• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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School of Friendship Week Four: Class Approval, New Instructor

It's Monday at 1:45 in the afternoon. Starlight had a quick meal and trot to her office, knowing that Twilight will be waiting for her. She's happy to hear from the Young Six that Neighsay has improved so much in a short amount of time. As Starlight arrives at the front door, Twilight and Cozy Glow greet her.

"Hey, Headmare Glimmer, had a good lunch?" Cozy asks.

"I did."

"So, Headmare Glimmer. Have you decided who'll be teaching the important values of the Elements of Harmony?" Twilight asks.

"I have. After a lot of thinking and consideration, I have selected you and your friends to teach the class," Starlight said formally.

"Yes!" Twilight and Cozy cheers and celebrates.

"However," Twilight and Cozy stop celebrating. "You are still students of the school and have not graduated. Therefore, you'll be teaching Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays."

"There's no class on Saturdays, Headmare Glimmer," Cozy said.

"There will be for two hours to learn about the core values and representation of the Elements of Harmony. From 1:00-3:00 in the afternoon on Saturdays only. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, the class will be 70 minutes long. It's only for those who want to learn about the Elements of Harmony. No bribing, manipulation, and swindling. Students must go to the class on their accord. Do you understand?"

"Y-Yes, Headmare Glimmer," Twilight becomes ecstatic.

"I suggest you get something to eat before your next class, Twilight. Thursday, you'll start teaching the core values of the Elements of Harmony. Discord will create a classroom that'll meet your and your friends' requirements to make it more comfortable for them to teach. You and your friends will rotate on teaching the Elements. Think you can handle that?"

"Yes, Headmare Glimmer. You won't regret this," Twilight bows in respect for Starlight's grace. She leaves, and Cozy follows her.

Starlight turns to look out the window. Starlight looks at the sky. "Please, in Celestia's name, don't let this class drawback and things get worse." Scootaloo knocks on Starlight's door. "It's open," Starlight turns around to see Scootaloo walking in with some pony.

"Hello, Headmare Glimmer. I need some assistance," Professor Fossil walks in.

"Sure, what is it?" Starlight said.

"It's about Rockhoof. I can't use his talents with my team for finding lost treasures and artifacts. He doesn't work well with what we're trying to accomplish. I was hoping if you can find any use for him."

"I'll see what I can do for Rockhoof."

"Thank, Celestia. I was afraid that the poor stallion would run amuck and destroy what we're trying to preserve for generations to come."

"Understood. I'll go have a conversation with Rockhoof and take it from there," Starlight smiles.

"Thank you! Thank you," Professor Fossil leaves the office. "I'll tell Rockhoof to come into your office."

"Of course," Starlight waits for a few moments. Then she hears Rockroof walking inside the office. "Rockhoof, how are you doing?"

"Fine, I guess. Kinda miss being in me homeland. With ponies left and right, pillaging to store my home as a museum of some sort," Rockhoof sighs. "I'm having trouble finding my place in this new world. Think you can help me, lass?"

"Of course I will. I'll help you fit in the world we live in today," Starlight thinks what Rockhoof can do in the modern world. "You know, we don't have a historian teacher that can help students find inner strength. I believe you can be the School of Friendship's newest teacher."

"Really, lass? Me a teacher?"

"Why not? Perhaps the students would be interested in hearing stories of back in the days."

"Hmm, I'll give it a shot, lassie," Rockhoof thinks and remembers a lot of the good ole days. The time he saved his village from the volcanic lava and fighting the Ursa Major.

"As for where you'll be teaching, I think you'll have a fun time being outside. We don't have a class suited for the outdoors. Plus, I think it'll be something new and innovating for the students."

"Also, where can I stay and sleep if I'll be teaching?" Rockhoof asks.

"At the Castle of Friendship. Several teachers of the school reside there. There'll be a room for you there, and Discord can help make the room feel more at home for you."

Rockhoof gasps and remembers how his room used to be back home. "Home..," Rockhoof shakes Starlight's hoof. "Thank you. I cannot wait to teach the students of this fine school."

"You'll start on Wednesday. Take the time to think about what you want to teach your students. Also, I'll give you the grand tour of the School of Friendship."

"Thank you, lass. This means a lot to me."

"You're welcome," Starlight smiles. "For the rest of the day, I want you to partake in a few classes so you have an understanding of how you'll be teaching."

"Sounds good. Mind showing me which class to go to, lassie?"

"Of course. I'll take you to Trixie's class."

The school bell rings as lunch comes to an end. Starlight escorts Rockhoof into Trixie's class. As Trixie's class goes underway, Rockhoof sees how creative Trixie teaches. The students in the class are working together on a group assignment. Rockhoof sees the passion of every creature working together. He gets some ideas of teaching the students that you can overcome any challenge when you believe in yourself and to never give up. Also, he's thinking about telling tales to inspire students. An hour later, class is dismissed. Rockhoof meets Discord, the Lord of Chaos.

"Hello, potential new teacher."

"Aye, hello, Discord."

"So, Headmare Glimmer told me that you'll be our newest teacher. So, I arranged your quarters for teaching outside of the school."

"Aye, and I can show the students the stars and constellations at night. I decided to have some of my classes take place during the night to get more of a field to my stories. If, Headmare Glimmer approves."

"I'm sure she will. She's allowing a Princess to teach the values of the Elements of Harmony."

"How interesting, Discord. Also, I'll be living at the Castle of Friendship. Think you can make my room a bit like home?"

"Sure, thing. I'll do just that," Discord (clone) snaps his claw. "Done."

"That's it? A snap and it's done?" Rockhoof is confused.

"When you get to your room, you'll see how homey it is for you," Discord (clone) replies.

"Alright, then. I better start practicing since I start my next chapter in life on Wednesday."

"And, I'll wish you luck," Discord (clone) watches Rockhoof trot down the main hallway interacting with several students. "This day gets better and better. All I can hope for is Luna and Celestia keeping their mouths shut," Discord (clone) walks the other way as he sees Spike (Discord). He's going to teleport Spike (Discord) back to the Crystal Empire.

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