a sparkling green flaming shield in front of Spike as the smoke clears. They are stunned once more. Spike is unharmed. The lightning from Laxus attack vanished. He still has his eyes shut until he opens them.

"Spike!" Natsu and Gajeel call out.

Spike is in shock. His eyes widen. "Did I just summoned a shield?" The sparkling green flaming shield is now gone. He can't believe what he pulled.

Gajeel and Natsu nod. "Let's do this!" They said in unison, charging at Laxus. Gajeel, Natsu, and Laxus are fighting hand-to-hand. Laxus electrocutes Natsu, sending him hurling back. Gajeel catches Natsu.

"Use your breath."

"Fire Dragon Roar!" The impact of Natsu's breath attack hits Gajeel.

"Iron Dragon Club!" His arm extends with the fire to hit Laxus but, he dodges out of the way. "Iron Dragon Sword!" Gajeel's leg turns into a sword to slash at Laxus but misses in mid-air. Laxus unleashes a fury of lightning balls at Gajeel but, Spike's new flaming shield blocked it.

"Damn you for interfering!" Claimed Laxus.

Natsu jumps behind Laxus. "Fire Dragon Brilliant Flame!" His attack knocks Laxus mid-air.

"Iron Dragon Lance! Demon Log!" Gajeel's arm turns into a large spearhead, from which a large number of steel spears are fired at Laxus when he fell.

"Come over here, Spike. We need a little boost!" Natsu encourages. Spike nods and stands between Natsu and Gajeel.

"Fire Dragon!" Natsu powers up his fire breath.

"Iron Dragon!" Gajeel powers up his iron breath.

"Fairy Dragon!" Spike conjures his power for a breath of his own. He tried it one time during a belching contest with other teenage dragons. Normally it was small breaths for sending letters to Princess Celestia. However, being in this world, it could be much bigger than he anticipates it.

"ROAR!" All three said in unison, unleashing their breath. A blend of fire, sparkle flames, and iron mash together into an ultimate breath attack hits Laxus dead on. Lots of smoke is in the air from the attack.

"Don't tell me that's the best you three can come up with?" Laxus stands there after the smoke clears. "Neither of you deserve the title of Dragon Slayer. As for you, Fairy Dragon. Prepared to be slain today."

"What the heck? He doesn't even have a scratch on him," Said Natsu.

"But how? I don't get it. I know he's strong and all, but we whipped out a ton of dragon-slaying magic on him," Said Gajeel. "How's he still standing?"

"Slain? What you mean by that?" Asked Spike.

Laxus is smiling as he powers up. "I'll let you guys know in on a little secret. I haven't told anyone about this cause I really hate the old man's lectures. But I guess I can trust the three of you," Laxus starts growing fangs, his eye pupils disappear, his body starts bulking up as his shirt rips apart, and his arms become scaly. He roars as lightning bursts.

"You gotta be kidding me?" Said Natsu in disbelief. "He's a dragon slayer too!"

"Oh, no way," Said Gajeel.

"This can't be good," Said Spike.

"Lightning Dragon Roar!" Laxus unleashes his lightning breath. The shockwave of his lightning roar is so strong it causes the floor to crack. Spike conjures his shield. On impact, the shield shatters. Gajeel and Natsu are on the floor with lightning flowing on them. Spike is standing unfazed by the attack. "Figures the wannabe dragon slayers have fallen. You," Laxus points at Spike. "I will slay you and become the true Dragon Slayer."

"Ain't gonna happen," Said Natsu, unable to get up.

"You won't be slaying any dragon today," Said Gajeel, unable to get up.

"Damn, you're still alive. I was sure that would have finished you off."

"You want to finish them," Spike walks past the two. "You're gonna have to get through me," Spike points at himself to make a claim. Laxus laughs.

"Spike, no!" Said Natsu.

"Get away from him!" Gajeel urges.

"A baby dragon versus a Lightning Dragon Slayer? Gee, I wonder who would win?" Laxus mocks Spike. He then powers up once more. "Let's see if you can handle this!" A wave of powerful magic amplifies the area in the Kardia Cathedral. Natsu and Gajeel get scared with the magic surrounding Laxus.

"So much magic energy. Where is it coming from? Said Gajeel.

