• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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"Oooooooh, what happened?" Spike wakes up and looks around. "Acnologia," Spike groans and gets up. "Damn, he kicked my ass badly," Spike moves and remembers that his body is in a lot of pain thanks to Acnologia. "Hello! Anyone nearby! Hello!" Spike shouts and hears no one. "Great, I better start walking," Spike limps into Tenrou Island, looking for his friends.

Spike walks in the forest and trips on a twig. He falls, hitting the ground hard. Spike clutches his sides as it hurts him the most. Spike hears movement coming closer.

"Hello?" Spike looks up.

"Spike," Wendy sniffs and hugs him. "I'm so glad I found you! I woke up, and I was all alone! I don't know where anyone is!"

Spike hugs back. "It's okay. I'm pretty sure they're somewhere on the island."

Wendy uses her Sky Magic to heal Spike. Spike feels better as his injuries wear off. Spike takes a deep breath in satisfaction. Wendy feels a bit weak after doing that.

"Oh Wendy, you didn't have to use your remaining magic on me," Spike helps Wendy up.

"After your heroics for facing Acnologia, sacrificing yourself for us, how can I not?" Wendy slightly chuckles.

"Fair enough, let's start looking for our friends."

Spike and Wendy walk deeper in Tenrou Island; they found Carla and Lucy on the ground.

"Lucy, are you okay?" Spike asks.

"Carla? Please tell me you're okay," Wendy asks.

Lucy and Carla wake up to see Spike and Wendy.

"Spike," Lucy smiles. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm good, thanks to Wendy," Spike helps Lucy up.

"Wendy," Carla smiles.

"Carla," Wendy picks up Carla and holds her.

"Our friends are somewhere on the island. We gotta keep searching."

"Understood, Spike," Said Lucy.

Spike, Lucy, Carla, and Wendy walk around in search of their friends. The four hears rustling by the bushes and decide to check it out. They see a group of people looking down at a ditch.

"Not good," Said Lucy.

"I may not have magic power but, I can still throw down. I'll go and distract the group."

"Understood, Spike. Please be careful," Said Wendy.

"I will," Spike flaps his wings and tackles the big guy in front.

"Aaaaah! I'm being attacked by!" He looks at Spike. "Sp-Sp-Spike!" The big guy is in tears.

"Whoa, you sound like," Spike's eyes widen.

"It's me, Droy!" Droy said in tears, hugging Spike tightly. "I missed you so much!"

"Too tight! Too tight!" Spike is getting squeezed.

"Whoa, he grew wings," Jet said.

"Whoa, it's Jet," Lucy, Carla, and Wendy come out of hiding.

"Alzack and Bisca look different too," Wendy said.

"They all do! What's going on?" Carla is confused. She sees her friends completely different.

"Wendy, Carla, Lucy!" Everyone shouts and greets their friends.

Droy lets go of Spike, allowing him to breathe. Natsu starts waking up and sees Spike and Droy.

"Hey, Spike. Who's the fat guy?" Natsu asks and sees Droy crying.


"Droy? Man, why do you look so different?! As a matter of fact, why do you all look different?" Natsu looks at the rest of his friends as they all look different.

Jet, Droy, Bisca, Alzack, Max, and Warren sees their friends for the first time in a long time. They come rushing down to meet with everyone.

"Is it morning already?" Happy asks. "Can I have some fish for breakfast?"

"Happy!" Bisca and Alack are glad to see Happy.

"What's going on? Acnologia just attacked us, but now, I'm so confused!"

"I have no clue, Natsu," Spike said. "I think we survived his attack."

"Wait, where's everybody else?" Natsu asks.

"We're coming, Natsu," Lucy said while she, Wendy, and Carla swoop down to meet up with their friends.

"They're over here," A girlish voice says. Everyone turns their attention to her. She smiles at them. She's wearing a long dress, barefooted, and has long blond hair. She looks younger as well.

"Who are you?" Spike, Natsu, and Happy ask.

"Don't worry. I mean you no harm. I'm the Fairy Tail Guild's, First Master. My name is Mavis Vermillion."

"What?!" Everyone shouts in shock.

Mavis Vermillion leads everyone else to the rest of their friends. Everyone unites with their comrades, cried is tears of joy while everyone is confused. Erza and Makarov couldn't believe how different Max, Warren, Droy, Jet, Bisca, and Alzack look. Mavis Vermillion explains when Acnologia attacked, she was able to convert the bonds of trust and friendship between the guildmates into pure magic power. The bonds were so strong that Fairy Sphere was activated. One of the Three Grand Fairy Spells. An absolute defense spell capable of protecting the guild of all manner of evil. Those inside the impenetrable sphere were in a suspended state for seven years. Mavis tells everyone that the year is 791.