"This feels familiar. Like one of Gramps's spells."

"This guy is insane. He's trying to cast Makarov's ultimate judgment spell. It'll target anyone the caster sees as their enemy."

"Spike! Run while you can! He's going to unleash Fairy Law!" Natsu yells, warning Spike.

Spike closes his eyes and steadies himself to embrace anything Laxus throws at him. Laxus positions himself as a powerful magical bright orb forms in between his hands. It continues to grow more powerful by the second.

"SPIKE! GET OUT! RIGHT NOW!!!" Natsu pleads for Spike to leave but, he ignores.

"Laxus! Stop!" Levy shouts from the entrance of the church.

"Levy?" Said Natsu.

"You idiot? Now you've endangered yourself!" Said Gajeel.

"You gotta see the Master. He doesn't have much time!" Levy said as Laxus continues to powerup Fairy Law. "Master Makarov. I mean your grandfather, is close to death," Natsu's eyes widen with horror from the news as well as Gajeel. Laxus eyes return to normal after hearing that. "Stop this now. Go see him one last time, please hurry before it's too late."

"No.., it can't be. Master is going to die?" Natsu couldn't believe it. He refuses to believe it.

Spike becomes distraught hearing what Levy said. He turns his attention back to Laxus to see his reaction.

Laxus starts to lose himself after hearing those words but, he couldn't help but engage with the possibility of taking over the Fairy Tail Guild. "This is working out perfectly for me. Now that the old man is at death's door, I have even a better chance of becoming Fairy Tail's new master."

"Damn you," Said Gajeel.

"This will be a dawn of a new era of Fairy Tail," Laxus continues to powerup Fairy Law. "I'll rebuild everything from the ground up. I'll form the ultimate guild! One so powerful, all will tremble in our name!"

Levy falls to her knees. "No, Laxus."

"You can't do this! Don't you even care about gramps at all?" Said Natsu in despair.

"Fairy Law!" Laxus invokes Fairy Law. A bright light of power flashes throughout the entire church. He laughs. "I finally surpass the old man."

"Think again," Spike claims, still standing where he was. Unharmed and unfazed.

"What?!" Laxus looks and sees Natsu, Gajeel, and Levy coughing and panting. Now Laxus is stunned in disbelief. His spell failed. He turns to Spike. "How did a runt like you dispel Fairy Law?! I put so much magic energy into that spell."

"The other guild members and citizens of Magnolia remain unharmed," Said Freed, informing Laxus by the front door of the church.


"Looks like your spell didn't work."

"All thanks to that runt there," Laxus points at Spike.

"No, it wasn't because of the baby dragon. Your feelings had betrayed you, Laxus," Laxus looks at Freed angrily and disbelief into a word he says. "Not only you inherited Makarov's strength, but you also inherit his heart. Whether you admit it or not, it's evident you care for your comrades. Including the baby dragon bearing our emblem's mark on his chest. The Fairy Law spell only affects those that the caster sees as their enemies. Since no one is hurt, we know how you truly feel."

"His magic concedes to his heart, and that's why we're still here," Said Levy.

"You can try to hide your feelings, Laxus. But your magic will always reveal the truth in your heart."

"No, that's ridiculous. The truth is, anyone who ever dares to stand in my way is my enemy!" Laxus denies the truth to himself and believes in it.

"This has gone long enough. You need to go see the master before he is gone."

Laxus starts powering up once more. "Let the old man die for all I care! He's nothing to me! He may be family, but I'm stronger!" Laxus' lightning becomes erratic once more. Gajeel is protecting Levy. Spike puts a shield to defend himself from Laxus' uncontrolled lightning.

"Who do you think you are?!" Natsu calls out Laxus. "You're not stronger than Gramps! You can't even pull Fairy Law. You may be his grandson, but you're no better than the rest of us!" Natsu powers up. His body is covered in flames. "Don't you know blood types don't matter, cause everyone in the guild is considered to be family."

Laxus glares at Natsu. "That's just a lie. Blood types do matter!"

Natsu and Laxus start brawling. Their dragon slaying magic allows them to hover in the air. They burst through the ceiling, fighting in the air. Gajeel, Levy, Freed, and Spike go out and see the fight unfolding. The two are hitting each other blow after blow. Laxus continues to have the upper advantage in strength, knocking Natsu down as the townsfolk start gathering around to see the action.

"Why don't you just die?!" Laxus kicks Natsu hard that sends him back.

Natsu struggles to get up. "Why don't you just give up the fight? The guild doesn't belong to you. It never will!"

"Oh yeah?! Lightning Dragon Demolition Fist!" Laxus gathers a large amount of lightning around one of his fists then extends the fist forward in a punching motion. After the attack, Natsu is still going strong. He slams his fist and gets up. "That was your last mistake!" Laxus conjures another spell. "Now I'm going to obliterate you!"

"That spell, don't do it! That much magic energy will kill him!" Freed pleas.

"What?!" Levy and Spike shout in horror.

Laxus laughs maniacally, knowing he'd already won. "Lightning Dragon Heavenward Halberd!" Laxus raises both of his hands in the air at his sides and generates electricity. This is rapidly shaped into the form of a massive spear composed of lightning. He throws it at Natsu. The lightning intercedes with Gajeel's Iron Dragon Club. Gajeel takes the full attack of Laxus' Heavenward Halberd attack.

"No way! Gajeel just used himself as a lightning rod!" Said Spike.

Gajeel falls back after taking the blow, saving Natsu's life. "Get him!"

Natsu powers up again. "Damn, he's still alive?" Said Laxus.

Natsu reveals his Fire Dragon rage face. "Fire Dragon!" Natsu conjures more of his fire magic power. Laxus lunges at Natsu. "Iron Fist! Talon! Wing Attack! Sword Horn! Flame Elbow!" Left and right, Natsu is unleashing all of his power at Laxus. Each of Natsu's Dragon Slayer Spells cause Laxus to take heavy blows from exhaustion. "Flame Loaded Explosion Flame Blade!" Natsu circularly swipes his arms, creating a powerful, and highly destructive, torrent of flames that takes down Laxus in the process.

"He did it. He beat Laxus," Said Freed.

Natsu victoriously roars with pride. You can hear the dragon's roar in him as well.

"Wow. What an adventure on my second day in this world," Said Spike. "I saw my soon to be best friend take down Laxus."

An hour later, everyone returns to the guildhall. Most of Fairy Tail is getting patched up after this afternoon's event. It is now 5:00 in the afternoon.

"Thanks to Porlyuscia's help, the Master is going to pull just fine," Said Erza, announcing the condition of Master Makarov to everyone in Fairy Tail. Everyone cheers loudly.

"Whoa, so you're a Maker Magic Dragon?" Asked Lucy after hearing what Spike did.

"Yeah," Spike nods. "I covered myself and, a sparkling flaming green shield spawns in front of me. I blocked one of Laxus' attacks. He was livid when he saw I survived unharmed."

"So, what kind of Maker Magic would you call it?" Asked Gray, patting Spike's head.

"I don't know what to call it. I guess it'll be Energy Making Magic? I'll work on the name and focus on it later. I also used my dragon breath attack with Natsu and Gajeel. I would say that was a highlighted moment of my life. I also got to see Mystogan in action."

"What?" Gray replies.

"Lucky," Said Lucy.

"Hey, you saw what he looked like?" Asked Elfman, hearing the conversation.

"I did. Actually, I know what he looks like, but that's a conversation for a different day."

"Fair enough. You're a man now, Spike! You stood up to Laxus and honored your promise as well."

"Thanks, though I am just a young dragon at best."

Erza warns everyone to be on their best behavior, especially with Makarov's health. Discussions are brewing about the Fantasia Parade. Lucy was a bit concern with all that has happened. Mirajane tells Lucy that the Master wants to go onward with the parade. It's his idea to cheer everyone up after today's actions. As the conversations of the Fantasia Parade brew, Laxus walks inside the guildhall. All bandaged up from the war he lost.

"Laxus?" Said Macao.

"What do you want?" Asked Wakaba.

Everyone in the guildhall looks at Laxus. Anger and disappointment fill the air.

"Where's the old man?" Asked Laxus.

"We ain't telling," Said Jet.

"You think you can just barge in here and ask to see the master?" Asked Droy angrily.