Master Makarov is happy to know that he and his children were saved by Fairy Tail's First Master. Mavis explains that she used her remaining energy to convert all of Fairy Tail's love for each other into magic power.

"Now, Back to Fairy Tail!" Makarov decrees. Everyone cheers loudly.

"Follow us to our ship, and we'll get sailing," Said Bisca.

Everyone follows Bisca and Alzack to the Fairy Tail ship and leaves Tenrou Island. Spike is looking into the seas where Ternou Island is and rethinks about his encounter with Acnologia. He closes his eyes and remembers how badly he beat him. Wendy looks at Spike and knows something is bothering him. She walks up to him.

"Everything alright, Spike?"

"I got my ass handled by Acnologia. The way he moved, his power. He was overwhelmingly powerful. I wasn't sure if I can pull off what I did with Hades, consuming his magic into my own. I know I promised, but I wasn't sure what the aftermath would feel or what Acnologia's power can do to me. Corrupt me even more?" Spike sighs. "I wasn't strong enough, and it was due to bad timing as well."

"Well, Natsu, Gajeel, and I couldn't bring down Acnologia, and we're Dragon Slayers. There's no need to fret. We'll get stronger together, and the next time Acnologia comes, we'll be ready."

Spike smiles a little. "Thanks, Wendy. I needed to hear that."

"Anything for you, silly," Wendy kisses Spike's cheeks. Spike blushes and remembers that he and Wendy confessed their love for each other.

17 hours later. It's the dawn of a new day. Everyone from Tenrou Island arrives in Magnolia. They see a guild running amuck at their supposed guildhall. Natsu, Erza, Gray, Gajeel, and Makarov take down the remaining members of the guild messing with Fairy Tail.

"Look who's back," Said Natsu.

"Sorry for keeping you guys waiting for so long," Happy said.

Romeo is older, Macao and Wakaba are in shock to see their friends looking the same as they were seven years ago. Everyone else in the guildhall is so happy and cries in tears of joy. Makarov explains everything in full detail about what happened on Tenrou Island. Everyone was shocked to hear that Spike fought Acnologia. Romeo, for the first time in seven years, smiles and welcomes everyone back.

After the explanation, everyone parties like no tomorrow. Spike finds a piano and plays the Faries Flow in You song. Seven long years of depression disappear throughout the day.

Spike is sitting alone as the thoughts of Tenrou island still gets to him. Fairy Demon Dragon mode, Master Hades, scaring his friends half to death cause of his decision. Wendy and Romeo approach Spike.

"Something wrong, dude?" Romeo asks.

"Just reflecting Tenrou Island."

"Is it Acnologia again?" Wendy asks.

"No. It's when we fought Hades. I saw you and our friends get tossed around like nothing. I was beaten badly by Hades, and he kept on going. Then, I turned into the Fairy Demon Dragon. To be honest, I still feel bits and parts of Fairy Demon Dragon. I don't know why I feel it. I puke out the dark energy. Either than that, what we went through on Tenrou Island, the battles I fought in. It makes me think just how powerful other foes can be. After I'm settled and get the feeling of Fairy Demon Dragon out of me, I'm going to train harder physically and mentally."

"Hey, we should join as well," Said Wendy.

"Yea, I couldn't cause I was younger. Now though, I can pull my punches with my fire magic."

"Sounds good. I would like that. We can also go camping as well as training. So it'll be both fun and adventurous."

"Now, you're talking," Romeo said. "Let me know when and we'll start planning. The future of the guild will be brighter," Romeo looks at Wendy.

"Yea. We're the future of the guild, so we should stick together," Said Wendy.

"Agreed," Spike kisses Wendy's face.

"Uh, since when you started kissing, Spike?" Romeo is confused with Spike kissing Wendy.

"Back at Tenrou Island, Wendy and I confessed our love to each other."

"Say what," Romeo turns pale and knows his chance with Wendy is already over.

"Yea, everyone saw and were in awe. Spike even said, 'That's my Wendy!' when he thought Master Hades killed me."

Spike blushes while remembering what he said during the fight against Master Hades.

"Congrats," Romeo said. "Curse that dragon. Now I have to start looking for another one around my age."