Everyone complains a bit and argues until Erza shuts them up. Erza tells Laxus that the Master is in the infirmary. Laxus makes his way to the infirmary. Everyone except Spike looks at him with emotions flooded in their heads. For some reason, Spike sees Laxus as a changed person. Laxus waves his hand as he enters the infirmary. Showing a sign that he's a changed person. Natsu sees it now, some of the others as well.

"Show's over. Let's get ready for the Fantasia Parade!" Said Erza, rallying everyone up. Everyone cheers and starts planning for the parade.

Master Makarov is in bed staring at the ceiling. Laxus is standing by, looking away a bit.

"They're a rowdy bunch, aren't they?" Laxus claims calmly.

Makarov sits up. "Laxus, I don't think you understand the seriousness of what you have done," Laxus looks away from his grandfather. "Look me in the eyes, young man," Laxus turns to Makarov. "Fairy Tail is a place where friends can gather, wizards can find work, and children who have no kin to call their own can feel that they're part of a family. It's not something that can be owned. It's important. That each member not only be loyal but also trustworthy. Otherwise, no bonds will be formed, and the entire guild will eventually fall apart. Your actions have proven you lacked both of those qualities. And, you threatened the lives of your comrades. That's unforgivable."

Laxus takes it all in. His actions, his belief in what was right is wrong. All wrong now. He now feels remorseful of what he did. "I'm sorry, sir. Honestly, I never meant to hurt the guild," Laxus walks up to his grandpa a bit. "I just wanted to make it stronger."

"I swear, you're just as strong as I am. You'd better try to relax or, you'll end up here with me. Take some time to smell the roses. If you do, you'll be able to see things as you couldn't see before. And, you'll hear things that you have never been able to hear. Life can be fun if you allow it to be," Laxus looks down sadly a bit. "Over the years, I have watched you grow into the man you are today. Where did we go wrong? What lesson did you not learn? But the past is the past," Makarov looks down. "I am only left with one choice," Laxus sniffs a bit. Knowing what his grandpa is about to say. "Laxus, you are hereby expelled from Fairy Tail."

"I understand. Thanks for everything," Laxus turns and about to exit the room. He smiles. "Grandpa," Makarov turns and holds back his tears. Sniffing as it's painful to see his grandson walking away. "You take care of yourself, okay old man?"

"Please, just go," Tears stream down on Makarov's face. He wants to cry but withholds it.

Laxus leaves the infirmary. Two hours later.

"Noooooo! You must be joking? Why would he kick you out and not the rest of us?" Evergreen complains.

"Yea, I mean, we're just as guilty as you are," Said Bickslow. "Just as guilty. Just as guilty," Floating Tikis repeat what Bicklsow said.

"Guess the old man doesn't see it that way," Said Laxus.

"Well if you're leaving the guild, I'm leaving too," Said Evergreen.

"Why should we stick around if you're not going to be here?" Said Bickslow.

"You guys can be such a pain in the neck. Can't you say goodbye and be done with it?" Said Laxus.

"I don't understand. We're at fault too. So why are you taking all the blame?" Asked Freed.

"You've got it all wrong, my friends. You can say whatever you want, but I know you guys are much more attached to the guild than I could ever be."

"If we talk to the Master, maybe we can change his mind," Said Evergreen, trying to persuade a way for Laxus to rejoin the guild.

"Yea, Natsu, and Gray respect you. They'll probably go with us," Said Bickslow. "He loves those guys, I'm sure he'll listen to them."

Laxus smiles graciously at his friends for their kind gesture. They see that there is no persuading him. The decision is final.

"Are you really leaving?" Asked Freed, not wanting to see his friend leave.

"Take care of yourselves," Laxus starts walking away from his friends with his belongings.

"Laxus, wait!" Evergreen shouts.

"Hey, you can't leave us behind! What will happen to the Thunder Legion?" Said Bickslow, not wanting to see his friend go. "Man, I can't believe this!" Evergreen starts to cry a bit.

Freed smiles. "I'm sure we'll meet again, Laxus." Freed thought to himself.

It is now 8:30 at night. The Fantasia Parade is starting. The streets are crowded with people as most of Fairy Tail is participating in the parade. The streets of Magnolia is more beautiful than the Crystal Empire during the Crystal Faire. Spike is not participating in the parade. He wanted to see it himself then come up with an idea for next year's parade. Due to Spike's height, he is unable to see the parade properly. He is unable to get through the crowds to see first hand.

"Need some assistance?" Said Laxus. He picks Spike up and places him on his shoulder so he can see the Fantasia Parade better.

"Thanks, Laxus. Wow, the Fantasia Parade is beautiful. The floats, colors, fireworks. All of it is amazing."

"Sure is, Spike."

"Hey, I heard what happened. Sorry, you got kicked out of the guild."

"I'm the one who should be apologizing to you. Sorry for how I nearly got you killed and treated you poorly. No excuse on my end."

Spike takes a deep breath. "Apologies accepted. So, were you once part of the Fantasia Parade?"

Laxus looks down a bit. "I was until I changed for the worse."

"But, you are renewed."

"Huh?" Laxus perks up in confusion.

"You're different. I've seen a change unfolding from those who've committed serious crimes against all. You're on your way towards redemption."

"Name someone you've seen change after they did something horribly."

"My friend, Discord. The Lord of Chaos."

"You are friends with a Chaos God?" Laxus asked. He's confused about how a God be friends with a dragon.

"Before Discord reformed, he took over Equestria. Equestria was my homeworld. Discord uses his chaos magic to alter reality. He did it twice actually. Also, he helped a Tyrant named Tirek. Nearly ending all life as we know. After seeking redemption, he turned around. He's the one that granted my wish. I wished to be in a place where friendships are like family. To grow, go on adventures, laugh, and do other things that life has to offer. There's more to it than pain and suffering. I hope you find the spark that'll lead you back to Fairy Tail."

"Thank you," Laxus sees an opening for Spike to get to. "Hey, Spike. You see that opening?" Laxus points at it.


"Go to it, you'll see the Fantasia Parade better. I have to get going soon."

"Thanks for the heads up. I hope we'd meet again."

Laxus looks around. "Here," Laxus gives Spike a calling card. "Whenever you need me, I'll be there."

"Thanks, Laxus," Spike smiles at his kind gesture.

"One more thing you can do for me?"

"What is it?" Asked Spike.

"Look after the Thunder Legion for me from time to time. Those guys can be a pain in the neck at times."

"Can do," Spike salutes. He then goes to the opening where Laxus pointed to.

Just as Laxus is about to leave, the crowd starts mentioning Master Makarov on the float. Laxus is reminded of the first Fantasia parade he participated in while his grandfather watched. Laxus made up a sign to use during the parade so Makarov would know that even if Laxus couldn't see him, he was looking for him. All of a sudden, Makarov and the entire guild started using his sign. Spike does it too after looking at what his friends are doing. Sticking his index finger high towards the sky with the thumb out.

"Grandpa," Laxus starts crying in sadness and happiness.

"I may not be able to see you. There may be hundreds of miles between us, but I always be looking your way. I'll be watching over you forever. I promise," Said Makarov, telepathically for Laxus to hear.

"I know," Laxus leaves the crowd and Fantasia Parade. "Thank you, Grandpa."

"The party is only getting started!" Natsu chuckles. "I'm all fired up now!"

"Aye aye, sir!" Said Happy cheerfully.

"Hey, Spike! Come on up!" Natsu shouts, seeing Spike in the crowds.

Spike looks at Natsu. Lucy, Gray, Juvia, Cana, Happy, Mirajane, Makarov, and all the other members of Fairy Tail are trying to inspire Spike to come on board. Spike reluctantly agrees and gets on a float. Everyone is amazed to see a baby dragon and cheers. Spike waves to the townspeople of Magnolia and every one of Fiore that came to see the Fantasia Parade.

"Okay, guys! Who's proud to be a member of Fairy Tail!" Said Natsu as everyone cheers loudly.

As the Fantasia Parade continues, Spike looks up at the sky. "Thanks Discord for granting my wish. Everyone here in Fairy Tail is cool. I embarked on my first adventure and it went well. I made new friends and enjoying the time of my life. I will never forget you, Thank you."

Author's Note:

I hope you all enjoy the fifth chapter of the story. Thank you for being patient. Let me know what you think.

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