The doors of the guildhall open; Lamia Scale walks in after finding out that Tenrou Island not only reappeared but, everyone survived the Acnologia attack. Max Alors let everyone know that Lamia Scale and Blue Pegasus helped searched for Tenrou Island longer than any other guild.

"Hey, thanks for searching for Tenrou Island all these years and keeping the Fairy Tail guild hopeful," Spike flies up to Lamia Scale.

"Wow, seven years ago, when we last saw you, you didn't have wings. How did you grow them, Spike?" Jura asks.

"I went through an uncomfortable transformation. After a while, I turned into stone and broke free with these wings."

"Interesting. So, what did Acnologia looked like?"

"Black and blue. Huge and terrifying. I fought Acnologia one-on-one."

"No way," Lyon is in shock. "You fought Acnologia one-on-one?"

"Yes," Spike nods. "He kicked my ass badly. Though, I was stalling for time. To allow my friends to get to safety. My friends came and, help fight off Acnologia. He's too powerful."

"Wow," Sherry is in shock. "I'm glad we don't have to fight him."

"Trust me; you don't. It's like asking for a death wish," Spike said.

"Well, we're glad you're all home safely," Said Jura. "If you excuse me, Spike. I need to speak with Makarov."

"Understood, Jura," Spike watches Jura walk to Master Makarov. "Hey, Lucy," Spike flies up to Lucy.

"What's up, Spike?"

"I'm gonna head to the apartment. I can use a good nap."

"Sounds good. I'll come with you."

Lucy and Spike said their byes and leaves the guildhall. The people in Magnolia are surprised to see Spike and Lucy look exactly the same seven years ago. People that didn't believe that Spike the Fairy was the last young dragon in all of Earth Land now see that the rumors were true and take pictures of him to boast to their friends. Lucy and Spike enter the apartment and sees the Landlady standing by the stairs.

"Crap, it's the Landlady," Said Lucy.

"Hey, nice to see you," Said Spike.

"I heard you were back, Ms.Heartfillia. I hope you and your pocket are in good health cause you owe me seven years' rent. 5,888,000 Jewels."

"Hey, I can pay off some of that rent if I can grab my briefcase of winnings," Said Spike.

"I already took it," The Landlady said.

"What!" Spike angrily said as his left eye turns white while his voice sounds deeper. This freaks out the Landlady and Lucy. "You took my money without my CONSENT!" Spike increases his size in anger. Half of his body has turned into dark purple.

"I'm sorry! For my arrogance of taking what isn't mine, I'm giving you and Ms.Lucy the first few months without rent. You'll pay me when you have the money in full after six months!" The Landlady is afraid of getting eaten.

"Spike! Calm down! Calm down!" Lucy waving her hands in front of Spike.

Spike takes a deep breath and reverts to his size. His eye is back to normal. "I'm sorry, I'm just tired and been through a lot. I fought someone that used dark energy and I consumed it to take that madman down, Landlady. The side effects of doing so are still in me. I thought I flushed it out. Guess I was wrong."

"Well, it was my fault for rummaging in yours and Lucy's belongings. Truth be told, if it weren't for your winnings, I wouldn't be able to hold the apartment for much longer. I didn't mean to make you upset. There is mail for you, Ms.Heartfilia."

"There is?" Lucy asks.

"Yes. On the table upstairs. Your room is fine as you left it. I cleaned it every week until your return. As for you, Spike. I'm sorry for taking your winnings."

"It's alright. It was the side effects that triggered my anger. I'm sorry for scaring you like that."

"Apologies accepted. Now get some rest and flush out the rest of that bad mojo. It isn't healthy for a dragon like you."

"I will," Spike and Lucy walk up the apartment and enter their home. Spike gets in bed "Aaaaaah, much better."

Lucy looks at her mail and sees many letters from her father. She starts reading them to herself while Spike falls asleep. The Landlady answers the door to see the mailman giving her another letter and package for Lucy Heartfilla with seven years worth of rent money. Lucy is now up to date with rent. The Landlady walks up the stairs and knocks on the door. Lucy answers and sees the Landlady hand her today's mail. Lucy reads the final letter from her father which had explicit details of his illness. The letter reveals the location where he's buried. Natsu and Happy come inside and knock on the door. They wanted to see if Spike and Lucy will join them on the next job. Lucy said she'll go but, she points out that Spike is sleeping and still having side effects from consuming Hades' dark energy. Natsu and Happy nod in understanding and leaves with Lucy on their next adventure.

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